insulation是什么意思 insulation的中文翻译、读音、例句


insulation是什么意思 insulation的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和解释: Insulation是指物质作为热量、声音和电流的障碍物,将其与其他物体隔离开来。在建筑中,isolation主要是指用于阻止热量传递的材料,如绝缘材料。

例句: Insulation is the act of isolating something or someone from others. (绝缘是将某些物体隔离开来,独立于其他物体的行为。)

The house is equipped with excellent insulation, which keeps the interior cool in summer and warm in winter. (这个房子配备了优良的绝缘材料,保持室内夏季凉爽,冬季温暖。)

2. 应用:绝缘材料主要用于保护电线电缆,以避免漏电和短路。此外,它还可用于保护建筑物和机械设备,防止热量流失和噪音传递。

例句: We need to install insulation around the pipes to prevent heat loss. (我们需要在管道周围安装绝缘材料,以防止热量流失。)

The engine compartment of the car is lined with insulation to reduce noise. (汽车引擎室内铺有绝缘材料,以减少噪音。)

3. 类型:绝缘材料有多种类型,如泡沫塑料、纤维素、矿棉、聚丙烯和玻璃棉等。

例句: Fiberglass insulation is widely used in home insulation. (玻璃纤维绝缘材料广泛用于家庭绝缘。)

Polypropylene insulation is commonly used in the electrical industry. (聚丙烯绝缘材料常用于电气行业。)

4. 安全和环保:选择合适的绝缘材料对人类健康和环境至关重要。一些绝缘材料可能会对人体产生有害影响,因此应该谨慎选择,并遵循安全使用指南。

例句: We chose an eco-friendly insulation material to reduce our carbon footprint. (我们选择了一种环保的绝缘材料,以减少我们的碳足迹。)

It is important to wear protective gear when working with insulation materials to prevent health hazards. (在使用绝缘材料时,佩戴防护装备以防止健康危害是很重要的。)

5. 维护和更换:随着时间的推移,绝缘材料可能会磨损或受到损坏,需要更换或维护。

例句: The insulation around the old pipes had worn out, so we had to replace it. (旧管道周围的绝缘材料已经磨损,我们需要更换。)

Regular inspection and maintenance of insulation materials can prolong their lifespan and ensure their effectiveness. (定期检查和维护绝缘材料可以延长其使用寿命并确保其有效性。)




1. Proper insulation can help keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. (合适的隔热可以让你的家在冬天保暖,在夏天保持凉爽。)

2. The insulation in our new building is top of the line, so we don't have to worry about high energy bills. (我们新建筑的隔热材料是一流的,所以我们不用担心高能源账单。)

insulation在中文中有"孤立、隔音"的意思,作为名词时有"绝缘"的意思,发音是[.insju'leiʃәn. 'insә-],insulation是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到78个与insulation相关的例句。



例句:VEI have begun to research on the discharge mechanism and insulation characteristic of pressure air. (VEI从上个世纪中期开始便对压缩空气的放电机理及其电气绝缘特性进行了积极研究。)


例句:The flat coilling major insulation with numerical control coilling machine is introduced. (阐述了数控包带机平包主绝缘技术操作原理及工艺参数的设定。)


例句:Apparatus insulation as demonstrated by suitable tests shall be equal or greater than the BIL. (由对应试验所验证的设备绝缘强度应大于或等于BIL。)


例句:After all, they can sell the insulation, not pay for its interment. (翻译:毕竟他们可以卖掉这些绝缘材料而不用支付垃圾掩埋费用。)


insulation一般作为名词使用,如在insulation insulation space([网络] 绝缘处所)、dry insulation(干式绝缘)、double insulation(双重绝缘)等常见短语中出现较多。

insulation insulation space[网络] 绝缘处所
dry insulation干式绝缘
double insulation双重绝缘
earth insulation主绝缘
discharge in insulation绝缘放电
discontinuous insulation连续绝缘
epoxy insulation氧绝缘
emotional insulation情绪性孤离
electric insulation电气绝缘


1. Apparatus insulation as demonstrated by suitable tests shall be equal or greater than the BIL. (翻译:由对应试验所验证的设备绝缘强度应大于或等于BIL。)

2. After all, they can sell the insulation, not pay for its interment. (翻译:毕竟他们可以卖掉这些绝缘材料而不用支付垃圾掩埋费用。)

3. The automatic spalling of the insulation material at excessive temperatures could extend the service life of the equipment. (翻译:同时,该材料在设备超温时可以自动脱落,从而延长设备的寿命。)

4. While supplying the insulation laminate and laminate rod, we are also ready to accept the special requirement for the insulation part. (翻译:本公司在供应绝缘板、棒的同时,也可按客户要求,定制成型件。欢迎海内外朋友垂询。)

5. They have incredible insulation, so let's put some incredible insulation here. (翻译:他们有神奇的隔热作用 所以,我们把一些神奇的隔热物放到里面。)

6. Industry: Other insulation materials; Insulation tape; Insulating sleeve; Electrical tape; Viton; Silicone rubber; (翻译:所属行业:其他绝缘材料;绝缘带;绝缘套管;电工胶带;氟橡胶;硅橡胶;;)

7. The plastic resin is used in a wide range of products, including electrical wire insulation. (翻译:塑料合成树脂被广泛应用到各种产品中,包括电线的绝缘层。)

8. Power Plant Chimney Insulation Foamglas Material Supply, Steel Structure Fire-proofing, Plantwide Hot Insulation. (翻译:整厂的设备、道保温材料供应;镀铝钢板供应;泡沫玻璃用于烟囱防酸保温;钢结构防火。)

9. Their thick coat is such good insulation ... that they only need a tiny amount of energy to keep warm. (翻译:它们粗厚的外皮提供了绝佳的隔绝 只需要些许能量便能够保持温暖)

10. Leakage is one of main technical parameter for cryo-insulation pressure vessels. (翻译:漏率是低温绝热压力容器的主要技术指标之一。)

11. Stator Temperature Fields Calculation of Large Hydrogenerator after Interturn Insulation Aging of Stator Wings (翻译:大型水轮发电机定子绕组内股线绝缘热老化下的定子温度场计算)

12. They would need to install new airconditioning and insulation, new light fixtures and so on. (翻译:他们需要安装新的空调和隔热材料、新的照明设施固定装置等等。)

13. JBL, JBT, JB-TL Specific forms parallel groove clamp is suitable for unendure force splicing and branch on the aerial wire , being used with insulation cover . It's action is insulation protection. (翻译:TL系列异型并沟线夹适用于架空电力线路中导线的非承受力接续与分支,与绝缘罩配套使用起防护绝缘作用。)

14. With sulfur hexafluoride gas to double as insulation interrupter and circuit breaker. (翻译:以六氟化硫气体进行灭弧并兼作绝缘用的断路器。)

15. As a rule, a digital megohmmeter tests insulation on condition that cable is offline. (翻译:数字绝缘表通常只能对离线电缆进行绝缘测试。)




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