publishes是什么意思 publishes的中文翻译、读音、例句


publishes是什么意思 publishes的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:'publishes' 是动词,意为“出版、发表”。该词通常用于形式化的场合,如出版书籍、期刊、文章等。


- The academic journal publishes research papers on a wide range of topics.


- The newspaper publishes news and opinions about local and national events.


2. 语法用法:'publishes' 的时态变化形式包括:publish, published, publishing。在句子中通常作谓语动词,后面跟着一个宾语。


- The author is publishing a new book next month.


- The company has published a report on its financial performance for the past year.


3. 相关词语和短语:'publishes' 还有一些相关的词语和短语,如 publisher, publication, publishing house 等。这些词汇可以帮助我们更好地理解 'publishes' 的含义和用法。


- The publisher is responsible for editing and marketing the author's work.


- The publication of the book was delayed due to printing problems.


- The author signed a contract with a reputable publishing house to distribute her work worldwide.


1. 中文翻译:出版,发表

2. 读音:/ˈpʌblɪʃɪz/

3. 例句:

- The company publishes a new magazine every month. (这家公司每个月都会出版一本新杂志。)

- She was thrilled when her article was published in the national newspaper. (她的文章被刊登在国家报纸上时非常激动。)

- The author has just published his latest novel. (这位作家刚刚发布了他最新的小说。)

- The scientific journal publishes research papers from all over the world. (这个科学期刊刊登来自世界各地的研究论文。)




例句:Now he writes articles and publishes them on his own website -- he's still covering sports, but for himself. (现在他在自己的网站上 创作并且发布文章 他仍然报道体育 但是是为了他自己 )


例句:He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U. S. -Russia relations. (他经常受邀参加克林姆林宫的招待会,同时也主持讲座,出版书籍,并作为美俄关系专家在媒体上出现。)


例句:The company will paint a bullish outlook for the price of base metals and minerals as it publishes its 2007 results today. (力拓将在今天发布2007年业绩时,宣布对贱金属及矿石价格的乐观预期。)


例句:This is the letter to Diodati which Milton publishes as the Sixth Elegy. (翻译:这封给迪奥达蒂的信米尔顿将其作为《六挽歌》进行了发表。)


1. The company will paint a bullish outlook for the price of base metals and minerals as it publishes its 2007 results today. (翻译:力拓将在今天发布2007年业绩时,宣布对贱金属及矿石价格的乐观预期。)

2. This is the letter to Diodati which Milton publishes as the Sixth Elegy. (翻译:这封给迪奥达蒂的信米尔顿将其作为《六挽歌》进行了发表。)

3. So he publishes piano sonatas -- He waits; he delays: for the next 10 years, he still publishes piano sonatas that don't use the extra notes. (翻译:所以到他出版钢琴奏鸣曲的时候, 他等待,他推迟了出版 使用新钢琴谱的曲子: 在接下来的10年里,他依然出版 不使用这些额外音键的钢琴奏鸣曲 )

4. 1999, he publishes an article in a magazine called American Dermatologist. (翻译:1999年,他在一本叫《美国皮肤学者》 的杂志上发表了一篇文章)

5. Gail contacted Duche, a French concern that makes the special gelatin, flavorings and colored powders and publishes a magazine to promote them. (翻译:Gail联系了Duche,一家制作独特凝胶、调味料和上色粉的法国公司,它发行了一本杂志来推销这些产品。)

6. Rupert only publishes books he likes, usually philosophy. (翻译:茹伯特只出版他喜欢的书 通常都是哲学之类的)

7. Since then, every conference I go to, I give a science talk and a second, special talk called "Love and fear in the lab," and I start it off by doing a song about scientists' greatest fear, which is that we work hard, we discover something new, and somebody else publishes it before we do. (翻译:从那以后,在每一个我去的会场, 我除了做一个关于科学的演讲,还会做另外一个 叫做“实验室里的爱和恐惧”的特别演讲, 我是通过创作一首 关于科学家们最恐惧的事情的歌开始的, 科学家们最恐惧的是我们努力工作, 然后有了一些新发现, 但是却有人赶在我们之前把这些成果发表了。)

8. For example, Physica A publishes some 3, 000 pages each year. Why? (翻译:例如,PhysicaA每年发表的论文数多大3000页。为什么会这么多?)

9. When you add files to your project, Eclipse automatically publishes the files to the directory that you configured for your server. (翻译:当您向您的项目添加文件时,Eclipse自动将文件发布到为服务器配置的目录下。)

10. In 1879, Karl May publishes his first Wild West novel. (翻译:1879年,卡尔·迈出版了他的 第一部小说《西部草原上的故事》)

11. You know, we'd really like to read the job adverts that Hogwarts publishes for the Defence Against The Dark Arts teaching post. (翻译:如你所知,大家都很乐意去拜读下霍格沃茨黑魔法防御术教授的招聘广告。)

12. As the Financial Times publishes its tenth global MBA ranking, this correlation is all too apparent. (翻译:在英国《金融时报》公布其第10份全球MBA排名之际,这种关系分外明显。)

13. Grazia also publishes local editions in countries including Russia, the Netherlands and Australia. (翻译:除此之外,Grazia还在俄罗斯,荷兰和澳大利亚出版当地版本。)

14. But, Herr Hitler, my family only publishes art books. (翻译:我们只出版艺术书籍 而且我还要带着 海莲娜和孩子到美国)

15. A pig farmer copies your novel, paraphrases and publishes it as his own. (翻译:一个养猪的抄袭了你的作品,改写后占为己有,还把书出版了。)




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