charade是什么意思 charade的中文翻译、读音、例句


charade是什么意思 charade的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇意义方面:charade可以指一个游戏,游戏规则是玩家们通过动作或语言来暗示一个词语或短语,其他人根据这些提示猜词语;同时charade也可以指某个行为或行动是虚伪的或装腔作势的。


- We played a round of charades at the party last night.

- His apology was just a charade, he didn't actually mean it.

- The politician's claims of wanting to help the people were just a charade to gain votes.

2. 文学和艺术方面:charade也可以指一种文艺形式,其特点是通过字谜、谜语或者符号来表达某些思想或情感,通常用于诗歌等领域。


- The poet wrote a beautiful charade about love and longing.

- The play included a charade that left the audience guessing until the end.

- The book contained a series of charades that challenged the reader's intellect.

3. 缩写词方面:CHA-RADE作为缩写词,也可以指消防员的个人防护装备,包括帽子、手套、靴子等。


- The new recruits were issued with their charades before being sent on their first assignment.

- The charades helped protect the firefighters from the intense heat of the flames.

- The department invested in new, high-quality charades for its personnel.


1. We played a fun game of charades last night at the party.

2. Her smile was just a charade to hide her sadness.

3. The author used a clever charade in the poem to convey a deeper meaning.

4. The firefighter put on his charades before rushing into the burning building.

5. My dad gave me his old charades to wear for gardening.



1. We played a game of charades last night and it was so much fun.(昨晚我们玩了一局字谜游戏,非常有趣。)

2. The guests were divided into teams and each team had to act out a charade for the others to guess.(客人们被分成几组,每组都要表演一个字谜游戏,让其他人来猜。)

3. Charades is a classic party game that has been around for generations.(字谜游戏是一种经典的派对游戏,已经存在了几代人。)




例句:As if the entire day up to that point had been a pointless and somewhat useless charade. (好像妈妈一回来 一整天的活动都成了无用的游戏)


例句:Tell your President to leave our countries alone and stop the charade of peace talks. (告诉你们的总统不要干涉我们的国家,停止这种虚伪的和平谈判的把戏。)


例句:Thing is, Martin, we could continue this charade for weeks until (是这样的 马丁 我们可以继续这样瞎耗几个星期)


例句:Rattling his cage until he cracks and drops his charade. (翻译:Rattling his cage 然后直戳他的弱点 直到他露出马脚 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}until he cracks and drops his charade.)


1. Thing is, Martin, we could continue this charade for weeks until (翻译:是这样的 马丁 我们可以继续这样瞎耗几个星期)

2. Rattling his cage until he cracks and drops his charade. (翻译:Rattling his cage 然后直戳他的弱点 直到他露出马脚 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}until he cracks and drops his charade.)

3. Let's end this charade right now, before I get hurt while I've still got enough Prozac left from the last jerk. (翻译:让我们结束这个把戏,现在, 之前,我伤害... 而我还有足够的百忧解 留下的最后。)

4. (narrator) And so that autumn, with scant sincerity on either side, the diplomatic charade was played out. (翻译:这样在那个秋天, 在双方都缺乏诚意的背景下, 这场外交把戏被演完了)

5. You see right through my petty charade. (翻译:你把我这些伎俩都看穿了 You see right through my petty charade.)

6. You bore me, personally, and everything you do for me I find tedious, including this charade. (翻译:你本人面目可憎 你什么事都办得味如嚼蜡 You bore me, personally, and everything you do for me I find tedious, 包括这五毛钱特效 including this charade.)

7. And so setting me up in practice was an elaborate charade to protect himself. (翻译:所以他帮助我行医 只不过是他保护自己的精心伪装)

8. The only charade was the deal itself. (翻译:唯一的就是协议本身 The only charade was the deal itself.)

9. I wondered why he had gone through the elaborate charade. (翻译:我想知道为什么他做出了那么夸张的假样子。)

10. The truth is that designating new features as "experimental" and announcing them only on a blog is just a charade, a marketing gimmick. (翻译:事实上,把新的特色产品指定为“试验版”并只在博客上宣布仅仅是一种伪装、一种行销伎俩。)

11. Last night, after some pretty intense heavy-petting which, charade or no charade, she was definitely into... (翻译:昨晚 经过一些很激烈的和 不知道是真的还是装的 但是她绝对已经)

12. And you Marcel, you would not have to go through all this charade. (翻译:而Marcel你 也不用费劲兜这么大个圈子了)

13. The only reason I let him keep up the charade because the man's got a mouth like a Hoover. (翻译:我不揭穿他的性取向的唯一原因 就是他这个人的嘴特别臭)

14. He began composing himself for the guards, then realized that no such charade was necessary. (翻译:他正准备为应付卫兵编托辞,随后又认识到这种花招已经没有意义了。)

15. Don't bother answering, but know this, if you truly feel a need to continue with the charade, (翻译:不要打扰应答,但知道这一点, 如果你真的觉得有必要继续进行夏利,)




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