brainpower是什么意思 brainpower的中文翻译、读音、例句


brainpower是什么意思 brainpower的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:brainpower指人的智力、智慧、思维能力和头脑运转的能力。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:brainpower常用于描述人的智力和能力,常见于教育、科技、商业等领域。比如在面试时可以强调自己的brainpower,企业也需要拥有高水平的brainpower去开发新产品和应对市场竞争。

4. 词组搭配:brainpower可以与其他词组成多种搭配,如:

- boost/increase/enhance one's brainpower:增强某人的智力能力;

- high/low brainpower:高/低的智力能力;

- test/check one's brainpower:测试某人的智力能力;

- have/possess brainpower:拥有智力能力。

5. 相关短语:与brainpower相关的短语还包括:

- brainwork:推理、思考;

- brainy:聪明的,有才智的;

- brain drain:人才流失;

- brain teaser:智力拼图;

- brain wave:灵感,新想法。

6. 发音拼写:/ˈbreɪnˌpaʊər/。




1. She used her brainpower to solve the complex problem.(她动用了自己的脑力来解决这个复杂的问题。)

2. The success of the company is largely due to the brainpower of its employees.(公司的成功很大程度上归功于员工的智力。)

3. The competition was won by the team with the most brainpower.(这场比赛由智力最高的团队获胜。)




例句:HICC is a leading consulting company for enterprising management with its international brainpower, wide business resources and high professional, international and specialized management ability. (HICC是一家大型权威企业管理咨询公司,拥有深远的国际智囊背景、广泛的商业资源关系,具备高度职业化、专业化和国际化的运作能力。)


例句:That said, it is of course true that most of us don't use our brainpower quite as well as we could. (然而,我们大多数人不能 有效地运用大脑的说法的确是真的。)


例句:Another reason is the sheer brainpower corralled by CERN. (而另一个原因是CERN麾下聚集了可观的人力资源。)

4.智力 、智力

例句:The researchers say it isn't clear why veggies are brainier, but admit a fruit and veg-rich diet may boost brainpower. (翻译:研究人员称,素食者智商更高的具体原因还不清楚,但素食中丰富的水果和蔬菜可增强脑力。)


1. Another reason is the sheer brainpower corralled by CERN. (翻译:而另一个原因是CERN麾下聚集了可观的人力资源。)

2. The researchers say it isn't clear why veggies are brainier, but admit a fruit and veg-rich diet may boost brainpower. (翻译:研究人员称,素食者智商更高的具体原因还不清楚,但素食中丰富的水果和蔬菜可增强脑力。)

3. Duration hereat, to overall situation broad worker pays festal congratulation and greeting with all brainpower! (翻译:时值此际,向全局广大职工和全体科技人员致以节日的祝贺与问候!)

4. A great source of new ideas are people that are new to the company. Get new hires together and tap their brainpower and imagination. (翻译:相当多的新创意是来源于公司的新成员。把新雇员集中起来发挥他们的智力和想象力。)

5. She admired Robert's brainpower. (翻译:她仰慕的聪明才智。)

6. If sheer brainpower is what Wall Street needs to find its way out of the wreckage of the credit squeeze then things are looking up. (翻译:如果单凭“绝顶聪明”就能让华尔街从信贷紧缩的废墟中找到出路的话,那么,情况将会出现好转。)

7. That may sound waffly; but look around the business world and two things stand out: the modern economy places an enormous premium on brainpower; and there is not enough to go round. (翻译:这听起来可能很空洞,但环顾商业世界,有两点非常突出:现代经济极其注重才智;而人才不够用。)

8. The HPI China project that China implements now only then the leader that 1984 Sichuan saves pasturage bureau and brainpower are right of headquarters of gravelstone city HPI… (翻译:现在中国实施的HPI中国项目始于1984年四川省畜牧局的领导和科技人员对小石城HPI总部的… )

9. So what could we do to boost our brainpower? (翻译:那么我们要怎样 充分调动大脑的潜能呢? )

10. It even affects our attention and can take some of our brainpower. (翻译:它甚至会影响我们的注意力 和剥夺一些脑力。)

11. Many health care providers believe that super nutrition and supplements may also keep brainpower at a peak and help maintain memory skills. (翻译:许多保健提供商认为超级营养补充剂,也可以保持脑力处于高峰,并且帮助你维持记忆能力。)

12. A unique ability that despite your enormous lack of brainpower makes you one of the strongest individuals in the universe. (翻译:一个不管你们多笨都拥有的能力 让你们成为了宇宙里最强大的个体)

13. The brain needs fuel just as the body does. So what will really boost your brainpower , and what will make you lose your mind? (翻译:大脑同身体一样需要燃料,那么哪些食物会提高智力,哪些会损害智力?)

14. In Bush brainpower, Fang WANG said she had a lot of best things: the unique Chinese female, the unique iatrology Ph. D etc. (翻译:在布什智囊团里,王舫说自己身上有很多“数一数二”的东西:唯一的中国女性,唯一的医学专业博士等。)

15. Now I'm interested in dolphins because of their large brains and what they might be doing with all that brainpower in the wild. (翻译:我之所以对海豚该兴趣是因为它们的大脑比较大, 还有它们运用自己的脑力 在野外做的事情。)


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