凯蒂英文名是什么意思(katy老外眼中的英文名) 70个

凯蒂英文名是什么意思,共计搜集到70个名字,每个名字都标注了流行趋势,而且发音朗朗上口,都是比较专业的英文名,给人一种有耐心敏捷的印象,很多家长给孩子起英文名,一个寓意好的英文名,几乎能够起到和中文名同等重要的作用,比如Thisbe(这话是这么的)、Anani(意思是“我的云”。)、Lord scroop is a c(史克鲁普勋爵是一个c)、Sango(意思是“珊瑚”。)、Elonso(Elonso是埃隆佐)等等,我就为大家分享一些加拿大人士取英文名的注意事项和方法,一起聊一下katy老外眼中的英文名。

凯蒂英文名是什么意思(katy老外眼中的英文名) 70个

1. 姓名:'Katy'普通的英文女性名字,可以用于指代一个具体的人物。

例句:My friend Katy is coming to visit me next week.(我的朋友Katy下周要来看我。)

2. 歌手: 'Katy'也可以指Katy Perry,美国流行歌手,因其多个热门单曲和独特的音乐风格而广受欢迎。

例句:I went to Katy's concert last night and it was amazing.(我昨晚去了Katy的音乐会,太棒了。)

3. 缩写词: 'KATY'是一种的俚语缩写词,代表MDMA()。

例句:The police found a stash of KATY in his car.(在他的车里发现了一批。)

4. 地名: 'Katy'是美国得克萨斯州的一个城市,以其历史悠久和农业文化而著名。

例句:My cousin lives in Katy, Texas and he loves the small town feel.(我表弟住在得克萨斯州的Katy市,他喜欢那里的小城镇氛围。)

5. 其他: 'Katy'也可能用于其他不同的领域,比如公司名称、产品名称、论文标题等。

例句:I work for a company called Katy Communications.(我在一家名叫Katy Communications的公司工作。)


读音:Kǎ dì


1. Katy is my best friend.(凯蒂是我最好的朋友。)

2. Katy Perry is a famous singer.(凯蒂·佩里是一位著名歌手。)

3. I'm going to meet Katy at the coffee shop.(我要去咖啡店见凯蒂。)




例句:Ready with akon? Katy perry standing by. (凯蒂・佩里准备好了 五秒后登场 Katy Perry standing by.)


例句:Katy is traveling. I need the band in position. (我需要乐队就位 I need the band in position.)


例句:If the Commissioner finds out about this gettin' out, you'll be demoted to Constable before you can say "Katy Price is a virgin." Do you understand? (如果你是一名专员,您将学习 那就是失控。你必须离开这里你知道它之前。你明白吗?)


例句:- Yeah, three instalments of 2,650. First payment this Friday. Talk to Katy. (翻译:- 行啊,2650块分三期 首付这周五交,联系凯蒂)


katy一般作为名词使用,如在Katy Perry(凯蒂·派瑞(人名))等常见短语中出现较多。

Katy Perry凯蒂·派瑞(人名)


1. If the Commissioner finds out about this gettin' out, you'll be demoted to Constable before you can say "Katy Price is a virgin." Do you understand? (翻译:如果你是一名专员,您将学习 那就是失控。你必须离开这里你知道它之前。你明白吗?)

2. - Yeah, three instalments of 2,650. First payment this Friday. Talk to Katy. (翻译:- 行啊,2650块分三期 首付这周五交,联系凯蒂)

3. They banned "She and Him" by mistake, because they can't tell Zooey Deschanel from Katy Perry . . . (翻译:他们误禁了《她和他》,因为他们分不清佐伊·丹斯切尔和凯蒂·佩里…)

4. Send katy and akon. Katy and akon out now, please. (翻译:请凯蒂和阿肯出场 Katy and Akon out now, please.)

5. - In this week's People magazine, the one with Katy Perry on the cover. (翻译:在这周的杂志 就是那个有Katy Perry在上面的杂志)

6. With a modest cost of living and a well-paid workforce, Katy makes good economic sense for most people considering relocation. (翻译:随着生活费用低,一份高薪的工作人口,卡蒂使大多数的利益考虑搬迁的经济意义。)

7. I'm out capturing people, and I started seeing Katy coming out. (翻译:我捕捉夜晚人群的影像 然后我开始注意到凯蒂出没)

8. When we first signed Katy, she had been kind of kicking around for a couple of years. (翻译:我们刚签下凯蒂时 她似乎已经浮沉了好些年)

9. The clerk at the desk told me about Katy. (翻译:柜台的职员告诉我凯蒂的事。)

10. Okay, well... you tell him he's got till the close of business today to call Katy from Billy Taggart's office. (翻译:好吧,那请你告诉他 他在今天下班之前 要联系比利塔格尔办公室的凯蒂)

11. The mandate from Katy is to tour for two weeks, and then take three or four days off to spend time with Russell. (翻译:凯蒂的指示是进行两周的巡回演唱 然后休息三四天和罗素在一起)

12. Roxanne is not the only fan of the diet. US pop star Katy Perry also admitted to using mushrooms to stay in shape. (翻译:热衷于生蘑菇减肥法的不止罗克妮一人。美国流行歌手凯蒂?佩里也承认通过食用蘑菇来保持体型。)

13. Capitol believed in her vision, and they'd called, saying they want to sign Katy. (翻译:首都唱片相信她的理念 他们打电话 表示想签下凯蒂)

14. When Alissa was in her early twenties, she accepted the fact that, like her sister Katy, she was . (翻译:艾莉萨二十出头时,她接受了一个事实,和她的妹妹凯蒂一样,她也是个同性恋。)

15. And Katy Perry drinks her morning coffee out of an amber owl. (翻译:接着凯蒂·派瑞在琥珀色的猫头鹰杯里 喝她的早安咖啡。)


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