gentleness是什么意思 gentleness的中文翻译、读音、例句


gentleness是什么意思 gentleness的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:'gentleness'是指温和,柔和,温馨的特质或品质。它可以是一个人、情感、语言或行为的特征。

2. 相关词汇:gentle,gentleman,gentlewoman,gentility,gentlehearted等。

3. 用法及搭配:'gentleness'通常用于描述人或事物的品质。可以用在形容词或副词前或后,例如:gentle gentleness, extreme gentleness, gentle and quiet gentleness。

4. 文化含义:'gentleness'在英语文化中是一个重要的价值观念,被视为仁慈、宽容、体贴、善良和友好的象征。这个概念在文学、艺术、音乐等方面都被广泛讨论和表现。


1. The mother held her baby with gentleness and care. (母亲温柔地抱着她的小宝贝)

2. His gentle tone of voice helped to calm her down. (他温和的语气帮助她平静下来)

3. The flowers in the garden swayed gently in the breeze. (花园里的花在微风中轻轻地摇曳)

4. He treated his wife with gentleness and respect. (他尊重妻子,对她温和亲切)

5. The gentle touch of her hand brought comfort to the sick child. (她手心的温暖让生病的孩子感到安慰)




1. She spoke with such gentleness and kindness that I couldn't help but feel comforted.(她说话温柔善良,让我不禁感到宽慰。)

2. The baby's skin was so delicate and soft, I had to handle him with extreme gentleness.(婴儿的皮肤非常细腻柔软,我必须极度温柔地处理他。)

3. The teacher showed great gentleness towards the shy and timid students.(老师对羞涩胆怯的学生表现出极大的温柔。)




例句:On the other hand, the former inherited from the latter heavy consciousness of male chauvinism, especially the element of paternal culture of pudicity and gentleness. (另一方面,前者因袭了后者较浓的传统男权性别意识,特别是“贞”与“柔”等父系文化因子。)


例句:I notice that he was fat and baldheaded, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simplicity upon his tranquil countenance. (我注意到他身材肥胖,秃了顶,在他那安详的面容上带着一种讨人喜欢的温和纯朴的表情)


例句:Galatians 5:22 says that the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (加拉太书5: 22说,水果 精神是爱,喜乐,和平, 忍耐,恩慈, 良善,信实,)


1. Galatians 5:22 says that the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (翻译:加拉太书5: 22说,水果 精神是爱,喜乐,和平, 忍耐,恩慈, 良善,信实,)

2. Pink clouds in the sky where you are, I leisurely under the clouds. Luk Yeung Sun Xi-liu, a chain tied me a gentleness? (翻译:你在天际彩霞里,我在悠悠白云下。绿杨细柳,牵系着我多少柔情?)

3. There is often a fluffiness to them, a cotton-wool gentleness not seen by day. (翻译:夜间的云朵常显得像棉绒般的温软,是白天所不太看到的。)

4. I was struck immediately by the kindness and the gentleness in her face, and I asked her to tell me her story. (翻译:我马上就被她脸上的美好、平和打动了。然后我请她给我讲她的故事。)

5. The old man's frenzy departed, and he became all gentleness. (翻译:老人的狂怒消失了,他变得温柔起来。)

6. Yongchang is that borrow tire gentleness, handsome heart, launched a series of hated the diffculties vengeance plan. (翻译:永昌得知借胎之人是心慈,对时俊恨之进骨,展开一连串报仇计划。)

7. And yet, the world is immeasurably vast, and gentleness, mercy and empathy linger in our hearts (翻译:即使这样,世界还是那样辽阔无垠 人心还是那样温柔友好)

8. It denigrates and belittles the qualities needed to care, such as patience and gentleness. (翻译:它贬低和轻视了照顾质量,例如耐心和善。)

9. But in the nature of what's going on here, there's one more small thing that I just want to bring closure to now in the circle of gentleness. (翻译:但既然讲到这件事 我还想坦诚一件小事 面对这圈温柔的人)

10. Five, listen to her talk, looking at her eyes, occasionally by hand and gentleness petting once her hair. (翻译:听她说话时,看着她的眼睛,偶尔用手温柔地抚摸一下她的头发。)

11. Then Blondeau gazes at me, with the gentleness of a tiger, and says to me: `lf you are Pontmercy, you are not Laigle. (翻译:这下,勃隆多用老虎的那种温柔神气望着我,笑容可掬地对我说:‘您如果是彭眉胥,您就不会是赖格尔。’)

12. - You're the only one in the world with enough wisdom - and gentleness to understand. (翻译:- 你是世上唯一拥有足够的 - 智慧和温柔来听的人)

13. Do not be fooled by our bows and smiles, our gentleness and attentions. (翻译:不要被我们的鞠躬和微笑愚弄了 我们的温顺和关心)

14. Li Luya, 20, English, Shenzhen University Most valued qualities: kind-heartedness, gentleness. (翻译:栗璐雅,20岁,深圳大学英语系,最注重的品质:善良,温柔。)

15. I was struck immediately by the kindness and the gentleness in her face, and I asked her to tell me her story. (翻译:我马上就被她脸上的美好、平和打动了。然后我请她给我讲她的故事。)






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