woodford是什么意思 woodford的中文翻译、读音、例句


woodford是什么意思 woodford的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源:Woodford的词根是“wood”(树木),它来自于英语中的“wudu”,这是一个古代德语单词,意思是“森林”。


- The Woodford Reserve Distillery is located in the heart of Kentucky's bourbon country.


- Woodford County is named after William Woodford, a colonel in the American Revolutionary War.


2. 地名:Woodford是许多地名的一部分,如伍德福德(Woodford)和伍德福德县(Woodford County)。


- The Woodford Historical Society is located in Versailles, Kentucky.


- Woodford State Park is located in Vermont, USA.


3. 缩写:Woodford Reserve是一种著名的波旁威士忌品牌,也被缩写为“WR”。


- Woodford Reserve is one of the most popular bourbon brands in the world.


- The WR Double Oaked is a special edition of Woodford Reserve.

(WR Double Oaked是伍德福德威士忌的特别版本。)

4. 人名:Woodford也可以是一个姓氏,比如美国的蒂姆·伍德福德(Tim Woodford),英国的理查德·伍德福德(Richard Woodford)等。


- Tim Woodford is a well-known music producer in Nashville, Tennessee.


- Richard Woodford is a former cricketer who played for England in the 1980s.


5. 企业:Woodford Investment Management是一家在英国注册的投资管理公司,由英国著名基金经理尼尔·伍德福德(Neil Woodford)创立。


- Woodford Investment Management was forced to suspend its flagship fund in 2019.


- Neil Woodford is one of the most prominent fund managers in the UK.



1. Woodford是个美丽的小镇,距离伦敦不远。

2. 我们在Woodford找到了一家好吃的意大利餐厅。

3. 他们为Woodford的社区做了很多贡献,受到了大家的爱戴。




例句:How did Woodford get Luc's tracker? (你可以去问Woodford Ask Woodford.)


例句:Pull Keller today before Woodford gets cold feet and pulls up stakes. (今天就把Keller撤出来 Pull Keller today before Woodford 别等到Woodford紧张到逃跑了 gets cold feet and pulls up stakes.)


例句:When you met with him before, was it in Woodford's office? (你之前见他的时候 是在Woodford的办公室吗)


例句:- It could be woodford or someone else in the pink panthers. (翻译:或是粉红豹里的其他人 好的 我让Johns去接着查)


woodford一般作为名词使用,如在Woodford(n. (Woodford)人名;(英)伍德福德)、Woodford County([地名] 伍德福德县 ( 美 ))、Woodford's rail([网络] 伍德福德的铁路)等常见短语中出现较多。

Woodfordn. (Woodford)人名;(英)伍德福德
Woodford County[地名] 伍德福德县 ( 美 )
Woodford's rail[网络] 伍德福德的铁路


1. When you met with him before, was it in Woodford's office? (翻译:你之前见他的时候 是在Woodford的办公室吗)

2. - It could be woodford or someone else in the pink panthers. (翻译:或是粉红豹里的其他人 好的 我让Johns去接着查)

3. Whatever the heist is needs to impress Woodford even more than the diamond. (翻译:不管敲门砖是什么 它必须令Woodford惊艳 要更胜于那颗钻石)

4. Mr Woodford challenged this convention. (翻译:伍德福德向这种制度发起了挑战。)

5. You planted that bug but not for Woodford. (翻译:器是你放的 但不是为了Woodford You planted that bug, but not for Woodford. 你是在监视自己的间谍 You were spying on your spy.)

6. Hey, Woodford sent his best men to help me at the yoga studio. (翻译:是Neal Neal. 嘿 Woodford派手下最厉害的人 Hey, Woodford sent his best men to help me)

7. - Is everyone in Plymouth drunk, Woodford? - It's the Witch, sir. (翻译:普利茅斯的人喝醉了吗 伍德福 真的是女巫 长官)

8. No fingerprints, no signs of DNA. (翻译:Nothing to link him to Woodford?)

9. Take the Panthers down for the heist. (翻译:然后让他们指认Woodford 换取较轻的量刑 Get someone to finger Woodford for a sweeter deal.)

10. Woodford. Instead of Mr. Kikukawa stepping down, the directors stripped Mr. Woodford of his executive positions. (翻译:董事们解除了伍德福德的高管职务,而不是要求菊川刚辞职。)

11. And now, thanks to Moz, we can move the money to wherever and whenever we want, which is why Woodford is letting me return the Panthers to their glory years. (翻译:现在多亏了Moz 我们可以 And now, thanks to Moz, we can move the money 随时把钱运到我们挑的地方 to wherever and whenever we want, 所以Woodford同意 which is why Woodford is letting me return)

12. Get someone to finger Woodford for a sweeter deal. (翻译:还有Keller呢? And Keller?)

13. All of us here are loyal and trusted by Woodford. (翻译:这里才是我家 I am home. 这里的所有人都很忠诚 并被Woodford信任 All of us here are loyal and trusted by Woodford.)

14. When Woodford and his gang collect the money, we move in. (翻译:我们可以设一个四街区的隔离区 We can set up a four -block safety perimeter.)

15. We take down Woodford and his crew, it's never over. (翻译:我们扳倒Woodford和他的人 事情不会结束的)


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