redeem是什么意思 redeem的中文翻译、读音、例句


redeem是什么意思 redeem的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:redeem通常表示解救、拯救、赎回或补救等含义,常用于、经济、文学等领域。

2. 用法搭配:redeem可以与介词from、for、with等搭配使用,也可以作为动词、名词、形容词、副词等使用。

3. 词语派生:redeemable (可赎回的),redeemingly (救济地),redeemer (救赎者),redemption (救赎),redemptive (赎回的),redeemlessness (无法救赎的)等。

4. 常见用途:在场合中,redeem通常表示拯救罪人;在金融领域中,redeem通常表示赎回债券;在文学艺术中,redeem通常表示通过某个角色或事件弥补前面的瑕疵或缺陷等。

1. Her music has helped to redeem her image - people no longer think of her as just an actress.


2. The company has announced it will redeem its outstanding bonds on the 30th of this month.


3. She tried to redeem herself by apologizing for her mistake.


4. The e's self-sacrifice at the end of the movie redeemed her character.


5. He donated a large sum of money to charity to redeem himself for his past misdeeds.



1. I need to redeem this coupon before it expires. (我需要在它到期之前兑换这张优惠券。)

2. He tried to redeem himself after a mistake. (他试图在犯错后挽回自己。)

3. The company offered to redeem its shares from investors. (公司向投资者提供了赎回其股份的选项。)

4. The hero's sacrifice redeemed his past mistakes. (英雄的牺牲弥补了他的过去错误。)

5. The church teaches that Jesus redeemed mankind from sin. (教会教导从罪恶中拯救了人类。)




例句:- If his soldiers get you... - I'll redeem myself! (一要是国王的卫队逮住了你 一我会改过自新的)


例句:You know, Lloyd, just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself! (劳埃德 我一直觉得 -- 你实在蠢得不能再蠢了)


例句:Don't give me ten roubles. I only want five; I shall certainly redeem it. (我不要十卢布,给我五卢布吧,我是一定要赎回去的。)

4.赎回 、补救

例句:If you just give me 6 to 8 weeks, I can redeem the mileage, and I can go with you wherever you have to travel. (翻译:只要你给我6到8周, 我就能兑换了那些公里数... ... 我就能带你到任何你要去的地方.)


redeem一般作为动词使用,如在payment to redeem(赎款)、redeem ... pledge([网络] 赎当)、redeem a bill(赎票)等常见短语中出现较多。

payment to redeem赎款
redeem ... pledge[网络] 赎当
redeem a bill赎票
redeem a mortgage[法] 赎回抵押品
redeem a promise守约,遵守诺言
redeem from从…赎回
redeem oneself赎身
redeem yourself[网络] 挽回损失
right to redeem[法] 赎回不动产的权利
redeem one's character恢复自己的名誉;补救过失


1. Don't give me ten roubles. I only want five; I shall certainly redeem it. (翻译:我不要十卢布,给我五卢布吧,我是一定要赎回去的。)

2. If you just give me 6 to 8 weeks, I can redeem the mileage, and I can go with you wherever you have to travel. (翻译:只要你给我6到8周, 我就能兑换了那些公里数... ... 我就能带你到任何你要去的地方.)

3. So ... could you just let me redeem the mileage? (翻译:所以 ... 你能等着我, 直到我兑换了那些公里数吗?)

4. In April 1988, there was still opportunity for Fred to redeem himself, to apologize. (翻译:1988年4月 弗莱德仍然有机会救赎他自己 去道歉...)

5. A way to destroy the old serpent. To redeem our sins against a planet that we have turned into our plaything! (翻译:一种消除旧恶的方法 洗清我们对地球的罪恶)

6. Why didn't you just give me a chance... to redeem? (翻译:为什么你就是不能给我一个机会 让我... 作补偿?)

7. Hence, this chance to redeem yourself. (翻译:this chance to redeem yourself.)

8. So Oppenheim "redeems" her own body while attempting to "redeem" the balance of humanity development. (翻译:而艺术家奥本海姆在试图对人性发展的平衡进行“救赎”的同时,也“救赎”了自己的身体。)

9. Our mission is to redeem police reputation and to demonstrate (翻译:这次行动 是为了挽回警队损失的所有声誉 是要让大家知道)

10. God expunged Steve from the Garden, only to redeem us with eternal youth... (翻译:上帝把史蒂夫从伊甸园赶了出来 为的就是让我们能长生不老)

11. The company is not liable in damages in respect of any failure on its part to redeem or purchase any of the shares. (翻译:公司无须就其未有赎回或未有购买任何该等股份负损害赔偿的法律责任。)

12. Buyers receive points for purchases from any Rakuten merchant, which they can redeem for discounts at any other merchant. (翻译:消费者可以从乐天市场的所有商家那里获得与所购商品相对应的点数,这些点数可在任何其他商家那里兑换为折扣。)

13. Geum-Ja: Everyone can make a mistake . But if you commit a sin, you must redeem yourself. Redemption. . . you know what I mean? (翻译:金子:每个人都会犯错.但如果你犯罪,你必须救赎自己.救赎,你明白我意思吗?)

14. And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof. (翻译:人若要赎这十分之一的什么物,就要加上五分之一。)

15. Like stones. You're all like stones. But Jesus died to redeem ya. (翻译:你们都像石头一样,但是 选择了牺牲自己来拯救你们)






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