boardroom是什么意思 boardroom的中文翻译、读音、例句


boardroom是什么意思 boardroom的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'boardroom'可以指的是公司或组织的董事会议室,也可以泛指高层会议或者决策会议。


- The CEO called a meeting in the boardroom to discuss the company's strategy.

- The boardroom was filled with top executives from various departments.

- The boardroom meeting lasted for hours as they debated the pros and cons of the new product launch.

2. 发音:'boardroom'的发音为 /ˈbɔːdruːm/,其中“oo”发音为/u:/。


- The students practiced the unciation of 'boardroom' in their English class.

- The boss corrected her unciation of 'boardroom' during the meeting.

3. 来源:'boardroom'一词最初来源于英国,用于描述公司董事会的会议室。


- The boardroom has been the site of many important decisions in the company's history.

- The boardroom is decorated with elegant furnishings and artwork.

4. 用法:'boardroom'可以用作名词,也可以是形容词,如用于形容公司的高层级别决策。


- The boardroom discussion was intense as they debated the company's future.

- The boardroom culture was one of innovation and risk-taking.

5. 派生词:'boardroom'可以形成一些派生词,如'boardroom politics'(公司内部斗争)、'boardroom decision-'(高层决策)等。


- Boardroom politics can often lead to dysfunction and infighting within a company.

- Good boardroom decision- involves careful ysis and collaboration among executives.




1. The decision was made in the boardroom by the executive team. (这个决策是由执行团队在董事会议室里做出的。)

2. The boardroom was filled with tension as the shareholders debated the company's future. (董事会议室里充满了紧张气氛,股东们正在辩司的未来。)

3. The CEO presented the company's financial report to the board of directors in the boardroom. (首席执行官在董事会议室向董事会成员展示了公司的财务报告。)




例句:And when he moved up to the boardroom, I never really dreamt that I would have the opportunity to move into his position. (当他升到董事会后,我做梦都没... ...没想过我会有机会坐到他的位置上)


例句:HP has been plagued by boardroom scandals, executive shuffles and a lack of clear leadership. (一直以来,惠普经受着诸多问题的困扰,例如董事会丑闻、管理层震荡和缺乏明确的领导层。)


例句:Biogen Idec's bosses resisted at first, but in the face of lawsuits, boardroom manoeuvring and acrimonious attacks they relented-or so it seemed. (公司老板一开始持拒绝态度,但是在法律诉讼、董事会日渐动摇、尖酸的攻击面前,他们退却了,至少看起来是这样。)


例句:Mr Grinstein moved from the boardroom, where he had been a director since 1987, to take control at Delta. (翻译:格林斯泰因自1987起就是德尔塔的董事会成员,他辞去该职务后开始领导德尔塔。)


1. Biogen Idec's bosses resisted at first, but in the face of lawsuits, boardroom manoeuvring and acrimonious attacks they relented-or so it seemed. (翻译:公司老板一开始持拒绝态度,但是在法律诉讼、董事会日渐动摇、尖酸的攻击面前,他们退却了,至少看起来是这样。)

2. Mr Grinstein moved from the boardroom, where he had been a director since 1987, to take control at Delta. (翻译:格林斯泰因自1987起就是德尔塔的董事会成员,他辞去该职务后开始领导德尔塔。)

3. Science has told us that we're facing a climate crisis, yet 40 percent of board directors don't think climate belongs in the boardroom. (翻译:科学告诫我们 我们正面临着气候危机, 然而有四成的董事会董事 却并不认为气候问题应该出现在会议室。)

4. Let them know you mean business at the disco or in the boardroom, with the amazing versatility of the premiere piece, in my high-end line, of super stylish couture. (翻译:告诉他们,你是认真的 在迪斯科舞厅或会议室中, 与惊人的多功能性 顶配车型 在我的高端路线 超时尚的时装。)

5. There was a meeting in the boardroom on new development strategies. (翻译:不, 一会儿还有会要开 关于我们发展的新策略)

6. But I ask you, when you ask yourself that now or tonight or behind a steering wheel or in the boardroom or the situation room: push past the longpath, quick, oh, what's my longpath the next three years or five years? (翻译:我希望你做到的是。无论是在此刻或是今晚。或者是在你的时候。在会议室,还是在指挥室: 用前面所述的“长路径”思维, 确定你在接下来三到五年的规划。)

7. And line the pockets of some boardroom billionaires? (翻译:你的意思是我应该乖乖掏钱给那些公司老板们?)

8. Bosses may stick a few modernist daubs on their boardroom walls. (翻译:老板们也许会在会议室墙壁上挂上几幅鬼画符的现代主义绘画。)

9. From the boardroom to the barrio, players are admired for their skill and grace. (翻译:从会议室到巴里奥,球员们技能和风采被大家所钦佩。)

10. Okay, boardroom, 10 minutes. (翻译:别告诉我如何杀大韦德 我怎么做,要怎么做)

11. He pulled us aside because he believed we were unconventional in the boardroom. (翻译:他把我们拉到一边,是因为他相信 我们在董事会里不会循规蹈矩。)

12. Roscoe Heyward was one of the first people to leave the boardroom. (翻译:罗斯科·海沃德是头几个离开董事长会议室的人中的一个。)

13. I'm also not so domineering in the boardroom. (翻译:我对董事会也不是那么大的支配的想法。)

14. And I want them to know that anything is possible, that they can achieve the highest level that they ever imagined, that they will be welcome in any corporate boardroom, or they can lead any company. (翻译:我想让他们知道, 一切都是有可能的, 可以实现想象到的最宏伟的目标, 走入任何一家企业的办公室,都会受到欢迎, 他们也可以领导任何公司。)

15. Six men, neatly dressed in white shirts and ties filed into(file in) the boardroom of a small Jakarta company and sat down at a long table. (翻译:六个人,穿着洁净的白色衬衫和领带,鱼贯进入一个Jakarta的小型公司的会议室,坐在会议桌前)


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