signpost是什么意思 signpost的中文翻译、读音、例句


signpost是什么意思 signpost的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:'signpost' 是指路标,指示牌或指南针等物品,用于指示方向或引导人们前往目的地。

2. 词性:'signpost' 是名词,也可作动词使用。

3. 词组搭配:常见搭配有:signpost a direction(指示方向)、signpost an issue(指出问题)、signpost a solution(指明解决方案)等。

4. 短语:signpost to(指向)、signpost from(指示来自何处)等。

5. 发音拼写:'signpost' 的音标为 /ˈsaɪnpəʊst/。


1. The signpost clearly indicated the way to the nearest hospital.(指示牌明确地指示了前往最近医院的路。)

2. His speech was a signpost to the direction in which the company was heading.(他的讲话指示了公司发展方向的路标。)

3. The book was full of signposts to help navigate the complex world of finance.(这本书充满了指南,帮助人们在复杂的金融世界中找到方向。)

4. The new road network has signposted the way to many previously inaccessible areas.(新的道路网络标示了以前无法到达的许多地区的方向。)

5. She always signposts her intentions before any decisions.(她总是在做任何决定之前说出自己的意图。)

signpost的中文翻译是“路标”,读音为/saɪn pəʊst/。


1. The signpost says the watell is two miles ahead. (路标上写着瀑布在前方两英里处。)

2. Can you follow the signposts to get back to the highway? (你能看路标回到高速公路上吗?)

3. The signpost was covered in snow, it hard to read. (路标被雪覆盖,很难识别。)

4. We missed the signpost and ended up getting lost. (我们错过了路标,结果迷路了。)

5. The signpost at the crooads was very helpful in directing us to our destination. (路口的路标很有帮助,指引我们到达目的地。)




例句:But we forgot a file an environmental impact report, and as metal in signpost ... is a potentially hazardous substance. (但是我们都忘记了环境报告 和金属标志 是一个潜在的危险物质 我们在法庭上,因为这)


例句:This is a signpost on the road to American decline if we don't stop and restore the credibility of our markets. (如果我们不停下来,恢复我们市场的可信度,这就是通往美国衰落之路的指示牌。)


例句:The table below lists useful expressions that you can use to signpost the various parts of your speech. (是你在演讲过程中,对你演讲各个部分向听众导航的实用套句表达。)


例句:Thus it set up the clear signpost that can be distinguished on the blind spot of traditional ethic. (翻译:从而在传统伦理学的盲点上树起了清晰可辨的路标。)


1. The table below lists useful expressions that you can use to signpost the various parts of your speech. (翻译:是你在演讲过程中,对你演讲各个部分向听众导航的实用套句表达。)

2. Thus it set up the clear signpost that can be distinguished on the blind spot of traditional ethic. (翻译:从而在传统伦理学的盲点上树起了清晰可辨的路标。)

3. So think of grammar as something good, something positive, something that you can use to find your way - like a signpost or a map. (翻译:因此,把语法当作这样一件东西,它是好的、有积极意义的,就好比路标或地图一样,能帮助你认路。)

4. We can track them through the families, like a signpost on a highway. (翻译:我们可以跟踪他们 通过家庭, 就像一个路标 在高速公路上。)

5. The signpost pointed straight ahead. (翻译:路标直指前方。)

6. Signpost is a covert action and collection operation against Iran. (翻译:这是针对的秘密刺探和情报收集行动 Signpost is a covert action and collection operation against Iran.)

7. The signpost to your lost memory is waiting. (翻译:通往你所失去的记忆的大门正等着你 迎接这一切吧)

8. For him the netsuke, so small and captivating, were not enough as a mere signpost to a family history. (翻译:对他而言这些小巧迷人的吊坠并不能够作为纯粹的家族风向标来看待。)

9. For him, the netsuke, so small and captivating, were not enough as a mere signpost to family history. (翻译:对他而言,这小巧迷人的吊坠并不能够作为仅仅是家族史的路标来看待。)

10. There was a signpost where the two paths converged. (翻译:两条小路的相交处有一路标。)

11. And there isn't even a plaque, signpost or statue of him in that town. (翻译:而在那城市中 没有任何纪念他的徽章或路标 或是他的铜像)

12. An old signpost refers the Jingshi Expressway as the Jingshi Freeway, thus hinting at its previous nomenclature. (翻译:旧路标指副研究员高速公路作为京师高速公路,进而暗示在其上的名称。)






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