steer是什么意思 steer的中文翻译、读音、例句


steer是什么意思 steer的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:v. 驾驶,掌舵;引导,指引;n. (牛)公牛;(汽车)转向器



1. steer clear of something/someone:避开某事/某人

2. steer a course:指引路线

3. steer someone in the right/wrong direction:引导某人往正确/错误的方向走

4. steer the conversation/ discussion towards something:引导谈话/讨论朝某个方向进行

5. steer a ship/plane/car:驾驶船只/飞机/汽车


1. be at the helm of something:执掌某事

2. steer somebody's way:给某人指路

3. steer a middle course:采取折中方案



1. He steered the car through the winding mountain roads. 他驾驶汽车穿过蜿蜒的山路。

2. The coach tried to steer the team towards victory. 教练努力引导队伍赢得胜利。

3. She steered clear of him at the party. 她在派对上远离了他。

4. The ship's captain steered a course around the storm. 船长指引船绕过风暴。

5. He is at the helm of the company's finances. 他掌管公司的财务。

6. The taxi driver steered his way through the heavy traffic. 出租车司机在拥堵的交通中穿梭。

7. We need to steer a middle course between these two extremes. 我们需要采取折中的方案来应对这两个极端。

翻译:v. 驾驶,引导;n. 舵,方向盘



1. The captain used the wheel to steer the ship through the narrow channel. (船长利用舵轮引导船只走过狭窄的水道。)

2. She tried to steer the conversation away from her personal life. (她试图把话题引开,不谈她的私人生活。)

3. The government has tried to steer the country towards economic growth. (一直试图引导国家走向经济增长。)




例句:We steer clear of that street vendor selling "Meat Soup" and "Food Burritos." (我们会避开街头卖“肉汤”和“小脆饼”的小贩。)


例句:Left 10 degrees rudder. Steer course 265. (左转10度 航向265 Left 10 degrees rudder steady on course 265.)


例句:Communist agitators have tried hard to steer us into the red river. (Communist agitators have tried hard 党鼓动已努力 to steer us into the red river.)


例句:The point being, that even in the contest between man and steer the issue is not certain. (翻译:我想说的是,即使是牛与人的竞赛 结果也不是一定的)


steer一般作为名词、动词使用,如在steer by(绕过,躲过,避过…)、steer for(驶向,驶往,前往…)、steer into(驾驶(车、船)进入; 引(某人)进入; 说服…做…)等常见短语中出现较多。

steer by绕过,躲过,避过…
steer for驶向,驶往,前往…
steer into驾驶(车、船)进入; 引(某人)进入; 说服…做…
steer to驾(船)驶向…; 把…引向…
parallel steer平行转向
power steer[网络] 动力转向机;方向盘助力
reverse steer反转向特性
roll steer侧倾转向
shuffle steer[网络] 洗牌转向
skid steer滑移转向


1. Communist agitators have tried hard to steer us into the red river. (翻译:Communist agitators have tried hard 党鼓动已努力 to steer us into the red river.)

2. The point being, that even in the contest between man and steer the issue is not certain. (翻译:我想说的是,即使是牛与人的竞赛 结果也不是一定的)

3. I came to think of music and the stars as landmarks to steer by. (翻译:令人心驰神往 我一直认为音乐与繁星 是很有代表性的事物)

4. When we regain control, Paige, you steer us to the side of the road. (翻译:等我们重新控制住车 佩吉 When we regain control, Paige, 你就把车开到路旁 you steer us to the side of the road.)

5. Here is the chart of over 43 people helping to steer the robot that could not steer and get it on its way, from one corner from one corner of Washington Square Park to another. (翻译:这是一张图表,关于43人 帮助迷路的机器人找到方向 让机器人顺着路 华盛顿公园的一角到 另一角 )

6. She tried hard to steer me away from looking inside the company. (翻译:她拼命想转移我的注意力 不让我查探公司内部的事)

7. # Behind the pins you must steer... # (翻译:∮ Behind the pins you must steer... ∮ 拉, 拉! 给我看看那项链)

8. It would be our advice to steer clear until her firm establishes itself. (翻译:我们的建议是 在律所自己站住脚之前 您先不要拜访)

9. We can't pick the future, but we can steer the future. (翻译:我们不能选择未来,们可以掌握和操纵未来。)

10. Can we steer this riveting conversation back to what happened earlier in the evening? (翻译:我们能把现在的讨论 转移到昨晚早些时候发生的事上来吗? Can we steer this riveting conversation back to what happened earlier in the evening?)

11. The purpose of the stunning is merely to enable the roper to tie the steer's legs for a score. (翻译:击晕的目的仅仅是使参赛者能够绑住牛的腿以得分。)

12. What's the point of seeing when you can't steer anyway? (翻译:当你自己无法掌舵的时候 看见看不见又有什么区别?)

13. Sideslip, sharp steer and obit deviation are the often occurrence of accidents during this process. (翻译:在这一过程中所发生的侧滑、激转和轨道偏离常常是行车事故的主要原因。)

14. You allow them to steer towards the little stripe, and they'll just steer towards that stripe forever. (翻译:让它们导向到这个小条纹 它们会永远引向该带区)

15. You steer away from the pines! Aim for that! (翻译:远离松树 You steer away from the pines!)




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