airfoam是什么意思 airfoam的中文翻译、读音、例句

airfoam在中文中有"空气泡沫、泡沫橡胶"的意思,作为名词时有"泡沫塑料"的意思,单词读音音标为[美 ],airfoam是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到94个与airfoam相关的释义和例句。

airfoam是什么意思 airfoam的中文翻译、读音、例句

airfoam的中文解释是"泡沫塑料、空气泡沫",还经常被翻译为泡沫橡胶,在线读音是[美 ],airfoam在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到21个与airfoam相关的例句。



例句:Jesus, I... wish there was little more air in here. (I... wish there was little more air in here.)


例句:It's Starlight, Air Express, (Starlight, Air Express... ....)


例句:I wanted to get some fresh air (I wanted to get some fresh air)


1. I wanted to get some fresh air (翻译:I wanted to get some fresh air)

2. The city air is going to your brain. (翻译:The city air is going to your brain. 那个...)

3. - Put your hands in the air (翻译:..put your hands in the air..)

4. Said foam was coming out of your mouth like a rabid dog. (翻译:牙膏沫从你嘴里冒出来 像得了狂犬病 Said foam was coming out of your mouth like a rabid dog.)

5. All that I could get was the air (翻译:All that I could get was the air)

6. We want to buy Tape, Foam, Resin Foam, Rexine and P. U. Products. (翻译:我们要采购音带,泡沫,树脂泡沫,仿造皮和P.U。产品。)

7. Throw your hands in the air tonight (翻译:.. throw your hands in the air tonight..)

8. Starlight, Air Express, and Rocket trails at the end. (翻译:Starlight, Air Express, 以及 Rocket trails 殿后)

9. As soon as their wings dry out, they will take to the air. (翻译:they will take to the air.)

10. - You got to love some good air to air combat hey boys? (翻译:这空对空作战真刺激 你会喜欢的 老兄 You got to love some good air -to -air combat hey boys?)

11. Chase my dreams through the polluted air (翻译:Chase my dreams through the polluted air Chase my dreams through the polluted air)

12. You better have the extra foam this time. (翻译:You better have the extra foam this time. 这次最好有多的泡沫。)

13. The air better over there? (翻译:The air better over there?)

14. - The owner is my old Air Force buddy. (翻译:- The owner is my old Air Force buddy.)

15. Its unique capsule design, acting like an enclosed air box, isolates the placement of the foam filter. (翻译:其独特的胶囊设计,表现得像一个封闭的空气箱,泡沫分离的位置过滤器。)




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