
关于”这个周末你打算做什么“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:This weekend, you plan to do what?。以下是关于这个周末你打算做什么的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”这个周末你打算做什么“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:This weekend, you plan to do what。以下是关于这个周末你打算做什么的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:This weekend, you plan to do what?

My Plan for This Weekend

This weekend, I have planned to engage in various activities to make the most out of my free time. First and foremost, I will dedicate some time to studying. As an outstanding student, I understand the importance of continuous learning and improving my knowledge. Therefore, I will review my lessons and complete any pending assignments to stay ahead in my studies.

Apart from academic work, I also believe in maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. Hence, I intend to partite in outdoor activities. On Saay morning, I will go for a long run in the nearby park. It not only helps me keep physically fit but also allows me to appreciate the beauty of nature and clear my mind. Additionally, I am planning to organize a friendly basketball match with my friends in the evening. Engaging in sports not only improves my physical strength but also teaches me teamwork and enhances my social skills.

Furthermore, I have a passion for painting and creative arts. Therefore, on Sunday, I will spend a few hours indulging in my hobby. I will set up my art supplies and work on a new piece. Painting helps me relax and express my inner thoughts and emotions. It also allows me to explore my imagination and think creatively.

Lastly, I will utilize this weekend to bond with my family. We will spend quality time together, perhaps by organizing a family movie night or going out for a delicious meal. Family is important to me, and I believe that spending time with them helps create stronger relationships and cherish the moments we share.

In conclusion, this weekend will be a well-balanced blend of academics, sports, hobbies, and family time. By dedicating time to different aspects of my life, I aim to make the most out of my free time and enhance my personal growth.







here's a sample essay for your reference:

What Are Your Plans for This Summer?

As the school year comes to an end, I am looking forward to a summer filled with adventure, learning, and relaxation. Here are my plans for the next few months:

1. Improve My English Skills: As a non-native speaker, I want to enhance my fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension of the language. I will read English books, watch movies and TV shows, listen to podcasts, and practice speaking with native speakers.

2. Travel to New Places: I love exploring new cultures, places, and experiences. This summer, I will visit some of my favorite destinations, such as the beach, the mountains, and the city. I will also venture out to some new locations, both within and outside my country.

3. Volunteer for a Cause: I believe in giving back to the community, and this summer I will volunteer my time and skills for a meaningful cause. I am considering options like teaching disadvantaged children, helping animals in a shelter, or supporting a local charity.

4. Pursue a Hobby: I have a few hobbies that I enjoy but rarely have time for during the school year. This summer, I will devote some time to my interests, such as playing a musical instrument, painting, or swimming.

5. Spend Time with Family and Friends: Finally, I think it's important to connect with the people who matter to us. In between my activities, I will make an effort to spend quality time with my family and friends, whether it's having a barbecue, going to a concert, or simply chatting over a cup of coffee.

Overall, I hope to have a fun and fulfilling summer that enriches my mind, body, and soul.














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