
关于”我的假期“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My vacation。以下是关于我的假期的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”我的假期“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My vacation。以下是关于我的假期的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My vacation

I had a good summer vacation this year. I went to the country for my summer vacation. It's very beautiful there.

There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather with some farm work. I write down what happened in my diary every day.

In addition, I also help the children in the neighborhood. I help them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thank me for this.

I'm going to the country for my summer vacation this year. I like green plants, clear rivers and lovely animals. I breathe the fresh air in the mountains.

Sometimes I go swimming in my River and write a diary every day. I not only like the scenery of the country, but also the people there. I help them do farm work.

I also help the children of our neighbors have cl. The children are very interested in English. They are good at reading and writing, but they can't listen and speak well.

I help them improve their listening. Speaking of their parents' high evaluation of me, I Aware of the great demand for knowledge in the countryside.







How do I spend my summer vacation? The summer vacation is coming again. I'm very glad that I can at least forget about the school for a while, so that I don't have to spend the whole summer vacation. I have made a plan first.

I think I should review what my teacher taught last semester, so that I can understand them better. Then I think I should take some exercise methods, such as walking, running, rowing, to keep my body strong. With such a good plan, I should make full use of my holiday time, because I live up to my plan.




Oh (∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩ I only eat at noon and in the evening. Other time, I have to do my winter vacation homework, recite Chinese classical poetry, write diaries, and play the zither. I am very busy.

I have to linger, drink water, eat in the toilet, find various reasons to do with my mother. Angry old mother yelled at me that this has not achieved my purpose of playing, and this is my winter vacation life. Sadie wants to play computer and watch TV for a while I know you are very kind to me, but you know, you have brought me a lot of pressure.

I hope you, all the mothers, will give the children a happy childhood.






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