socool是什么意思 socool的中文翻译、读音、例句


socool是什么意思 socool的中文翻译、读音、例句

'socool' 并不是一个单词,可能是缩写或者口语用语。因此无法从词义和词性等方面介绍。从词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等方面进行解释。

1. 词组搭配:'so cool' 通常表示某个物品或者某个人非常酷或者很出色。例如:She plays the guitar so cool.(她弹吉他非常酷)

2. 短语:'so cool' 一般发音为 [so kuːl],其中 [kuː] 音为长音的 /u:/,发音与 'tool' 相近。

3. 相关例句:

- Your new car is so cool!(你的新车太酷了!)

- He is so cool under pressure.(他在压力下表现得非常沉着冷静。)

- She dressed up so cool for the party.(她为聚会打扮得很酷。)

- This movie is so cool!(这部电影太酷了!)

- I wish I could be as cool as him.(我希望我能像他一样酷。)

- His hair style is so cool.(他的发型非常酷。)

- You look so cool in those sungl.(你戴着那副墨镜看起来太酷了。)


读音:/so kool/


1. That shirt is so cool! Where did you buy it?(这件衬衫太酷了!你在哪里买的?)

2. The new video game looks so cool. I can't wait to play it.(这款新游戏看起来超棒。我迫不及待地想玩它。)

3. She has a really cool job as a travel blogger.(她作为一名旅行博主拥有非常酷的工作。)

4. The party last night was so cool. We had a lot of fun.(昨晚的派对太酷了。我们玩得很开心。)




例句:I don't want to have to go where you don't follow ♪ (♪Jump in the river and cool ourselves♪)


例句:~ Cool kids never have the time ~ (# Cool kids never have the time #)


例句:♪ I keep it cool like Eskimo chicks on Discovery Channel... ♪ (* I keep it cool like Eskimo chicks on Discovery Channel... *)


1. ♪ I keep it cool like Eskimo chicks on Discovery Channel... ♪ (翻译:* I keep it cool like Eskimo chicks on Discovery Channel... *)

2. Hey. Dude, your employees are so cool. (翻译:your employees are so cool.)

3. So why not cool down with a gelato? (翻译:为什么不来一份冰淇淋凉快一下呢? )

4. - Everybody, cool down for a minute. (翻译:everybody cool down for a minute! Eh?)

5. Is it cool if I do it right now? (翻译:Okay. Is it cool if I do it right now?)

6. Cool clothes, cool chicks, cool cars, cool watches, cool, cool, cool. (翻译:厉害衣服,厉害小鸡,冷却 汽车,厉害手表,冷却, 凉爽的,冷却。)

7. Bobby, I am trying to keep my cool here. (翻译:I am trying to keep my cool here.)

8. ♪ ♪ The Earth began to cool (翻译:* 地球开始降温 * * The Earth began to cool *)

9. That is so cool about you and Jane. (翻译:That is so cool about you and Jane. 这是如此酷你和简。)

10. Most of you, because the oceans are so cool. (翻译:大部分人都举了手, 因为海洋真的很酷! )

11. ¶ that was cool for a while (翻译:*That was cool for a while*)

12. Dude, that was kind of cool. (翻译:that was kind of cool.)

13. Wait! ♪ ♪ The Earth began to cool ♪ (翻译:* 地球开始降温 * * The Earth began to cool *)

14. Cool it, cool it, cool it, cool it, cool it! (翻译:冷静 冷静 冷静! Cool it, cool it, cool it, cool it, cool it!)

15. Hey, wanna see something cool? (翻译:wanna see something cool?)


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