screened是什么意思 screened的中文翻译、读音、例句


screened是什么意思 screened的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性: 'screened' 是动词的过去式,意为 '筛选' 或 '过滤'。也可以表示 '放映' 或 '播放',这时通常用于电影、电视等媒体。


- All job applicants were screened for their qualifications and experience. (所有求职者都经过了资格和经验的筛选。)

- The airport security staff screened all passengers’ luggage for dangerous items. (人员对所有乘客的行李进行了危险物品的筛选。)

- The movie will be screened at the cinema next week. (电影将于下周在电影院放映。)

2. 医疗用途: 'screened' 也可以表示对某种疾病或病原体进行筛查或检测,以便及早发现并治疗。


- All newborn babies are screened for hearing loss. (所有新生儿都要接受听力筛查。)

- Women over 50 years old should be screened for breast cancer regularly. (50岁以上的女性应定期进行乳腺癌筛查。)

- International travelers may be screened for infectious diseases at airports. (国际旅行者可能在进行传染病筛查。)

3. 科技用途: 在计算机和电子产品中, 'screened' 通常表示通过屏蔽、过滤或干预等方式来保护或调节信号或数据的传输。


- The data center is equipped with screened cables to ensure secure and stable network connections. (数据中心配备了屏蔽电缆,以确保安全稳定的网络连接。)

- The TV cable service provider offers a range of high-quality screened channels. (有线电视服务提供商提供一系列高质量的屏蔽频道。)

- The new smartphone has a powerful processor and a screened display, it perfect for gaming and use. (这款新智能手机拥有强大的处理器和屏蔽显示屏,非常适合游戏和多媒体使用。)

4. 暗示、提示: 在文学、电影等艺术作品中, 'screened' 有时用来表示暗示、提示或展示隐含层次的情节或主题。


- The writer screened his political beliefs through his characters' dialogues and actions. (作者通过角色的对话和行动来展示他的信仰。)

- The movie director cleverly screened the film's underlying message of social injustice through subtle visual cues and metaphors. (电影导演通过微妙的视觉提示和隐喻巧妙地展示了电影的社会不公信息。)

- The poet screened his personal emotions and experiences in his abstract and symbolic language. (这位诗人用抽象和象征性的语言展示了他的个人情感和经历。)

5. 缩写词: 'screened' 也可以作为缩写词,例如 'SARS-CoV-2 screened' 表示对进行筛查,通常用于医疗和公共卫生领域。


- All healthcare workers should be regularly screened for SARS-CoV-2 to prevent the spread of the virus. (所有医护人员应定期接受筛查,以防止病毒传播。)

- Passengers arriving from high-risk countries will be screened for SARS-CoV-2 at the airport. (来自高风险国家的乘客将在接受筛查。)

- The hospital has set up a special area for SARS-CoV-2 screened patients to prevent cross-infection. (医院设立了一个专门的区域,用于筛查患者,以防止交叉感染。)




1. All attendees will have to be screened before entering the conference center.(所有参会者进入会议中心前都必须接受筛查。)

2. The screened porch is a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors without being bothered by bugs.(有屏风的门廊是一个休息和欣赏户外的好地方,而不会被虫子扰。)

3. The site was screened by trees and was not visible from the road.(这个地点被树木遮蔽,从路上看不见。)




例句:If she were dead, she would already be in it like one of them, screened from the light. (如果她已经死了 她应该像他们一样躲在棺材里了 因为怕光)


例句:Copper conductor PE insulated Al- plastic tape screened PVC sheathed braiding screened inspecting equipment and computer control cable . (铜芯聚乙烯绝缘编织屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套编织总屏蔽检测设备及计算机用控制电缆。)


screened一般作为形容词使用,如在screened in([网络] 筛选)、screened aerial(屏蔽天线)、screened antenna(屏蔽天线)等常见短语中出现较多。

screened in[网络] 筛选
screened aerial屏蔽天线
screened antenna屏蔽天线
screened area加网区
screened ballast经清筛之道碴, 过筛道碴
screened cableun. 屏蔽线;屏蔽电缆
screened camera屏蔽室
screened coal分煤
screened coil屏蔽线圈


1. Salt tolerant mutant and salt dependent mutants were screened on selective medium by using solid NTG to mutagenize B5. (翻译:用固体亚硝基胍诱变该菌株,在选择培养基上筛选到盐敏感突变株和盐依赖突变株。)

2. Ulrich Mueller of Maryland and his colleagues genetically screened 862 different types of fungi taken from ants' nests. (翻译:马里兰州的乌利齐·米勒和他的同事从蚂蚁窝中提取了862种不同类型的真菌进行基因筛选。)

3. the screened porch where one might sit in peace during the mosquitoey seasons (翻译:在蚊子很多的季节可以安心坐着的装有纱窗纱门的走廊)

4. In a FILMCLUB season about democracy and government, we screened "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." (翻译:在一季有关与的电影季 我们放映了《史密斯先生到华盛顿 》 )

5. "Only specially screened members of your communications staff are to be permitted to process the 14-part message and prepare the typed translation." (翻译:要解读这一长达14部分的电报 将其译出并制作成正式文书 必须是正规打字员方做得到)

6. Application of microbial strains were screened high protease enzyme is part of the solution one of the ways between supply and demand. (翻译:应用微生物方法筛选高产蛋白酶菌株成为解决该酶供需矛盾的途径之一。)

7. Objective To control Apodemus agrarius and Microtus brandt i, the favorite baits fur them was screened. (翻译:目的筛选适用于防治黑线姬鼠和布氏田鼠的配饵和捕鼠诱饵。)

8. These patients need to be screened for occult malignancy. (翻译:这些病人需要进行潜在恶性肿瘤筛检。)

9. By screening media, fresh calfskin decomposition and activity detection, one strain was screened with collagenase activity about 35. (翻译:经活性平板初筛、牛皮消化试验和活性测定,筛选得到一株胶原蛋白酶活性为35。更详细。)

10. "The goal is not to get screened out before you can fully explore your candidacy, " says Ms. Spanier. (翻译:宗旨就是在你能完全确认你对这个职位的候选地位之前不要摊出你的所有信息,斯班尼说。)

11. and 5, carrying out PCR screening identification on the obtained primarily screened transgene plants. (翻译:对获得的初步筛选的转基因植株进行PCR筛选鉴定。)

12. to further reinforce the gateway , many castles had an outer wall or a barbican which screened the gate from attack. (翻译:为了进一步加固大门,许多城堡都有外墙或桥头堡,保护大门不受攻击。)

13. This execution site wasn't covered, just an open place with a roof, but screened by a fence, so no one could see in. (翻译:但是被篱笆围起来了 没有人能看到里面发生的事情 只有一条狭窄的小路可以走进去)

14. I'm pleased to tell you that I've screened both your sets of genes... and there are no Code 46 issues. (翻译:你们结婚一点问题也没有 事实上,我还会向他们推荐呢)

15. Copper conductor PE insulated braiding screened PVC sheathed copper tape screened inspecting equipment and computer control flexible cable . (翻译:铜芯聚乙烯绝缘编织屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套铜带总屏蔽检测设备及计算机用控制软电缆。)






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