karambit是什么意思 karambit的中文翻译、读音、例句


karambit是什么意思 karambit的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 使用karambit:use a karambit

2. 把karambit藏在身上:conceal a karambit

3. karambit的刃部:the blade of a karambit

4. karambit的手柄:the handle of a karambit


1. 印尼传统武器:traditional weapon of Indonesia

2. 自卫工具:self-defense tool

3. 近战武器:close combat weapon


1. 他的karambit非常锋利,能轻易地切开任何东西。

His karambit is very sharp and can easily cut through anything.

2. 这个武器不仅可以用来防御,还能用来攻击。

This weapon can be used not only for defense but also for offense.

3. 这个特别训练班将教授你如何使用karambit。

This special training course will teach you how to use a karambit.

4. 我们需要一些合法的自卫工具来保护自己。

We need some legal self-defense tools to protect ourselves.

5. 他的karambit藏在他的腰带里,准备着任何突况。

His karambit is concealed in his belt, ready for any emergency.

6. karambit刀的弯曲刃部使其更容易掌握。

The curved blade of the karambit makes it easier to grip.

7. karambit的手柄通常由木头、塑料或金属制成。

The handle of a karambit is usually made of wood, plastic, or metal.





1. He drew his karambit from its sheath and prepared for combat.(他从鞘中拔出卡兰比特,准备战斗。)

2. The Filipino martial art of Kali includes the use of the karambit.(菲律宾的武术Kali包括使用卡兰比特。)




例句:~ Come on and love me just a little bit ~ (# Come on and love me just a little bit #)


例句:Now that he's got a family ofhis own, maybe he needs a little bit of a break. (maybe he needs a little bit of a break.)


例句:- I may have a bit of the bubbly myself. (- I may have a bit of the bubbly myself.)


例句:It may look like a bit of fun. (翻译:It may look like a bit of fun.)


1. - I may have a bit of the bubbly myself. (翻译:- I may have a bit of the bubbly myself.)

2. It may look like a bit of fun. (翻译:It may look like a bit of fun.)

3. Hong, my friend is doing a bit business (翻译:my friend is doing a bit business)

4. Here, hang on to this for a bit. (翻译:hang on to this for a bit.)

5. Can you tell me three differences between a Sunni and a Shi'a? (翻译:- And a little bit of a coward?)

6. Unfortunately, our instructions came a little bit late. (翻译:our instructions came a little bit late.)

7. Think you need a bit more. (翻译:Think you need a bit more.)

8. ♪ I wanna put a bit of shine on it ♪ (翻译:l wanna put a bit of shine on it)

9. This is a bit of a surprise. (翻译:This is a bit of a surprise.)

10. It stands for "quantum bit." (翻译:是 “quantum bit”的缩写。)

11. Dude, come on, have a little bit of sense of humor about it. (翻译:have a little bit of sense of humor about it.)

12. In the end, the awards went to people that would make "350 million Arabs proud" as Karam put it. (翻译:最后,就如卡拉姆所言,颁发的这些奖项将令“3.5亿人引以为傲”。)

13. Well, this sounded a bit more than tough. (翻译:this sounded a bit more than tough.)

14. Can you turn that down a bit? (翻译:Can you turn that down a bit?)

15. Don't charge me under my real name. I've got money coming to me, quite a bit of money. (翻译:quite a bit of money.)




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