asp.net是什么意思 asp.net的中文翻译、读音、例句


asp.net是什么意思 asp.net的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 作为缩写词,ASP可以表示多种含义,例如:

- Active Server Pages:一种页技术,可以用于开发基于服务器端的站;

- Application Service Provider:指提供基于互联网的应用服务的公司或组织;

- Average Selling Price:指某种产品的平均售价。


- ASP is a technology that allows developers to create dynamic web pages that can be customized and personalized for each user.

- Many companies are using ASPs to provide their employees with access to business applications and tools from any device with an internet connection.

- The average selling price of smartphones has increased in recent years due to the introduction of new features and technologies.

2. 作为单词,ASP通常指一种非常小的蛛形动物,也称为地毯虱。


- I found an ASP crawling on my bedroom floor last night.

- Some people are allergic to ASP bites and may experience symptoms such as itching, redness, and swelling.

- ASPs can be difficult to detect and eliminate from carpets and furniture.

3. ASP还可以表示其他含义,例如:

- Association of Shareware Professionals:一个由独立软件开发者组成的协会,致力于促进共享软件的开发和销售;

- Advanced System Protector:一种计算机安全软件,可以检测和删除恶意软件和病毒。


- The Association of Shareware Professionals provides resources and support for independent software developers.

- Advanced System Protector is a powerful tool for keeping your computer safe from malware and other security threats.

- The ASP conference is a great opportunity for developers to learn new skills and network with others in the industry.


读音:ē sī pí


1. The factory uses an ASP compressor to power its machinery. (工厂使用活塞式空气压缩机来驱动其机器。)

2. ASP compressors are commonly used in workshops and factories. (活塞式空气压缩机在车间和工厂中被广泛使用。)




例句:The v1.1.4322 subfolder is specific to ASP. (4322子文件夹为ASP.NET1.1所用; )


例句:Over the years some broadcast ASP stars have become increasingly androgynous in an attempt to capture this segment of the audience. (为了争取这部分的使用者,这些年来有越来越多的外部感官体验明星变成双性人。)


例句:It's undoable that ASP can draw on more customers, and increase the flexibility of paying model. (另一方面,对ASP厂商来说,这无疑可以吸引客户、增加收费的灵活性。)


例句:To understand why these extra steps need to be performed, recall that the URL rewriting engine is at the ASP. NET level. (翻译:要理解需要执行这些额外步骤的原因,可以参考前面的内容,即URL重写引擎位于ASP.NET级别上。)


asp一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在horned asp([网络] 有角的asp)、quaking asp([网络] 颤抖的asp)、wireless asp(无线应用服务厂商)等常见短语中出现较多。

horned asp[网络] 有角的asp
quaking asp[网络] 颤抖的asp
wireless asp无线应用服务厂商


1. It's undoable that ASP can draw on more customers, and increase the flexibility of paying model. (翻译:另一方面,对ASP厂商来说,这无疑可以吸引客户、增加收费的灵活性。)

2. To understand why these extra steps need to be performed, recall that the URL rewriting engine is at the ASP. NET level. (翻译:要理解需要执行这些额外步骤的原因,可以参考前面的内容,即URL重写引擎位于ASP.NET级别上。)

3. Now, you can take advantage of ASP. NET provider services and also embed UAC manifests for application running on Windows Vista. (翻译:现在,从ASP.NET提供商的服务和为运行于WindowsVista系统上的应用程序嵌入UAC验证中,你能获益多多。)

4. The ACA for the ASP is proved to be better than FCFS, which can decrease the make span of landing airplanes by 14%. (翻译:结果表明,ASP蚁群算法优于FCFS调度方法,可以使着陆队列完成时间减少约14%。)

5. Through the strong ability of ASP + ACCESS technology, it realizes online studying adaptively. (翻译:该系统主要利用了ASP强大的网络数据库访问技术,实现了网上排课的方便性。)

6. Several chemical and physical properties of ASP have been evaluated based on specific optical rotation values and sugar composition. (翻译:基于特定的旋光度值和糖成分,已经评估了 ASP 的几种化学和物理性质。)

7. The ASP.NET engine utilizes a similar approach. (翻译:NET引擎使用相似的方法。)

8. However, it is possible for an. Exe or ASP. NET Web application built with one version of the runtime to run on any version of the runtime. (翻译:但是,使用某个版本的运行库生成的.exe或ASP.NETWeb应用程序可以在任何版本的运行库上运行。)

9. Irons captured his first ASP World Tour victory in three years defeating CJ Hobgood in the final. (翻译:他的第一个ASP铁杆抓获三名世界决赛中击败终审法院首席法官霍布·古德年巡回赛冠军。)

10. GLU and ASP in flue-cured leaves, and it can be the physiological index of nutritional status and nitrogen response in varieties. (翻译:烤烟叶片氨基酸含量变异较大的是脯氨酸、谷氨酸和天门冬氨酸,可作为烟株氮素营养状况与品种耐肥性的生理指标。)

11. Use the following steps to profile ASP.NET applications. (翻译:通过的步骤去分析a sp.net应用程序。)

12. ASP.NET MVC 2 is now ready for production use. Microsoft's open source MVC framework is compatible with 3.5 and the soon to be 4. It compes with many new features including. (翻译:微软的开源mvc框架A SP.NET MVC 2已经发布了,它同时兼容。NET 3.5和即将发布的。NET 4。)

13. The TreeView Node Editor dialog box enables you to add and remove static nodes in an ASP. NET TreeView control. (翻译:使用“TreeView节点编辑器”对话框,可以在ASP.NETTreeView控件中添加和移除静态节点。)

14. All ASPS Member Surgeons are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. (翻译:所有的ASP会员都由美国整形外科或皇家医学院外科医生认证委员会和加拿大外科医生认证委员会认证。)

15. Therefore, the characteristic tripeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) has been attracting much attention of investigators. (翻译:因此,关于这个特有的RGD三肽序列的研究吸引了许多的学者的关注。)




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