toyahvale是什么意思 toyahvale的中文翻译、读音、例句


toyahvale是什么意思 toyahvale的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Instead of covering the news, reporter Vicki Vale has become it. ({\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}今天记者薇姬・维尔并没有揭露新闻,而是成为了新闻人物 Instead of covering the news, reporter Vicki Vale has become it.)


例句:It was past five when, dropping from the level of the tors, they came into the sunny vale of Monkland. (时间已五点多钟了,他们从山岗高地上跑下来,走进阳光普照的蒙克兰溪谷。)


例句:If my bride cannot have your soul, Vicki Vale, I shall have your blood! ({\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}如果我的新娘得不到你的灵魂,薇姬・维尔,我要喝光你的鲜血! If my bride cannot have your soul, Vicki Vale, I shall have your blood!)


toyahvale一般作为名词使用,如在Toyahvale([地名] 托亚韦尔 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Toyahvale[地名] 托亚韦尔 ( 美 )


1. If my bride cannot have your soul, Vicki Vale, I shall have your blood! (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}如果我的新娘得不到你的灵魂,薇姬・维尔,我要喝光你的鲜血! If my bride cannot have your soul, Vicki Vale, I shall have your blood!)

2. Vale mas que se hagan a un lado, porque a lo mejor estos nos matan. (翻译:我们最好还是散开 因为他们可能会想杀了我们 Vale más que se hagan a un lado, porque a lo mejor éstos nos matan,)

3. Analysts say that Vale do Rosario is one of the most innovative and diversified sugar mills in Brazil. (翻译:分析家说,对手罗萨里奥就是其中的最具创新和多样化的糖厂在巴西。)

4. You see, Miss Vale, Alicia's been made over in line with my new philosophy. (翻译:你知道 瓦尔 她和我有共同的人生哲学)

5. Tribesmen of the Vale, gather round! (翻译:谷地部落的战士们, Tribesmen of the Vale, 快集合! gather round!)

6. At this, Vale excels. (翻译:在这点上,淡水河谷出类拔萃。)

7. Switzerland's Xstrata and Brazil's Vale are also said to be interested. (翻译:瑞士的Xstrata和巴西的淡水河谷也表示对收购Riversdale有兴趣。)

8. In a statement the miner said: "The decision is consistent with Vale's rigorous discipline in capital allocation. " (翻译:淡水河谷在一份声明中表示:“这一决定符合淡水河谷在资金配置方面严谨的行为准则。”)

9. Jerry vale started singing and I look over, (翻译:接着Jerry Vale开始唱歌 然后我看过去)

10. The knights of the Vale will stay in the vale where they belong, to protect their lord. (翻译:谷地的骑士将留在谷地 The knights of the Vale will stay in the Vale 他们属于这里, 他们得保护他们的领主. where they belong, to protect their Lord.)

11. The lords of the vale have always spat upon the hill tribes. (翻译:艾林谷的领主们一直在欺压山地部落. The Lords of the Vale have always spat upon the hill tribes.)

12. Still, it's a relief, in a way, to know that she's beyond this vale of tears. (翻译:从某种程度上而言 想到她这么妙手回春 也算是一种安慰吧)

13. Miss Vale lacks the bite I require in a mate. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}维尔缺乏我对伴侣的真正要求 Miss Vale lacks the bite I require in a mate.)

14. Vale has plans for organic expansion in nickel, copper, coal and potash. (翻译:淡水河谷计划对镍,铜,煤和碳酸钾业务进行有机扩张。)

15. Yet it was in that vale that her sorrow had taken shape, and she did not love it as formerly. (翻译:可是,她的悲伤就是在那个山谷里形成的,所以她不像以前那样喜欢它了。)


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