
关于”建议类“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Suggestion category。以下是关于建议类的五年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”建议类“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Suggestion category。以下是关于建议类的五年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Suggestion category







1. 宣传环保知识

2. 节约用水、用电

3. 种植树木、保护花草

4. 处理垃圾、保持校园整洁

建议信要求:1. 语言流畅,逻辑明晰。

2. 重点突出“绿色校园”活动的重要性。

3. 体现出“绿色校园”活动的创新性和实践性。

4. 语言规范,词汇丰富,无语法错误。

Dear Editor,

I am writing to recommend the “Green Campus” activity held in our school, which will last for one month from July 10th, to your newspaper.

During this activity, all the teachers and students in our school will partite in this activity. We will carry out a series of activities to promote environmental protection. For example, we will disseminate environmental knowledge, save water and electricity, plant trees, and protect flowers and grass. In addition, we will also organize events to handle garbage and keep our campus clean.

The “Green Campus” activity is of utmost importance. Our campus is an essential place where students spend most of their time. Protecting the environment on campus not only brings benefits to the school but also contributes to a healthier future for our society. Furthermore, the activity combines creativity and practicality perfectly. The activity aims to create a comprehensive, practical and innovative learning environment, which prepares students for a better future.

I would be grateful if you could publish this recommendation in your newspaper. We hope that the activity can arouse public attention towards environmental protection and encourage more people to partite in environmental protection.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua










Title: Tips for Writing an Excellent English Composition




English composition writing plays a vital role in not only improving our language skills but also enhancing our critical thinking abilities. In order to become an outstanding student, it is essential to follow certain guidelines and tips to excel in this area. In this article, I will offer several suggestions to help students write remarkable English compositions.



1. Plan and Organize

1. 规划和组织

Before starting to write, it is crucial to plan and organize your thoughts. Outline the main ideas you want to convey in your composition and arrange them logically. This will provide a clear structure to your writing, it easier for both the writer and the reader to comprehend.

2. Incorporate Vocabulary

2. 丰富词汇

Utilize a variety of vocabulary in your writing to make it more engaging and impressive. Expand your vocabulary by reading extensively and incorporating new words in your compositions. However, it is essential to use words appropriately and in the right context to ensure clarity and coherence.

3. Use Proper Grammar and Sentence Structure

3. 使用正确的语法和句子结构

Grammar and sentence structure are the foundation of effective communication. Make sure to review and master the basic grammar rules to avoid common mistakes. Use a variety of sentence structures such as simple, compound, and complex sentences to create diversity and flow in your composition.

4. Improve Writing Skills through Practice

4. 练习提升写作技巧

Practice makes perfect. Set aside regular time for writing exercises to improve your skills. Start with shorter compositions and gradually increase the length and complexity of your writings. Seek feedback from teachers or peers to identify areas for improvement and work on them consistently.

5. Read and Analyze High-Quality Writing

5. 阅读和分析高质量作品

Reading high-quality English literature or articles not only helps improve your language skills but also exposes you to different writing styles and techniques. Analyze the structure, language, and tone of the compositions you read, and incorporate those elements into your own writing to enhance its quality.



Becoming an excellent student in English composition writing requires dedication, practice, and a systematic approach. By planning and organizing your thoughts, incorporating diverse vocabulary, using proper grammar and sentence structure, practicing regularly, and learning from high-quality writing, you can greatly improve your composition skills and achieve outstanding results. Remember that consistency is key, and with perseverance, you can become a proficient writer capable of expressing your ideas fluently and effectively.








How to maintain physical health

Physical health is very important for everyone. Maintaining physical health requires various efforts, including proper diet, adequate sleep, and appropriate exercise.

Firstly, we need to pay attention to our diet. We should choose healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat proteins. We should avoid excessive sugar, salt, and saturated fats. Also, we should drink more water to maintain body hydration.

Secondly, we need adequate sleep. 7-8 hours of sleep per night is very important for physical and mental health. If we regularly stay up late or sleep insufficiently, our body and mind will feel fatigued and affect our life.

Finally, appropriate exercise is also the key to maintaining physical health. We should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling. This can enhance our cardiovascular and muscle strength, and improve our body's resistance.

In summary, maintaining physical health requires our efforts. Paying attention to diet, adequate sleep, and appropriate exercise can help us maintain physical health and live energetically.





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