helotries是什么意思 helotries的中文翻译、读音、例句


helotries是什么意思 helotries的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Become an elder brother, recently a lot of teddy boys (recently a lot of teddy boys)


例句:- He spent a lot of time with one interpreter. (He spent a lot of time with one interpreter.)


例句:I remember him saying to me that I was a lot stronger than he was. (我要比他坚强得多 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}that I was a lot stronger than he was.)


例句:He is getting a lot of work done. (翻译:他可是完成了不少工作 He is getting a lot of work done.)


1. I remember him saying to me that I was a lot stronger than he was. (翻译:我要比他坚强得多 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}that I was a lot stronger than he was.)

2. He is getting a lot of work done. (翻译:他可是完成了不少工作 He is getting a lot of work done.)

3. The free culture movement has had a lot of his energy. (翻译:he had a lot of this energy.)

4. DSV has own offices in more than 50 ries all over the world. (翻译:得斯威在全世界有超过50个国家拥有自己的公司和办事机构。)

5. He's into persian longhairs. (翻译:他买很多的蛋 He buys a lot of protein powder.)

6. Do a lot for the territory. (翻译:Do a lot for the territory.)

7. Kept a lot of what he did from the world council, (翻译:向世界联盟隐瞒了许多事 kept a lot of what he did from the World Council,)

8. Yeah, well, she was a lot of things. (翻译:she was a lot of things.)

9. Seeing as he used to spend a lot of time over there. (翻译:他过去常在那边待很长时间 Seeing as he used to spend a lot of time over there.)

10. He said he had a lot of nice things. (翻译:很多漂亮的衣服 He said he had a lot of nice things.)

11. But he was saying a lot more than he meant to. (翻译:但是 他想表达的不仅仅只是这几句话 But he was saying a lot more than he meant to.)

12. Does anyone have anything to say? (翻译:A lot better. and...)

13. He took a lot of money from me that night, and he -- he smirked when he did it. (翻译:那天晚上他赢了我很多钱 He took a lot of money from me that night, 而且他... 他那得意的笑 and he...)

14. After you use RIES, all the policies and restrictions that administrators control on a domain are still respected in Internet Explorer 7. (翻译:在您使用RIES之后,InternetExplorer7仍然遵守管理员控制的针对域的所有策略和限制。)

15. He spent a lot of years in prison. (翻译:他在里待了好多年了 He spent a lot of years in prison.)


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