wail是什么意思 wail的中文翻译、读音、例句


wail是什么意思 wail的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和定义:Wail是一个动词,意为哭泣、呜咽或哀叹。

2. 同义词和反义词:可以使用cry或sob来代替wail。与wail相反的词语是laugh或smile。

3. 用法和搭配:常见的搭配包括wail in agony(在极度痛苦中哀叫)、wail with grief(因悲伤而哭泣)和wail in protest(哀号)。

4. 文化含义:wail有时也用来描述西方文化中的“哭泣和嚎叫”式的拜祭仪式,如新奥尔良的爵士葬礼和哈瑞克瓦拉的犹太教哀悼仪式。


1. The woman let out a wail of despair when she heard the news of her son's death.(当这位妇女得知儿子去世的消息时,她发出了一声绝望的哭声。)

2. The baby's wails woke me up in the middle of the night.(宝宝的哭声在半夜把我吵醒了。)

3. The protesters wailed against the government's decision to raise taxes.(者对提高税收的决定哀叫。)

4. The mourners wailed and beat their chests during the funeral ceremony.(葬礼中,哀悼者哀叫并拍打口。)

5. The sound of the wailing sirens filled the streets after the earthquake.(地震后,警笛的哀嚎声充斥着街道。)




1. The mother wailed when she heard the news that her son had died.(母亲听到儿子去世的消息时悲痛地哀号)

2. The baby wailed all night because she was feeling unwell.(婴儿因感觉不适整夜哭泣)




例句:I joined my wail to theirs, loud and bitter. (我和他们一起恸哭,哭声又高又痛苦。)


例句:Do you promise to jump, jive, wail, groove, rock steady, and lend a helping hand to your fellow music lovers? (你愿意承诺坚定的跟我们一起 舞动 摇摆 欢跳 并给你的音乐发烧友们伸出援手吗)


例句:For five nights the family would gather to sing her praises and wail and mourn at her departure, led by a practised professional mourner. (一连五个晚上,家人聚在一起赞扬她,并在一个专业送葬人的领导下,对她的去世嚎啕和哀悼。)


例句:A piercing mournful wail cut through the air, as if intent on tormenting the weak of heart. (翻译:一阵尖锐的、凄惨的叫声在空中盘旋了一阵,好像故意在绞痛这些人的脆弱的心。)


wail一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to wail([网络] 呼号;嚎啕大哭;哀鸣声)、wail for(恸哭,哀泣)、wail on([网络] 哭泣)等常见短语中出现较多。

to wail[网络] 呼号;嚎啕大哭;哀鸣声
wail for恸哭,哀泣
wail on[网络] 哭泣
wail over为…而恸哭,哀泣


1. For five nights the family would gather to sing her praises and wail and mourn at her departure, led by a practised professional mourner. (翻译:一连五个晚上,家人聚在一起赞扬她,并在一个专业送葬人的领导下,对她的去世嚎啕和哀悼。)

2. A piercing mournful wail cut through the air, as if intent on tormenting the weak of heart. (翻译:一阵尖锐的、凄惨的叫声在空中盘旋了一阵,好像故意在绞痛这些人的脆弱的心。)

3. Fellow citizens, above yur national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions! (翻译:同胞们,在你们举国欢腾的作乐声中,我听到千万人的。)

4. One more wail would go the round in that wind by night. (翻译:到了晚上,在那样的狂风中,还会传来一声哀号。)

5. I was ready to get back on the beat, hear the wail of sirens and my gun and play with my handcuff (翻译:不适合当英雄 我准备回到老本行 听警笛声,玩和配枪)

6. kejira drove the silver sword deep into the warlock ' s bony chest , then threw her head back and let out a long wail of rage and grief. (翻译:凯吉拉挥起银剑,深深插入魔巫瘦骨嶙峋的膛,然后转头向后,同时发出一声充满愤怒和悲痛的长啸。)

7. The fjords and islands of Chilean Patagonia take the brunt of the prevailing westerlies that wail across the southern seas. (翻译:智利巴塔哥尼亚的峡湾和岛屿处于盛行西风带的笼罩之下,西风哀号着吹过南部洋面。)

8. My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit. (翻译:看哪!我的仆人必因心里高兴而欢呼,你们却要因心中伤痛而哀叫,因灵里破碎而哀号。)

9. The fjords and islands of Chilean Patagonia take the brunt of the prevailing westerlies that wail across the southern seas. (翻译:智利巴塔哥尼亚的峡湾和岛屿处于盛行西风带的冲击之下,西风哀号着吹过南部洋面。)

10. She heard the sirens scream their unearthly wail. (翻译:她听见警报器发出可怕的鸣叫。)

11. And I saw my sister's face, this wail of pain and suffering and surprise threatening to erupt from her mouth and threatening to wake my parents from the long winter's nap for which they had settled. (翻译:然后我看到我妹妹的脸 她满脸痛苦、惊讶的表情 马上就要哭出来了,极有可能吵醒 习惯在漫长冬季午睡的父母)

12. # The prison band was there and they began to wail (翻译:∮ The prison band was there and they began to wail 乐队在那儿,且开始悲鸣)

13. Up ahead, the stone men on the span began to wail. A few were pointing down at them. "Haldon, get the prince below, " commanded Griff. (翻译:在前方,桥拱上的石人们开始哭号。他们中的一部分指着他们。“哈尔顿,带王子下去,”格里夫命令。)

14. If there was another Wailing Wall exactly like the one in Jerusalem but close to taco stands and cheap prescription drugs would you still wail at it? (翻译:如果还有一面墙 和耶路撒冷的哭墙一模一样 但是和小吃店 廉价药店很近 你会去那里哀诉吗?)

15. The family of bereavement employs professional criers in the funeral ceremony. Criers ' wail raise the roof so as to let all people in the village know it. (翻译:丧家招请一些职业哭手来丧礼中大哭特哭,哭的价天震响,非让全村人都听见,绝不罢休。)




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