contaminate是什么意思 contaminate的中文翻译、读音、例句


contaminate是什么意思 contaminate的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:Contaminate是动词,可以用于各种时态和语态的句子中。

2. 同义词:pollute, dirty, infect, taint等。

3. 派生词:contaminant (名词,染物), contamination (名词,染,染物), contaminated (形容词,被染的), contaminating (动词的现在分词,染的)等。

4. 话题:染和环境保护是contaminate经常出现的话题。此外,在医学,食品安全,水质等领域也常常出现。


1. The river was contaminated by the factory's industrial waste. (这条河流被工厂的工业废水染了。)

2. The food was found to be contaminated with harmful bacteria. (这种食品被发现受到有害细菌的染。)

3. The air quality in the city has been severely contaminated by the high levels of traffic. (这个城市的空气质量已经受到交通的严重染。)

4. The groundwater was contaminated by leaking chemicals from the landfill. (这个垃圾场的泄漏化学物质染了地下水。)

5. The company was fined for illegally contaminating the nearby lake with toxic waste. (这家公司因非法用有毒废料染附近的湖泊而被罚款。)



1. Pollution from factories is causing the river to be contaminated with chemicals.(工厂的染导致河水被化学物质染。)

2. It's important to clean up the environment and prevent it from being contaminated any further.(清洁环境并防止它再遭到染非常重要。)

3. The food was contaminated with bacteria, causing several people to become sick.(食物被细菌染,导致几个人生病。)

4. The government is working to reduce air pollution and ensure that the air is not contaminated with harmful substances.(正在努力减少空气染,确保空气不会被有害物质染。)




例句:So we had to use special protocols to not contaminate the environment with our presence, and we tried also to share with the community, with the indigenous community, our discoveries. (因此我们制定了特别的规程 避免我们的探索对环境造成染, 同时,我们也尝试将发现成果, 与当地社会分享。)


例句:Hostile relationships invidiously contaminate our wellbeing. (敌对关系损害我们的健康。)


例句:Life will hand you stress and the key to managing your anxiety is not letting it contaminate your partner. (生活有很多困难的道路 通过的方法... ...就是好好的跟你的伴侣交流)


例句:You can laugh, but my Dad said... why contaminate your lungs with tobacco smoke? (翻译:你尽管笑 可我爹告诉我 为什么要让熏坏你的肺呢?)


1. Life will hand you stress and the key to managing your anxiety is not letting it contaminate your partner. (翻译:生活有很多困难的道路 通过的方法... ...就是好好的跟你的伴侣交流)

2. You can laugh, but my Dad said... why contaminate your lungs with tobacco smoke? (翻译:你尽管笑 可我爹告诉我 为什么要让熏坏你的肺呢?)

3. Contaminate a township's water, and you're going to have to pay for permanent public replacement. (翻译:如果染的另一个饮用水, 已支付的维修。)

4. And also, as an increase in extreme weather events due to climate change, they're expecting more waves to come in over the fringing reef, which will contaminate their fresh water supply. (翻译:然而,极端天气的增多 导致气候变化 巨浪也会随之增多 巨浪淹没岸礁 就将导致他们的淡水源受到染 )

5. Other than that, I gotta ask you to leave before you contaminate my crime scene. (翻译:除此之外,我要请你马上离开 停止继续 我所管辖的犯罪现场)

6. These are the sorts of things that it makes sense for us to stay away from, because they might actually contaminate us. (翻译:我们确实有理由远离这些东西, 因为它们真的可能会毒害我们。)

7. And then, secondly, getting back to that earlier point that I made about the preciousness of any life that we may find on Mars, we don't want to contaminate it. (翻译:就像前面我所提到的 我们要珍惜我们在火星上可能发现的任何生命 而不去染它们 )

8. For twenty years, they've lived off the radioactive food that continues to contaminate them little by little. (翻译:20年来 他们接触着 一点一滴毒害他们的放射性食物)

9. Since the Gulf War, they've carried a sample in case... terrorists contaminate an oil field with it. (翻译:... ...... 都在发生染的每一个油田中放置它.)

10. FOX, VOICE-OVER: In the end, he said absolutely nothing about what actually happened to contaminate the aquifer. (翻译:专家并没有说什么, 为什么地下水被染。)

11. We apes have learned to live in innocence. Let no one, be it man or some other creature, dare to contaminate that innocence. (翻译:我们猿猴是最优等地物种. 来威胁到我们的优势.)

12. These contaminate the citta, much in the same way that a tiny piece of bait is contaminated with enough hidden poison to kill an animal. (翻译:这些东西染着心,如一小块下了毒的诱饵,足以杀死一头动物。)

13. And also, as an increase in extreme weather events due to climate change, they're expecting more waves to come in over the fringing reef, which will contaminate their fresh water supply. (翻译:然而,极端天气的增多 导致气候变化 巨浪也会随之增多 巨浪淹没岸礁 就将导致他们的淡水源受到染)

14. This heavy metal, which can also contaminate water and soil, can interfere with nearly every aspect of fetal development, causing brain and kidney damage, according to the CCHE. (翻译:铅这种重金属,也会染水和土壤,而且,根据CCHE,铅几乎可以干扰到胎儿发育的各个方面,造成脑和肾的损伤。)

15. These plastic bags are made of degradable plastics, which will not contaminate the environment. (翻译:这些口袋由可降解塑料制成,不会造成环境染。)


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