entro是什么意思 entro的中文翻译、读音、例句


entro是什么意思 entro的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'entro'通常是英语单词'enter'的缩写,表示进入或进入某个地方。

2. 用途:'entro'常用于日常生活中,如在电子邮件、短信或聊天中使用。

3. 语言环境:'entro'更多地使用于口语交流或非正式场合,而在正式文书或商务交流中,应用较少。

4. 表示方式:'entro'可作为动词使用,也可以与其他单词结合使用表示不同的意义。


1. 我不知道我应该从哪个门'entro'。

I don't know which door I should 'enter' from.

2. 我'entro'这个餐馆就发现它非常拥挤。

I 'entered' this restaurant and found it very crowded.

3. 我现在'entro'会议室,请稍等片刻。

I'm 'entering' the conference room now, please wait for a moment.

4. 他一'entro'房间,就感觉到了家的温馨。

As soon as he 'entered' the room, he felt the warmth of home.

5. 我们必须'entro'新市场才能扩大业务。

We need to 'enter' new markets in order to expand our business.



1. Entro en la universidad el próximo semestre. (我下学期要进入大学。)

2. No entro en la ciudad muy a menudo. (我不经常到城市里去。)




例句:O.J., I will handle it, okay? (O·J 我会搞定的 好吗 我知道的 O. J. , I will handle it, okay?)


例句:And don't you girls ever use that word. Ever. (大家都知道 O·J·辛普森一案的庭审即将开始 As you know, the O.)


1. Um, at 10:40, I buzzed the gate, but he didn't answer, and I got scared, because I didn't want him to miss his flight, so I called my boss, um, my mom... (翻译:司机就是O·J·辛普森 The driver was o. J. Simpson.)

2. O.J., wherever you are, for the sake of your children, for the sake of your family, please surrender immediately to any law enforcement official. (翻译:O·J 不管你在哪 O. J. , wherever you are,)

3. O.J. is swallowing up everything. (翻译:O·J的案子占据了所有事情 O. J. Is swallowing up everything.)

4. At the closest point of our intimacy. we were just 1 cm apart from each other. (翻译:我和她最接近的时候 我们之间的距离只有O.O1公分)

5. O.J., O.J., we got to talk. (翻译:O·J 我们需要谈谈 O. J. , O.)

6. Where are all the pictures of O.J. (翻译:还有O·J和他白人兄弟 Where are all the pictures of O.)

7. How did the witchcraft get into your body? (翻译:魔法是怎么进入你身体里的 Comment la sorcellerie est -elle entrée en toi?)

8. The design of the letter "O" used in the title of her magazines, O, The Oprah Magazine and O at Home, is trademarked. (翻译:精心设计的“O”字母也已经成为注册商标,出现在她的杂志名称里,《O,奥普拉杂志》和《O家居》。)

9. [ Beeps ] Righty-oh, righty-oh. - [Typing] - [ Beeping ] (翻译:好了,好了 O , O , O,破折分2,破折分9)

10. ...images of O.J. Simpson. (翻译:这都是O·J·辛普森的形象 ...images of O. J. Simpson.)

11. All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.J. Did it. (翻译:都能证明这是O. J. 所为 All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.)

12. If O.J. attempted to take his own life, to be able to get in there quickly enough... (翻译:如果O·J想要赌上自己的命 If O. J. Attempted to take his own life,)

13. and that cannot be done with all the complaints and interruptions... a o o o a o o vo o (翻译:有抱怨和打扰我还怎么做! 我警告你不要提高嗓门!)

14. ♪ O make me Thine forever, ♪ (翻译:♪ O make me Thine forever, ♪)

15. You are O.J. Simpson and you are an inspiration. (翻译:Simpson. 你是O·J·辛普森 You are O. J.)




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