patriarchi是什么意思 patriarchi的中文翻译、读音、例句


patriarchi是什么意思 patriarchi的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , I'm not capable of teaching or providing opinions, but some information that may be useful for you:

Patriarchi can have different meanings and uses depending on the context. Here are five possible aspects to consider:

1. Patriarchy: Patriarchi may refer to the social system or ideology that values men's power, authority, and dominance over women, children, and others. In this sense, patriarchi may be used as a noun or adjective to describe patriarchal structures, norms, or attitudes. For example:

- The patriarchi of many traditional societies has been challenged by feminist movements.

- The patriarchi culture in some companies may discourage women from advancing in their careers.

- The patriarchi language in some cultures may reinforce gender stereotypes and discrimination.

2. Patriarch: Patriarchi can also refer to a male leader or head of a family, tribe, or religious institution. In this sense, patriarchi may be used as a title or honorific for such a person. For example:

- The Greek Orthodox Church has several patriarchs, including the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

- The patriarchi of some families may have the final say in important decisions.

- The tribal patriarchi was respected by all members of the community.

3. Patrilineage: Patriarchi can also refer to the system of tracing one's descent or inheritance through the male line. In this sense, patriarchi may be used as a noun or adjective to describe patrilineal traditions or customs. For example:

- The patriarchi system in some cultures gives priority to male heirs over female ones.

- The patriarchi clan in some societies has a collective responsibility for its members' well-being.

- The patriarchi inheritance law in some countries may exclude daughters or wives from receiving property or assets.

4. Patriotic: Patriarchi can also be a shortened form of the word patriotic, which means having or showing love, devotion, or loyalty to one's country or nation. In this sense, patriarchi may be used as an adjective to express patriotic sentiments or actions. For example:

- The patriarchi spirit of the Olympic athletes inspired the whole nation.

- The patriarchi songs and symbols of a country can evoke strong emotions among its citizens.

- The patriarchi duty of defending the homeland is a core value in many armies.

5. Patent: Patriarchi can also be a mistaken spelling or unciation of the word patent, which means a legal right or title granted by the government to an inventor, author, or company. In this sense, patriarchi may be a typographical or linguistic error that has no meaning in English. For example:

- The patent application was rejected due to lack of novelty or inventiveness.

- The patent holder has the exclusive right to make, use or sell the invention for a limited period.

- The patent office examines and grants patents based on certain criteria and regulations.

Here are some examples of how to use these words in sentences:

1. Patriarchy:

- "The patriarchi mindset that women should be submissive to men is still pervasive in some cultures."

- "The patriarchi structure of the family business often results in nepotism and favoritism."

- "The patriarchi language of some fairy tales reinforces the message that girls should be passive and obedient."

2. Patriarch:

- "The patriarchi of the family gave his blessing to the marriage of his son and daughter-in-law."

- "The patriarchi of the Eastern Orthodox Church is regarded as the first among equals."

- "The tribal patriarchi mediated the conflict between two neighboring villages."

3. Patrilineage:

- "The patriarchi society of ancient Athens excluded women from most public roles and rights."

- "The patriarchi custom of primogeniture in some royal families ensures that the oldest male heir inherits the throne."

- "The patriarchi ideology of some extremist groups promotes violence against minorities and dissenters."

4. Patriotic:

- "The patriarchi display of the flag and the anthem during sports events is a symbol of national pride."

- "The patriarchi donation of the wealthy philanthrot to support the war effort was widely praised."

- "The patriarchi duty of voting in democratic elections is a way of expressing one's civic responsibility."

5. Patent:

- "The patenti application was filed online and is pending approval by the patent office."

- "The patenti holder sued a compe for infringing on his intellectual property rights."

- "The patenti law varies from country to country and can be complex and expensive to navigate."

"patriarchi" 不是一个正确的单词。可能是拼写错误,无法提供翻译和例句。请提供更多上下文以便更准确地回答。


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