ttle是什么意思 ttle的中文翻译、读音、例句


ttle是什么意思 ttle的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:'ttle'是一个名词,表示小牛或小牛肉。它还可以作为一种乳制品的成分,如牛奶和奶酪。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:'ttle'常用于农业领域,特别是在牛肉和乳制品生产中。例如,人们可以使用'ttle'来描述他们的农场或畜牧场生产的奶牛或牛肉。此外,'ttle'还可以用于描述食品或烹饪方式中的牛肉或乳制品。

4. 词组搭配:一些常见的'ttle'搭配包括:

- Beef cattle(肉牛)

- Dairy cattle(奶牛)

- Cattle ranch(牛场)

- Cattle drive(赶牛)

- Cattle market(牛市)

- Cattle feed(饲料)

5. 相关短语:一些常见的与'ttle'相关的短语包括:

- Milk the cattle(挤奶)

- Beef up(增强)

- The cattle industry(牛业)

6. 发音拼写:'ttle'的发音为/ˈkætəl/。




1. She has a little dog. (她有一只小狗。)

2. He only ate a little food for lunch. (他午餐只吃了一点点食物。)

3. The little girl is playing with her toys. (小女孩正在玩她的玩具。)




例句:And these designer cancer T cells, CAR T cells, have a calculated half-life of more than 17 years. (这些定制的癌症 T 细胞, 即 CAR-T 细胞, 其半衰期预计超过 17 年, )

例句:It's smaller than a postage stamp, and it can generate power just by being attached to your shirt as you move. (比邮票还小 只要别在T恤上 别在T恤上 )


ttle一般作为名词使用,如在TTLE([网络] 聪明不是挂在嘴上)等常见短语中出现较多。

TTLE[网络] 聪明不是挂在嘴上


1. So I ask, "What would move T, technology, from the numerator -- call it T1 -- where it increases impact, to the denominator -- call it T2 -- where it reduces impact? (翻译:于是我问,“假如作为因子的 T 我们称之为 T1 我们希望这个 T1 可以扩大影响 而作为分母的 T2, 我们希望其降低影响。这可能吗?)

2. One extremely illegal hack in T-minus now. (翻译:タ獶猭献T -minus One extremely illegal hack in T -minus now.)

3. Why would he own a T-shirt cannon? (翻译:他怎么会有T恤衫大炮? Why would he own a T -shirt cannon?)

4. What is it, one T-shirt a week? (翻译:What is it, one t - shirt a week?)

5. These ladies are interested in your T-shirts. (翻译:这两位女士对你的T恤很感兴趣 These ladies are interested in your T)

6. Check out the guy in the white T-shirt. (翻译:调查到穿白T恤的那个人 Check out the guy in the white T)

7. For the T-Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects. (翻译:T病毒还有未曾预见的副作用 For the T -Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects.)

8. ( Grunting, Muttering ) T-bird-- (翻译:[ Grunting, Muttering ] T -bird --)

9. Intervertebral lesions presented relatively equal hypointense on T1WI, and asymmetric hyperintense on T2WI. (翻译:椎间盘T1WI上相对均匀低信号,T2WI不均高信号; )

10. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (翻译:E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

11. And,come on somebody had to put an end to T-Mose. (翻译:拜托 某人别再叫T -Mose了 不 T)

12. Time Limit Exceed (TLE) : Your problem was killed by judge because it use too much time. (翻译:您的程序使用了超过题目限制的时间后被系统杀死。)

13. I give to you, the T-virus. (翻译:请看 T病毒 I give to you, the T -virus.)

14. All right. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, E L, E, P, T, L, P, E, F, E, T, Z, E, T... (翻译:好 , E F L E P T P L E P F L E L E P T L P E F E T Z E T)

15. The T-1000 knows where we are. (翻译:T -1000知道我们的位置了 The T -1000 knows where we are.)


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