foolhardy是什么意思 foolhardy的中文翻译、读音、例句


foolhardy是什么意思 foolhardy的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:foolhardy 意为“鲁莽的,轻率的”,指人不顾后果,缺乏谨慎和判断力的行为。


词组搭配:foolhardy decision(鲁莽的决定)、a foolhardy venture(轻率的冒险)等。

短语:no foolhardy(不鲁莽的)、act foolhardy(表现鲁莽)。



1. She made a foolhardy attempt to climb the mountain in bad weather.(她鲁莽地试图在恶劣的天气下攀登山峰。)

2. It is foolhardy to invest all your savings in a single stock.(把所有的积蓄投入一只股票里是轻率的。)

3. His foolhardy behavior led to a serious accident.(他的鲁莽行为导致了一起严重事故。)

4. He was criticized for his foolhardy decision to quit his job without any backup plan.(他因为没有备用计划就辞职的鲁莽决定受到了批评。)

5. It would be foolhardy to drive without a seat belt.(不系安全带是鲁莽的。)

6. The general's foolhardy tactics resulted in the needless loss of many soldiers.(将军的轻率战术导致了许多士兵的不必要损失。)

7. She knew that it was foolhardy to confront the armed robber, but she did it anyway.(她知道和持枪劫匪对抗是鲁莽的,但她还是那样做了。)



1. It would be foolhardy to start a fire in such windy conditions. (在这种刮风的情况下生火是非常鲁莽的。)

2. He made a foolhardy attempt to climb the mountain without any equipment. (他冒险尝试不带任何设备攀登山峰。)

3. It was foolhardy of him to invest all his savings in such a risky venture. (他把所有的积蓄都投入到了这样一个风险很高的企业中,这是很鲁莽的。)

foolhardy的中文解释是"莽撞的 、愚勇的",还经常被翻译为有勇无谋的,发音音标为['fu:lhɑ:di],foolhardy常被用作形容词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到86个与foolhardy相关的例句。



例句:The enemy could not conceive that anyone would be so foolhardy as to go on fighting with four unprotected guns. (法国人根本没料到 这四门勇猛射击的大炮 竟然在孤军作战)


例句:Next day, we set out on an adventurous, some would say foolhardy, mission. (第二天,我们踏上了征程, 这趟出门有人说十分冒险,简直是有勇无谋。)


例句:Some may have considered me foolhardy, but it's been my habit to brush aside the fear of mathematics when talking to candidate scientists. (有些人或许会觉得我不太明智, 在和未来科学家交谈时, 常常告诫他们不要害怕数学. )


例句:When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy. (翻译:当他在自己身上试验还处于初级阶段的疫苗时,有些人说他的行为是莽撞的。)


1. Some may have considered me foolhardy, but it's been my habit to brush aside the fear of mathematics when talking to candidate scientists. (翻译:有些人或许会觉得我不太明智, 在和未来科学家交谈时, 常常告诫他们不要害怕数学. )

2. When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy. (翻译:当他在自己身上试验还处于初级阶段的疫苗时,有些人说他的行为是莽撞的。)

3. At the very beginning, a southern boy on Wall Street against the east-coast preppies, living in a sixth-floor walk-up filled with $25-worth of furniture, it was almost foolhardy. (翻译:出道之初,邓普顿只是个莽莽撞撞的南方小伙,住在那些东海岸预科生旁边的一幢六层楼高、没有电梯的公寓里,房间里的家具加起来只值25美元。)

4. Foolhardy smugglers looking to risk their lives for incredible profit would risk Imperial patrols near Kessel. (翻译:有勇无谋的者宁愿冒自己生命的险,以及冒著帝国巡逻舰队出现在凯索的险,换取惊人的利润。)

5. But just to try to prove that fact to you, I've brought along some bioluminescent plankton in what is undoubtedly a foolhardy attempt at a live demonstration. (翻译:只是为了试着用事实证明给大家, 我带来了一些能发光的浮游生物 明显无疑是一次用生物见证 的鲁莽的尝试。)

6. The pupils wondered if this foolhardy boy had lost his mind. (翻译:学生们怀疑这个莽撞的男孩是不是疯了。)

7. It would be foolhardy to sail in weather like this. (翻译:这种天气出航就是瞎冒险。)

8. ...he'd either have to be foolhardy or stupid to say, "I'm going to guarantee you a healthy bird." (翻译:他要么是意气用事 要么是愚蠢 说我能给你一只健康的鸟)

9. You know, you told me many times, ow that I think about it, actually... ...that my goals were unreasonable and foolhardy. (翻译:你知道, 你告诉我很多次了, 嗷嗷,我认为 这件事,其实.. 我的目标 不合理 和鲁莽。)

10. But just to try to prove that fact to you, I've brought along some bioluminescent plankton in what is undoubtedly a foolhardy attempt at a live demonstration. (翻译:只是为了试着用事实证明给大家, 我带来了一些能发光的浮游生物 明显无疑是一次用生物见证 的鲁莽的尝试。)

11. The brave, and the foolhardy, run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, at the festival of San fermin, dating back 420 years. (翻译:有420年历史的西班牙潘普洛纳市圣佛明节上,勇敢的、鲁莽的人们与牛共奔。)

12. When asked by a reporter why he'd made such a foolhardy flight, Walters was ready with a pithy reply: "A man can't just sit around. " (翻译:当Walters被一名记者问及为什么进行这次莽撞的飞行时,他有成竹,回答得十分精炼:“人不能无所事事。”)

13. While it would be foolhardy to make any bold predictions about this still-unseen OS, conditions look good for Google. (翻译:虽然对于这个尚不了解的操作系统作任何大胆的都是莽撞的,但情况似乎有利于谷歌。)

14. Even I, the most foolhardy, unrelenting hater, felt that it might not be fair to blame the guy for his offensive remarks about me. (翻译:即使是我,最莽撞的,无情的仇恨者,也感觉为他那些严厉的批评而责怪他,可能会有些不公平。)

15. Some may have considered me foolhardy, but it's been my habit to brush aside the fear of mathematics when talking to candidate scientists. (翻译:有些人或许会觉得我不太明智, 在和未来科学家交谈时, 常常告诫他们不要害怕数学.)


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