calculations是什么意思 calculations的中文翻译、读音、例句


calculations是什么意思 calculations的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Calculations可以理解为计算或者运算的意思,它可以指数学、财务、科学、统计和计算机等领域中的计算操作。

2. 用途:Calculations在各行各业中都有广泛的应用。在财务和会计领域中,它们用于计算税款、薪资、成本以及利润;在科学和工程领域中,它们用于计算物理、化学和机械等方面的数据;在计算机编程中,计算机程序需要进行各种计算才能运行。

3. 工具:为了进行各种计算,需要使用各种计算工具,例如计算器、电脑、手机、算盘等等。


1. In order to calculate the profit margin, you need to perform some calculations. (为了计算利润率,你需要进行一些计算。)

2. The calculations involved in this experiment are very complex and require advanced mathematical skills. (这个实验中涉及的计算非常复杂,需要先进的数学技能。)

3. The computer program is designed to perform complex calculations quickly and accurately. (计算机程序被设计成可以快速准确地进行复杂的计算。)

4. By using a calculator, you can perform calculations much faster than doing them by hand. (使用计算器可以比手算更快地进行计算。)

5. The software package includes a range of tools for data ysis and calculations. (这个软件包中包含一系列数据分析和计算工具。)

计算;ji suàn;


1. 我们需要进行一些复杂的计算才能确定方案的可行性。

We need to do some complicated calculations to determine the feasibility of the plan.

2. 这个数学问题需要进行精确的计算。

This math problem requires precise calculations.

3. 他对数字极其敏感,可以很快地完成这些计算任务。

He is extremely sensitive to numbers and can complete these calculation tasks quickly.




例句:Actually, by my calculations, it would be closer to, uh, exactly 80 days. (实际上 经过我的计算 大概需要 呃 80天)


例句:My calculations were wrong. (是 但他们本不该发现的 我的计算是错误的)


例句:Lots of calculations -- we got really close to our calculators. (计算量非常大—— 我们的效率都快接近计算器了。)


例句:Per my calculations, the hugger would have had to exert no less than 300 pounds of pressure on their necks. (翻译:根据我的计算 这拥抱至少需要 Per my calculations, the hugger would have had to exert 在脖子上施压300磅的力量 no less than 300 pounds of pressure on their necks.)


calculations一般作为名词使用,如在digital calculations(数字计算)、error of calculations(计算误差)、geometry calculations([网络] 几何运算)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital calculations数字计算
error of calculations计算误差
geometry calculations[网络] 几何运算
hydrostatic calculations[网络] 静水力曲线计算
inventory calculations[计] 编目计算, 库存计算
nuclear calculations计算,堆物理计算
ship calculations造船设计
switch calculations道岔计算
theoretical calculations[网络] 理论计算;理論计算


1. Lots of calculations -- we got really close to our calculators. (翻译:计算量非常大—— 我们的效率都快接近计算器了。)

2. Per my calculations, the hugger would have had to exert no less than 300 pounds of pressure on their necks. (翻译:根据我的计算 这拥抱至少需要 Per my calculations, the hugger would have had to exert 在脖子上施压300磅的力量 no less than 300 pounds of pressure on their necks.)

3. Warning based on sensor calculations of planet's structures (翻译:基于测量的警告 传感器在这个星球上的结构。)

4. By my calculations, Radiohead made out with a ton of money. (翻译:经我的计算,Radiohead成功的搞到了一大堆钱。)

5. Oh well, I will call Giuseppe, but you are wrong in your calculations. (翻译:好吧,我要问Giuseppe,可你搞错了)

6. I think my calculations were off, Happy! (翻译:我想我的计算出错了 乐乐 I think my calculations were off, Happy!)

7. One petaflop is the equivalent of 1, 000 trillion calculations per second. (翻译:1个千兆次相当于每秒1000兆次计算。)

8. The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal. (翻译:计算机以二进制数进行计算,而后把计算结果转换为十进制数。)

9. The machine does the calculations in binary. (翻译:这台机器用二进制做计算。)

10. I was slightly out in my calculations. (翻译:我的计算出了点小错。)

11. Assuming that my calculations are correct I believe that a change of decoration is in order. (翻译:如果我的计算准确无误的话 我想,这里的装饰就需要改变了)

12. Whatever the frailties of these calculations, they are the best we have. (翻译:不管这些计算存在何种缺陷,它们都是我们所拥有的最佳方法。)

13. They're starting to find new mathematical structures in these calculations. (翻译:他们将在这些计算中找到 新的数学结构。)

14. We worked out calculations and the anomaly may be dark matter. (翻译:我们的计算显示这种 反常事物可能是暗物质。)

15. But all the calculations for embodied energy are on the blog. (翻译:但是在Blog中有对于所有 能量总量的计算。)


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