oversaw是什么意思 oversaw的中文翻译、读音、例句


oversaw是什么意思 oversaw的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和含义:'oversaw'是一个动词,意为“监督,管理,监视,指导”。常常用于描述某个人或机构负责人对某项工作的监督和管理。

2. 用法和搭配:'oversaw'通常和名词、动词、介词短语等搭配使用。常见的搭配有“oversaw the project”,“oversaw the team”,“oversaw the budget”,“oversaw the operations of”,“oversaw the implementation of”等。

3. 同义词和反义词:'oversaw'的同义词包括supervised、managed、directed、governed等。反义词则为neglected、ignored、disregarded等。

4. 实际应用:'oversaw'常见于商业、、文化等领域。例如,某个企业的总经理可以说“我oversaw了这个项目”,表示他负责管理和指导该项目的运作。部门也常用“oversaw”来表达对某项政策或计划的推进和监督。文化领域中,可以用“oversaw”来描述某个人对演出或展览的管理和指导。


1. He oversaw the entire operation and made sure everything went smoothly.(他监督整个操作,并确保一切顺利。)

2. Jane oversaw the development of the new product from start to finish.(简监督了新产品从开始到结束的开发。)

3. The director oversaw the budget and made sure we stayed within our financial limits.(主管监督了预算,并确保我们在财务限制内。)

4. The marketing team oversaw the campaign and ensured its success.(市场团队监督了运动,并确保了它的成功。)

5. The city council oversaw the implementation of the new traffic laws.(市议会监督了新的交通法规的实施。)




1. She oversaw the entire project and made sure it was completed on time.(她监管整个项目,确保它按时完成。)

2. The company hired a new manager to oversee the production process.(公司雇用了一位新经理来监督生产过程。)

3. The government appointed a committee to oversee the implementation of the new policy.(任命了一个委员会来监督新政策的实施。)




例句:Hans rose through the ranks and oversaw the training and indoctrination of other young people. (随着不断升官, 他开始负责监督 对青年的训练和教化。)


例句:Previously, he served as executive VP of sonat , where he oversaw the Birmingham, Ala. , company's natural gas pipeline and energy marketing businesses. (此前,他担任执行副总裁索纳特,他在那里主持伯明翰,阿拉巴马州,公司的天然气管道和能源市场营销业务。)


例句:She oversaw humanity’s material comforts; and ensured that the Earth’s inhabitants were bonded to each other physically, emotionally, and spiritually. (她监管着人类的物质享受; 并确保着地球上的居民在 物质、情感和精神上的相通。)


例句:While the new city was being built and Akbar was beginning his philosophical enquiries, he also oversaw a great reform of Moghul government. (翻译:探讨统治和的本质 莫卧尔帝国的行政机构 非常完善)


1. She oversaw humanity’s material comforts; and ensured that the Earth’s inhabitants were bonded to each other physically, emotionally, and spiritually. (翻译:她监管着人类的物质享受; 并确保着地球上的居民在 物质、情感和精神上的相通。)

2. While the new city was being built and Akbar was beginning his philosophical enquiries, he also oversaw a great reform of Moghul government. (翻译:探讨统治和的本质 莫卧尔帝国的行政机构 非常完善)

3. He took formal charge of the ruling Peronist movement, routinely gave orders to ministers and oversaw economic policy. (翻译:他正式登上执政的裴隆党全国,定期向各部会发号施令,并监督经济政策。)

4. Oliver Letwin, similarly centrifugal in his instincts, oversaw the manifesto and is among the most powerful -cabinet members. (翻译:OliverLetwin的本能同样离心,他负责宣言,并且是影子内阁最有影响力成员之一。)

5. That's the name oi the hub cyberbrain that oversaw the Noble Hot Senior Citizens' rhizome. (翻译:就是整合贵腐老人们 的Rhizome的Hub电脑)

6. During the evacuation of Nentan, Derlin oversaw the escape of essential military personnel. (翻译:南坦撤退期间,德林监督重要军事人员的撤离。)

7. Mayor Lanier oversaw the construction of the downtown Alexander Fulton Minipark. (翻译:市长拉尼尔监督了亚历山大富尔顿迷你公园的建设。)

8. The OTS regulates savings and loans, and oversaw several of the biggest companies to fail or nearly collapse during the crisis. (翻译:储蓄管理局监管储蓄和贷款,曾监督过几家在此次危机中破产或濒临倒闭的大公司。)

9. General Solovtsov recently oversaw a series of failed test-launches of submarine ballistic-missiles. (翻译:索洛夫佐夫将军领导的海基弹道发射试验多次失败。)

10. In the past ten years, Tilden oversaw six properties purchased by Chase's corporation. (翻译:在过去的十年 Tilden监管了Chase的公司 购买的6处房产)

11. Ronald Reagan oversaw the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War. (翻译:罗纳德·里根 见证了标志冷战结束的柏林墙倒下)

12. In 1991, he joined up with a Sierra Leonean rebel group, the Revolutionary United Front, and oversaw the invasion of Sierra Leone. (翻译:1991年,泰勒先生联手了塞拉利昂的叛军组织联合阵线,并亲自指挥了塞拉利昂侵略战。)

13. He even went so far as to break up the party bureaus that oversaw the economy, prompting an abortive coup by hardliners. (翻译:他甚至解散了负责监管计划经济的苏共机构,导致强硬派发动了。)

14. Christophe’s kingdom oversaw rapid development of trade, industry, culture, and education. (翻译:克利斯朵夫的王国 见证了贸易、工业、 文化和教育的快速发展。)

15. My father, one of Meereen's most respected and beloved citizens, oversaw the restoration and maintenance of its greatest landmarks. (翻译:我的父亲,一个 Meereen最受尊敬 和心爱的公民, 监督的恢复 与维护 其最大的标志性建筑。)




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