amnesty是什么意思 amnesty的中文翻译、读音、例句


amnesty是什么意思 amnesty的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Amnesty是指或国际组织宣布,对特定行为的犯罪者给予豁免,使其免于惩罚或起诉的行为。

2. 词源:Amnesty这个单词来源于希腊语中的“amnestia”,意为“遗忘”。在古代,国王或皇帝可以宣布Amnesty来宽恕某些罪行。

3. 应用范围:Amnesty通常用于问题,可以是针对一场战争中的战争罪行,或针对一次运动中的犯罪等。

4. 国际组织:Amnesty International是一个国际性非组织,致力于对全球的保护和维护。

5. 相关词汇:Amnesty还可以用于组合成其他词汇,如amnesty program,表示或国家宣布的特定豁免计划。


1. The president has granted amnesty to the partints of the rebellion. (总统已经向这次叛乱的参与者宣布了大赦。)

2. The government announced an amnesty for political prisoners. (宣布对犯颁布大赦令。)

3. The suspect was willing to testify in exchange for amnesty. (嫌疑犯愿意作证以换取免罪。)

4. Amnesty International works to protect people from human rights abuses. (组织致力于保护人们免受侵犯。)

5. The government launched an amnesty program to encourage people to pay back taxes. (启动了一项豁免计划,鼓励人们缴纳欠税。)




1. The government declared an amnesty for political prisoners. (宣布对犯实施大赦)

2. The amnesty allowed many illegal immigrants to stay in the country legally. (特赦令让很多非法移民合法留在了国内)




例句:I don't think you know what's important, ...the amnesty provision and I want to read it to you. (我不认为你知道什么 是重要的 我要向你读的特赦条例)


例句:Now, if the majority of Americans are skeptical of a blanket amnesty, they are also skeptical that it is possible to round up and deport 11 million people. (如果大多数美国人对全面大赦持怀疑态度,那么他们对于逮捕1100万人并把他们递解出境的可能性同样持怀疑态度。)


例句:They did not offer much help, but did offer what is called amnesty to all pirates if they would stop being pirates. (但是这些国家并未提供太多帮助,相反只要海盗们放弃海盗的身份,它们为他们提供所谓的“特赦令”。)


例句:This is not about what we do, it's about requesting amnesty and surrender our lives... (翻译:这不是我们做的,它是关于 请求特赦,并交出了我们的生活...)


amnesty一般作为名词、动词使用,如在general amnesty([法] 大赦令)、patron amnesty(读者处罚特赦)等常见短语中出现较多。

general amnesty[法] 大赦令
patron amnesty读者处罚特赦


1. They did not offer much help, but did offer what is called amnesty to all pirates if they would stop being pirates. (翻译:但是这些国家并未提供太多帮助,相反只要海盗们放弃海盗的身份,它们为他们提供所谓的“特赦令”。)

2. This is not about what we do, it's about requesting amnesty and surrender our lives... (翻译:这不是我们做的,它是关于 请求特赦,并交出了我们的生活...)

3. As part of this amnesty... it will not be necessary for officers to do manual labor. (翻译:作为这个特赦的一部分... ...军官不需要做体力劳动了.)

4. I'm prepared to offer a free amnesty, if you behave and go down to the cellar and dig up the oil. (翻译:我准备赦免你们 只要你们做个好市民 去地下室挖石油)

5. Robb Stark offered amnesty for the ironborn if they gave us Theon. (翻译:如果他们交出席恩,罗柏·史塔克答应 不跟铁种计较)

6. The amnesty sent Bolivians flocking to Iquique, the Chilean port where most of the imports arrive, until car dealers there sold out. (翻译:这次赦免让玻利维亚人蜂拥至智利的伊基克码头——多数进口汽车的到达地——购买汽车,直到汽车经销商手里的汽车售罄。)

7. Now, I'm ashamed to say that Her Majesty's government is willing to offer you amnesty in return for your services. (翻译:现在 我很惭愧地说 女王陛下治下的... ...愿意给予你特赦... ...以换取你的效力)

8. Amnesty workers have been barred from the country since 1982. (翻译:自1982年以来特赦的工人被禁止进入该国。)

9. I want 20,000 letters to Amnesty International and the Council on Human Rights. (翻译:我想寄两万封信给国 际特赦组织 以及政策委员会)

10. Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and the United Negro College Fund announced record earnings this week, due mostly to large, anonymous donations. (翻译:组织,绿色和平组织 及黑人联合大学基金 因有大额匿名捐款 而宣告有盈余)

11. The prison at Kfar Ryat was condemned in several reports by Amnesty International. (翻译:卡法拉特的这所被国际赦免组织 公开批评了好多次)

12. It's a strange and temporary amnesty but one in which everyone benefits. (翻译:这是一个奇怪和临时的特赦 但每个人都能受益)

13. For popularizing the Water Margin, its writer put in the contents of loyalism and offering amnesty and enlistment to rebels. (翻译:《水浒传》为了自身的传播,写进了忠义思想及招安、投降的内容。)

14. Amnesty for what Redding's done if he quits going after Ballard. (翻译:知道 赦免列迪所犯的错失 若他不再追踪巴洛,记录下来)

15. - I'm telling you this because I want some kind of protection or amnesty. (翻译:- 我告诉你是因为... ...我需要某种形式的保护或者特赦)




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