
关于”难忘的寒假“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Unforgettable Winter Vacation。以下是关于难忘的寒假的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”难忘的寒假“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Unforgettable Winter Vacation。以下是关于难忘的寒假的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Unforgettable Winter Vacation

My Unforgettable Holiday







Since I can remember, I have dreamed of spending an unforgettable holiday at the beach. Last summer, my dream finally came true.

That summer, my family and I went to Phuket, Thailand. There we stayed in a beautiful resort and enjoyed the delicious food and beaches.

Every morning, I would wake up and go for a walk along the beach. In the quiet of the morning, there were only the sounds of the waves and birds. As the sun rose, everyone came to the beach to play, swim, and do water sports.

Every evening, we went to the beachside restaurants to taste the local cuisine. My favorite was the Thai desserts and grilled fish, the most delicious food I have ever tasted in Thailand.

Before we left, we also visited the zoo and museum in Phuket. The beautiful flowers and rare animals there taught me a lot.

The holiday in Phuket was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. I will never forget the beautiful beaches, the local cuisine, and the wonderful memories.


Unforgettable Winter Vacation


Winter vacation is a much-awaited time of the year for students. It is a time when we bid farewell to our textbooks and enjoy some from the daily grind of school. This year, my winter vacation was truly unforgettable, as it was filled with exciting experiences and valuable learning opportunities.


As an English enthusiast, I decided to dedicate a significant portion of my vacation to improving my language skills. I enrolled in an intensive English language course at a local institute. The course focused on enhancing our listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities. The cl were interactive and engaging, with activities such as group discussions, debates, and presentations. I was able to learn new vocabulary, practice unciation, and develop my fluency. This experience not only boosted my confidence but also provided me with a solid foundation for further language development.


Apart from the language course, I also seized the opportunity to engage in cultural exchange programs. I partited in a language exchange event where I met several native English speakers. This allowed me to practice my conversational skills and gain insights into different cultures. We shared stories, discussed current events, and even cooked traditional dishes from our respective countries. These interactions were invaluable as they broadened my horizons and promoted a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives.


In addition to academic pursuits, I made sure to allocate time for relaxation and recreation. I went on a hiking trip with my friends to a nearby mountain range. The breathtaking views and fresh air rejuvenated our spirits. We also visited historical sites, museums, and art galleries, which provided us with a glimpse into the rich heritage and artistic expressions of our country. These outings served as a welcome respite from the daily routine and allowed us to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings.


Overall, my winter vacation was a fulfilling experience. I not only made progress in my language skills but also broadened my knowledge and perspective. It reminded me of the importance of continuous learning and embracing new experiences. This unforgettable winter vacation has inspired me to further explore the world, both within and beyond the confines of a claoom.



1. much-awaited - 期待已久的

2. bid farewell - 告别

3. - 自由

4. daily grind - 日常琐事

5. unforgettable - 难忘的

6. valuable - 宝贵的

7. enthusiast - 爱好者

8. dedicate - 致力于

9. significant - 重要的

10. intensive - 密集的

11. enhance - 提高

12. interactive - 互动的

13. engaging - 引人入胜的

14. boost - 提高

15. foundation - 基础

16. seize - 抓住

17. conversational - 会话的

18. insights - 洞察力

19. broaden - 开拓

20. respite - 暂时休息

21. rejuvenate - 使焕发活力

22. heritage - 遗产

23. artistic expressions - 艺术表达

24. fulfilling - 充实的

25. perspective - 视角

26. embrace - 拥抱

27. confines - 限制

28. claoom - 教室


Today is new year's day. I get up early. After breakfast, I heard birds singing in the trees.

My mother, my father and I went to the local park. We saw a lot of boats by the lake. There are many trees and some flowers in the park at seven o'clock.

We go home. It's a very happy day.








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