dissemination是什么意思 dissemination的中文翻译、读音、例句


dissemination是什么意思 dissemination的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'dissemination'指的是广泛传播或散布信息、观点或理念的行为。这通常与新闻媒体、社交媒体、广告、宣传等相关。

2. 用途:该单词的用途非常广泛,它可以用于描述、大公司、小企业、个人等在传递消息、推销产品、宣传宗旨等方面所做的努力。

3. 相关词语:在英语中,'dissemination'通常与其他词汇相连,比如'dissemination of information'(信息传播)、'dissemination of knowledge'(知识普及)、'dissemination of culture'(文化传播)等。

4. 重要性:'dissemination'对于信息时代的人们来说非常重要,因为它可以帮助他们了解更多的信息、理念和观点。在当今社会中,信息的广泛传播已经成为一种趋势,'dissemination'可以帮助人们更好地了解世界和彼此。


1. The dissemination of news is essential for any successful marketing campaign.(传播新闻对于任何成功的营销计划都是必不可少的。)

2. The dissemination of medical knowledge is crucial for the prevention of diseases.(传播医学知识对于预防疾病非常关键。)

3. We need to improve the dissemination of our company's values to our employees.(我们需要提高向员工传递公司价值的能力。)

4. The dissemination of false information on social media can have serious consequences.(在社交媒体上传播虚假信息可能会产生严重后果。)

5. The dissemination of scientific research helps advance our understanding of the world.(传播科学研究可以帮助我们深入了解世界。)




1. The dissemination of information through social media has become increasingly important.


2. The dissemination of accurate information is crucial in times of crisis.


3. The project includes a dissemination plan to ensure that the findings are shared widely.





例句:The human body is a constant temperature heating, most of the heat radiation of heat energy to the environment in the form of dissemination. (人体是一个恒温发热体,大部分的热能以热辐射的形式向环境散发。)


例句:OAI and its influence on the digital dissemination mode of academic journals (开放文档先导及其对学术期刊数字化传播方式的影响)


例句:The column Jina , the dissemination of such information, the intention is to cause the brain against, a new wind. (开栏集纳、传播此类信息,用心在于引起业界脑力激荡,掀起创新之风。)


例句:Meant to be a way to incentivize invention, meant to be a way to orchestrate the dissemination of knowledge, they are increasingly being used by large companies to create thickets of patents to prevent innovation taking place. (翻译:本该是一种刺激发明创造的机制, 本该是一种协调知识传播的机制, 但是它们越来越被大公司 用来制造专利壁垒 来阻止发明创造。)


dissemination一般作为名词使用,如在direct dissemination(直接播散)、dissemination by wind(风播)、dissemination channel(散布管道)等常见短语中出现较多。

direct dissemination直接播散
dissemination by wind风播
dissemination channel散布管道
dissemination medium传播媒介
dissemination of information[经] 信息传播
dissemination of technology[科技] 技术推广
dissemination structure侵染状构造
distance of dissemination传播距离
hematogenous dissemination血行播散;血原性播散


1. The column Jina , the dissemination of such information, the intention is to cause the brain against, a new wind. (翻译:开栏集纳、传播此类信息,用心在于引起业界脑力激荡,掀起创新之风。)

2. Meant to be a way to incentivize invention, meant to be a way to orchestrate the dissemination of knowledge, they are increasingly being used by large companies to create thickets of patents to prevent innovation taking place. (翻译:本该是一种刺激发明创造的机制, 本该是一种协调知识传播的机制, 但是它们越来越被大公司 用来制造专利壁垒 来阻止发明创造。)

3. The deposit is composed mainly of quartz-calcite veins, quartz veins and veinlet-dissemination sulfide breccias in altered rocks. (翻译:矿床由石英-方解石脉、石英脉以及细脉浸染状硫化物角砾状蚀变岩等矿体所组成;)

4. With its unique superiorities in the dissemination of information, TV medias occupy a rather favorable competitive position. (翻译:电视以其独特的优势在信息传播中占据了颇为有利的竞争地位。)

5. This rarely results in hematogenous dissemination, identical in appearance and histology to miliary TB, but easier to treat. (翻译:这种治疗偶可致血性播散,组织学表现和TB相似但易于治疗。)

6. The dissemination relationship between gangue mineral aggregate and andalusite in Xinjiang Huolagou andalusite ore was researched in detail. (翻译:详细研究了新疆霍拉沟红柱石矿中脉石矿物集合体与红柱石的嵌布关系;)

7. We also produce media for dissemination to the public -- free through the CyArk website. (翻译:我们也创作用于传播的媒体作品 向公众开放 通过CyArk的网站就可免费浏览 )

8. He actively promoted the dissemination of scientific ideas about matters such as morality. (翻译:他积极地推动诸如道德之类的科学观念的传播。)

9. Article marketing will candidly have an affect on your company in the long-term, regardless if you select manual or automated dissemination. (翻译:文章营销将在坦率的长期影响对你的公司,不管你选择手动或自动传播。)

10. Donnie: If free culture has to be a global movement, it must be expanded from sth. about IP to the free dissemination of the information. (翻译:我:如果自由文化必须作为一种全球文化出现的话,它的内涵必须由一个与知识产权相关的概念扩展到“信息的自由传播”。)

11. The results of magnetic roasting-magnetic separation depend on the dissemination size and embedment relationship of iron mineral in the ore. (翻译:状赤铁矿磁化焙烧—磁选分选效果取决于原矿中含铁矿物的粒度及嵌布关系。)

12. With the rapid growth and public acceptence of the Internet as a means of communication and information dissemination, concerns about privacy and security on the Internet have grown. (翻译:随着网络的不断普及和广泛应用,网络安全问题受到了人们越来越多的重视。)

13. The decryption and dissemination of which, other than being scientifically impossible, would surely carry punishments of treason that are so severe, the government probably hasn't invented them yet. (翻译:解密和传播这些信息 除了科技方面,是不允许的 而且肯定要被处以叛国罪,刑罚很严重)

14. In addition to these two initiatives, the Alliance is awarding a third grant on the dissemination of the Biennial Review and promoting action on capacity development for HPSR. (翻译:除以上两项倡议外,联盟还宣布了第三笔资助,用于宣传《双年度回顾》和推动HPSR能力开发的活动。)

15. Both the public and the scientific community have often been misled by widespread dissemination of sensational but weakly founded hypotheses. (翻译:公众和科学界经常被广泛传播的耸人听闻假设所误导,但这些假设毫无根据。)




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