shifter是什么意思 shifter的中文翻译、读音、例句


shifter是什么意思 shifter的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:shifter 是一个名词,通常指“换挡手柄”,也可以指“改变位置或状态的人或物”。


词组搭配:gear shifter(换挡手柄),shift lever(换挡杆)

短语:shifter key(切换键),shifter fork(换挡叉)



1. My car's shifter is stuck in park.(我的车的换挡手柄被卡在P档了。)

2. The truck driver shifted gears with the gear shifter.(卡车司机用换档手柄换挡。)

3. He was a shifter, moving from one job to another, never staying in one place too long.(他是一个转业者,一会儿工作这里,一会儿工作那里,从来没有在一个地方呆太久。)

4. The shifter key is used to switch between different modes on the keyboard.(切换键用于在键盘上切换不同的模式。)

5. The shifter fork is responsible for moving the gears inside the transmission.(换挡叉负责移动变速器内的齿轮。)

6. He was a shifter of moods, sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but always unpredictable.(他的情绪变化无常,有时开心,有时悲伤,但总是不可。)

7. The cyclist reached down and shifted the gears with the shift lever.(自行车手伸手向下,用换挡杆换挡。)



1. The shifter on my bike is broken and I can't change gears.


2. Automatic cars don't have a shifter because the gears are changed automatically.





例句:But if we let the cops in now, Ronald gets arrested, we get arrested. The shifter gets away. (但是一旦进来 Ronald被捕 我们也会被捕 变形怪就跑了)


例句:The bad news is that the shape-shifter's blood is 47% mercury. (坏消息是变形人的血液中 含有47%的水银)


例句:Well, I'm not sure, but I went back and re-examined the autopsy reports for the first shape-shifter. (我不太确定 但是当我回头看上次那个变形人的 尸检报告的时候)


例句:Hey, didn't dad once face a Shape Shifter in San Antonio? (翻译:爸爸是不是有次在San Antonio 对付过变型者)


shifter一般作为名词使用,如在frequency shifter(移频器)、gear shifter(齿轮拨叉)、head shifter(磁头移行器)等常见短语中出现较多。

frequency shifter移频器
gear shifter齿轮拨叉
head shifter磁头移行器
hydraulic shifter液压换挡机构;液动切换机构
induction shifter感应移相器
length shifter[网络] 长度位移器
level shifter电平转移电路
mechanical shifter机械变换器
muck shifter废渣装运机


1. Well, I'm not sure, but I went back and re-examined the autopsy reports for the first shape-shifter. (翻译:我不太确定 但是当我回头看上次那个变形人的 尸检报告的时候)

2. Hey, didn't dad once face a Shape Shifter in San Antonio? (翻译:爸爸是不是有次在San Antonio 对付过变型者)

3. The steering wheel, shifter, door handles, seatbelt buckle, they're all wiped clean. (翻译:方向盘 变速杆 门把手 安全带扣 统统都被擦干净了)

4. The role of phase shifter is signal phase shift from another perspective. (翻译:移相器地感化是将旌旗灯号地相位挪动一个角度。)

5. I volunteered so we didn't have to use another day shifter to cover for Drew while he's in Afghanistan. (翻译:我自愿上夜班 这样我们就不用再找人 给去阿富汗的德鲁补缺了)

6. Take your left hand off the wheel, and your right hand off the shifter. (翻译:左手放开方向盘 右手松开离合器 快 Take your left hand off the wheel and your right hand off the shifter, now.)

7. I mean, Shifter poses as a guard... from the security company, then it scopes out the fam. (翻译:shifter poses as a guard for the security company 以便接近那房子 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}to get near the house. 然后研究这个家庭 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Then it scopes out the fam.)

8. I may be a shape-shifter but I want what every man wants. (翻译:我是个变形人 跟所有男人的需求都一样)

9. I've got a killer, a vampire and a shape-shifter on my plate. (翻译:我这里有个犯 一个吸血鬼 还有个变形人)

10. Our scientists have been working on revealing that shape-shifter's identity, but what with all the damage to the other unit- (翻译:我们公司的科学家正在 尝试揭露变形人的身份 但是由于那个仪器被损毁了)

11. - Well, lucky me. Heh. - But to fixate on you, my guess is that the shifter has to have seen you before or been around you. (翻译:lucky me. 我猜那变形人以前见过你 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}My guess is that the shifter has to have seen you before)

12. And all this Shape Shifter lore. Can any of them fly? (翻译:所有的传说中的变型者 它们中有能飞行的吗)

13. It is concluded that the twin wire magnetic phase shifter has a clear advantage over the one wire magnetic phase shifter and that the former's magnetic current is half of the latters. (翻译:得出了双线磁化移相器比单线移相器有明显的优越性,其磁化电流是单线移相器的一半。)

14. Feeding error comprizes phase quantization error produced by digital phase shifter, array tolerance and the error produced by failure element. (翻译:馈电误差包括由数字移相器的使用引入的相位量化误差、阵列公差和失效单元引起的误差。)

15. So the shape-shifter is still alive, which means by now, it could be disguised as anyone. (翻译:所以说变形人仍然活着 这意味着到现在 他可能伪装成任何人)




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