irvine是什么意思 irvine的中文翻译、读音、例句


irvine是什么意思 irvine的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义方面:Irvine是一个地名,在加利福尼亚州的南部,位于洛杉矶和圣地亚哥之间,也是一个城市的名称。Irvine也可以是一个人名。在某些情况下,Irvine也可以指代加州大学尔湾分校。


- My friend lives in Irvine, California.

- Irvine is known for its beautiful parks and green spaces.

- I went to Irvine to visit my aunt last summer.

- John Irvine is a famous musician from Scotland.

- She is currently studying at UC Irvine.

2. 历史文化方面:Irvine在过去一直是农业和畜牧业的中心,如今已经成为一个现代化的高科技城市。在Irvine还有一些著名的景点,如尔湾大公园和尔湾保护区等。


- The Irvine Ranch was one of the largest privately owned ranches in America.

- The Irvine Historical Museum is a great place to learn about the city's past.

- Many people come to Irvine to visit the wildlife reserve and see the native animals.

- The city of Irvine is known for its innovative technology companies.

- Irvine is home to many cultural events, such as the annual Irvine Global Village Festival.

3. 教育方面:Irvine是一个教育资源丰富的城市,拥有一些著名的学校,如加州大学尔湾分校、尔湾学区和尔湾谷学区等。Irvine还有一些优秀的中小学、私立学校和语言学校等。


- UC Irvine is one of the top public universities in the United States.

- The Irvine Unified School District has a reputation for excellence in education.

- Many international students come to study English at language schools in Irvine.

- The University of California, Irvine offers a variety of degree programs in different fields.

- The Irvine Valley College is a great place to start your college education.

4. Irvine的缩写:IRV可以指代很多不同的东西,例如:国际逆转冷却、个人退休金计划、信息检索与可视化等。


- The IRV system is used to elect political candidates in some cities.

- My company offers an IRV plan as part of its benefits package.

- IRV technology allows us to quickly yze and visualize large amounts of data.

- We used an IRV algorithm to design our new product.

- The IRV method is becoming increasingly popular in the field of data ysis.

5. Irvine与艺术方面的联系:Irvine也是一个充满艺术气息的城市,有很多艺术类的活动和场所,如剧院、博物馆和音乐会等。


- The Irvine Barclay Theatre hosts a variety of performances throughout the year.

- The Irvine Museum is known for its collection of Californian art.

- I went to see a play at the Irvine Fine Arts Center last night.

- Irvine is a great place to see live music and concerts.

- Many artists and musicians call Irvine home.




1. He grew up in Irvine, California.


2. Irvine is a beautiful city with lots of green spaces.





例句:Hyundai slowly beefed up its design capabilities over the past decade, adding staff in South Korea and building new design centers in Irvine, Calif., in 2002 and Russelsheim, Germany, in 2003. (过去十年来,现代汽车逐渐增强了自身的设计能力,在韩国扩编人员,2002年和2003年分别在美国加州欧文和德国吕塞尔斯·海姆建立了新的设计中心。)


例句:Meeting Irvine, recommended by Noel Odell, the expedition's geologist, buoyed him up for the challenge. (他会见了探险队地质学家诺尔·奥德尔推荐的欧文,这重新唤起他应对挑战的干劲。)


例句:So in 1988, when a friend offered a three-bedroom condo in Irvine at a modest rent, the Landaus migrated to California. (1988年,马克从一个朋友手里用低价租下三层公寓,从此移居加利福尼亚。)


例句:The story of what Kenneth Pomeranz, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, has called "the Great Divergence" between East and West began much earlier. (翻译:美国加州大学欧文分校的历史教授Kenneth Pomeranz所谓的东方与西方之间“大分流开始得更早。” )


irvine一般作为名词使用,如在irvine phosphorous process(尔文制磷法)等常见短语中出现较多。

irvine phosphorous process尔文制磷法


1. So in 1988, when a friend offered a three-bedroom condo in Irvine at a modest rent, the Landaus migrated to California. (翻译:1988年,马克从一个朋友手里用低价租下三层公寓,从此移居加利福尼亚。)

2. The story of what Kenneth Pomeranz, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, has called "the Great Divergence" between East and West began much earlier. (翻译:美国加州大学欧文分校的历史教授Kenneth Pomeranz所谓的东方与西方之间“大分流开始得更早。” )

3. I called up Shimano's U. S. headquarters in Irvine, Calif. , and convinced the company to let me evaluate this voguish velocipede for Scientific American. (翻译:我随即打电话给岛野在加州尔湾的总部,极尽所能说服他们让我试试这款新潮时髦的自行车,就说是为了这本杂志好了。)

4. January 2002: "We've known that it exists for more than 25 years, " says astronomer Virginia Trimble of the University of California Irvine. (翻译:2002年1月8日:“我们已经知道,它已经存在了25年以上了。”)

5. The story of what Kenneth Pomeranz, a history professor at the University of California , Irvine , has called "the Great Divergence" between East and West began much earlier. (翻译:肯尼。彭慕兰,加州大学欧文分校的一位历史教授,认为东西方之间“大分流”的故事很早就开始了。)

6. To be correct, Mr. Irvine, I'm going to beat you in my mummy's limo, to which I've made numerous modifications. (翻译:准确地说,Irvine先生, 我是准备靠 这辆我改装过的我妈妈的老爷车来赢你.)

7. Only Odell and Irvine were in a fit state to partner him. (翻译:只有奥德尔与欧文身体状况尚好,可以陪同他。)

8. Fisker is an Irvine, Calif. -based electric car maker that doesn't always announce its financing events. (翻译:Fisker是一家总部位于加州欧文的电动汽车生产商,该公司并不是总是公布融资交易。)

9. In between changing diapers he's been able to compete in two meets this year: the Long Beach Grand Prix and a local meet in Irvine. (翻译:在这两者之间不断变化的尿布他都能够适应竞争,今年在两个:长滩大奖赛和欧文在当地举行。)

10. Meeting Irvine, recommended by Noel Odell, the expedition's geologist, buoyed him up for the challenge. (翻译:遇上探险队地质这家诺尔·奥德尔推荐的欧文后,重新唤起他去应对挑战的干劲。)

11. That is the intriguing question posed by Bruce Blumberg of the University of California, Irvine. (翻译:加州大学欧文分校的 Bruce Blumberg 提出了一个非常有趣的问题。)

12. of Irvine, California, has introduced a nine-channel digital video recorder with JPEG2000 video compression. (翻译:推出了带有JPEG2000视频压缩的九路数码录像机。)

13. The town of Kilsyth claims Irvine as its child. (翻译:基尔赛斯镇声称欧文是它的孩子。)

14. Information provided courtesy of the Irvine Police Department, American Red Cross and Irvine Valley College. (翻译:资料提供感谢尔湾署,美国红十字会和尔湾谷学院。)

15. I just took a call from a Mrs. Irvine about what happened to the kindergarteners last week. (翻译:我刚刚接到了艾尔文太太的电话 她跟我说了上周幼儿园孩子们的事)


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