
关于”写的连接词“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Connector words written。以下是关于写的连接词的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”写的连接词“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Connector words written。以下是关于写的连接词的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Connector words written

1. First of all (首先)

2. In addition (另外)

3. Furthermore (而且)

4. Moreover (此外)

5. Additionally (此外)

6. Likewise (同样)

7. Similarly (同样)

8. However (然而)

9. Nevertheless (然而)

10. Nonetheless (尽管如此)

11. On the other hand (另一方面)

12. In contrast (相反)

13. In spite of (尽管)

14. Regardless (无论)

15. Indeed (确实)

16. Consequently (因此)

17. Therefore (因此)

18. Thus (因此)

19. Hence (因此)

20. As a result (结果)

21. Finally (最后)

22. To conclude (总之)

23. In conclusion (最后)

24. Overall (总体上)

25. In summary (总之)

26. In brief (简言之)

27. To summarize (总之)

28. With this in mind (考虑到以上)

29. In light of (考虑到)

30. For instance (例如)


Writing English Essays with Linking Words 写英语作文的连接词

When writing an English essay, it is essential to use appropriate linking words to connect ideas and ensure a smooth and coherent flow of your writing. These words not only help you express your thoughts clearly but also showcase your language proficiency. In this article, we will explore several commonly used linking words along with their Chinese translations.

首先 (Firstly)

To begin with, it is important to structure your essay effectively. 首先,有效的组织作文结构是很重要的。

其次 (Secondly)

Additionally, providing supporting evidence is crucial in academic writing. 其次,在学术写作中,提供支持性证据是至关重要的。

此外 (Furthermore)

Furthermore, it is essential to consider different perspectives on the topic. 此外,考虑到不同的观点是非常重要的。

同样地 (Similarly)

Similarly, the research conducted by Smith (2019) also supports this claim. 同样地,Smith(2019)的研究也支持这一观点。

然而 (However)

However, some scholars argue that the findings are not conclusive. 然而,一些学者认为这些发现并非定论。

相反 (On the contrary)

On the contrary, the data collected suggests an alternative explanation. 相反,收集到的数据表明了一种替代性的解释。

此外 (Moreover)

Moreover, the results indicate a significant correlation between the two variables. 此外,结果显示两个变量之间存在显著的相关性。

然而 (Nevertheless)

Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study. 然而,认识到这项研究的局限性是很重要的。

因此 (Therefore)

Therefore, it can be concluded that further research is needed in this area. 因此,可以得出结论,在这个领域需要进一步的研究。

总之 (In conclusion)

In conclusion, the use of appropriate linking words enhances the coherence and clarity of your English essays. 总之,使用合适的连接词提高了你英语作文的连贯性和清晰性。



1. Firstly,secondly,thirdly,in addition,furthermore,moreover (首先,其次,第三,此外,而且,此外)

2. In contrast,however,nevertheless,on the other hand (相比之下,然而,然而,另一方面)

3. For example,for instance,such as,namely (例如,例如,例如,即)

4. Similarly,likewise,in the same way (同样,同样,以同样的方式)

5. In conclusion,in summary,to sum up,in brief (总之,总结,总结,简言之)

6. Additionally,in addition to,besides,moreover (此外,除此之外,除此之外,此外)

7. Furthermore,moreover,what's more,in addition (此外,而且,更何况,此外)

8. Therefore,thus,consequently,as a result (因此,因此,因此,结果)

9. Nevertheless,nonetheless,despite,in spite of (然而,尽管如此,尽管如此,尽管如此)

10. Furthermore,in addition,besides,moreover (此外,除此之外,除此之外,此外)




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