
关于”生封校“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Life on campus。以下是关于生封校的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”生封校“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Life on campus。以下是关于生封校的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Life on campus

Life During School Closure 疫情期间的封校生活

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented measures around the world, including the closure of schools. As a student, my daily routine and activities have dramatically changed during this period.


Firstly, instead of waking up early and rushing to catch the school bus, I can now enjoy a more relaxed start to my day. I wake up at a reasonable hour, have a hearty breakfast, and then begin my online cl from the comfort of my home. This new routine has allowed me to have a bit more sleep and start the day feeling refreshed.


Secondly, the transition to online learning has been an interesting experience. With the help of technology, teachers have been able to conduct virtual cl and engage with students through video conferences. Although it is different from face-to-face interaction, it has enabled us to continue our education and learn new concepts. However, it does require a high level of discipline to stay focused and motivated while studying independently at home.


Furthermore, being away from the school environment has reminded me of the value of socializing with peers. I miss the laughter and camaraderie we shared during breaks and extracurricular activities. However, I have found other ways to stay connected with my friends. We have been using social media platforms and video calls to stay in touch, share jokes, and support each other during this challenging time.


Lastly, the school closure has given me the opportunity to explore new hobbies and interests. With more free time on my hands, I have been able to indulge in reading books, playing musical instruments, and even trying new recipes in the kitchen. These activities have helped me to stay productive and maintain a sense of normalcy amidst the uncertainty.


In conclusion, although the closure of schools has brought significant changes to my daily life, it has also presented unexpected opportunities for growth and self-exploration. As we navigate through these challenging times, I am learning to adapt and make the most of this unique situation. Hopefully, the day will come when we can return to our claooms with a renewed appreciation for the value of education and social connections.



We have lived in Lida school for more than a year, and I always like it because it can bring me a lot of things, such as feelings, knowledge and other things I need. There are many trees and flowers around us. When we sit in the claoom and look out the window, the trees are green all the year round.

We can see a big tree waving its powerful arms to us, which is really wonderful. In some ways, our mind is free, and maybe it makes our brain creative. I believe that nothing can bind my mind, even if it represents authority.

Free life is like our school life, of course, there are both success and failure, we should not be proud, but should be modest, because there are too many people better than me, we should also summon up courage and study harder; I like honesty; we always keep our promise; we often think about a lot of things; we never fear anything; so we have our own differences In the end, I can't resist the temptation: what a perfect school life I have.





My school life is very beautiful. My school is in Guicheng, near Qiandeng lake, do you know? It's Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very much.

There is a big playground. We have physical education on the playground. We often do sports on it.

Our teaching building has five floors. My claoom is on the fifth floor. It has a large and clean computer room.

There is a library on the third floor. There are many books on the second floor. I often read books here.

There are music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building Teachers are also very good, students are polite and smart. I am very happy that my school is the second hometown of students. Every student loves their school.

I like my school very much. My school is the best school. My school taught a lot of excellent students.

Five years ago, my school was very simple. Only a few students were in our school. Our school was beautiful.

There are more than a thousand students here. The school is very rich. We can go online now.

I love my school. Welcome to my school. Hi, students, you know we have a beautiful school.

My school is very big and beautiful. In summer, you can see many beautiful grass and streams in the garden. We can fly kites and play sports on the playground.

There is an interesting book in our school. You can read many interesting books in our school. There are many good teachers and strict teachers.

They usually work hard to take care of us. When people talk about our teachers, everyone will say, "Oh, they are good teachers, and we all like it very much." I love my school very much and come to my school every time.








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