vacuna是什么意思 vacuna的中文翻译、读音、例句


vacuna是什么意思 vacuna的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义和定义:

'Vacuna' 是西班牙语中“疫苗”一词的意思。它是指一种含有致病菌或病毒的成分,通过注射或口服等方式进入人体,激发自身免疫系统产生针对该病原体的抗体,从而预防疾病的方法。

2. 疫苗的种类:


3. 疫苗的作用:



1. The COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to be highly effective in preventing severe illness and death. (疫苗已经被证明在预防严重疾病和死亡方面非常有效。)

2. Many parents choose to vaccinate their children against infectious diseases to protect their health. (许多家长选择给他们的孩子接种疫苗来保护他们的健康。)

3. The flu vaccine is recommended for elderly people and those with weakened immune systems. (流感疫苗建议老年人和免疫系统较弱的人接种。)

4. The HPV vaccine can prevent certain types of cancer caused by the human papillomavirus. (人瘤病毒疫苗可以预防某些由这种病毒引起的癌症。)

5. Despite some controversy, vaccines are generally considered to be safe and effective in preventing disease. (尽管存在一些争议,但疫苗通常被认为是预防疾病安全有效的方法。)

vacuna的中文翻译是疫苗,读音为“vǎ cùn à”。


1. Esperamos ansiosamente la llegada de la vacuna contra el COVID-19.(我们急切地等待着COVID-19疫苗的到来。)

2. La vacuna es la mejor forma de prevenir enfermedades infecciosas.(疫苗是预防传染病最好的方法。)

3. Antes de viajar al extranjero, asegúrese de recibir las vacunas necesarias.(出国之前,确保接种必要的疫苗。)




例句:In spite of the va-va-va-voom quality of the fragrances you like, you are also a comfort seeker. (尽管你喜欢的香水超有活力,你同时也喜欢舒适。)


1. We will all end up orphans (翻译:都会变成孤儿 On va tous finir orphelin)

2. All good, everything is fine, everything is wonderful. (翻译:没有 一切都好 Non, tout va très bien.)

3. You know, Baylor is out to get Sutherland, and Sutherland is out to get Baylor. (翻译:Baylor va en busca de Sutherland, y Sutherland va en busca de Baylor.)

4. - We're going back to Great Tiger. (翻译:-我们回猛虎军营 -不行 - On va chez Grand Tigre!)

5. Oh, you too. Leave me alone. (翻译:你也饶了我吧 Oh, ça va, lâche)

6. ? It took place at the local va ? (翻译:* It took place at the local VA * 它就发生在弗吉尼亚)

7. You'll be alright, Mrs Janvier? (翻译:你还好吗 让维埃太太 Ça va aller, Madame Janvier?)

8. Hay, you and I, Carl, wa'va takan vary diffarant paths in lifa. (翻译:嘿 你和我还有卡尔 我们在一生中有着非比寻常的经历)

9. Don't spoil things. - You're free. - No! (翻译:别捣蛋了 你现在自由了 Ne va pas tout gâcher, tu es libre maintenant.)

10. You may be fine, but not me. (翻译:Merde! 我不觉得 Moi, ça va pas.)

11. The contract is managed by the Program Executive Office Soldier at Fort Belvoir, Va. (翻译:这份合同由弗吉尼亚州Belvoir军营的士兵项目执行办公室管理。)

12. 137 is the average number of days a veteran has to wait to have benefits processed by the VA. (翻译:137是一个老兵 需要等待退伍福利的平均天数 )

13. Is Switzerland going to post a contribution as well eventually? (翻译:他要说什么了 瑞士人 Il va dire quelque chose, le Suisse? -我)

14. We are going to spin the banana (翻译:也给他们欢笑 On va leur filer la banane 香蕉 Des bananes)

15. Your father will kill you. (翻译:会杀了你的 Ton père va te tuer.)


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