




My hometown is a beautiful place with a population of eight million. It's on the edge of the bay. Tianjin has many high-rise office buildings and commercial buildings, broad tree lined avenues, and several world-famous universities and colleges are located here.

Nankai University and Tianjin University, as the most important industrial centers in North China, have hundreds of factories and joint ventures, producing various high-end high-tech products or consumer goods, many of which have reached or exceeded the world level In the past, Tianjin was a poor and backward semi colonial and semi feudal city. A small number of rich people lived in luxury houses, while most of the working people lived in the old age. In the narrow and muddy streets, the working class lived a miserable life.




When the red light stops, the green line has become our current security guarantee. Our living standard has improved. Almost every family has private cars.

But traffic jams have gradually become a big problem of people's living speed. It seems that people are becoming more and more impatient. This makes uncivilized roads drive, and more and more people do not abide by the traffic rules,.




Kindness and politeness mean that your actions show respect for the rules that most people follow, or, in other words, behave in a civilized way to avoid misunderstandings, frictions, and conflicts. There's no law to enforce respect, but we can't interact with others. There's no code of conduct.

The rules set by some form of social convention represent what most people think is acceptable and what they don't think is acceptable. For example, many people chat in movies or have boring conversations on their mobile phones. In fact, their behavior is closer to animals However, civilized people don't remember that every bit of kindness and politeness helps.

That is to say, politeness and respect can bring us advantages. Kindness and politeness are always a good idea.






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