
关于”有关24节气“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About 24 Solar Terms。以下是关于有关24节气的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”有关24节气“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About 24 Solar Terms。以下是关于有关24节气的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About 24 Solar Terms

24 Solar Terms

China, a country with a long history, has a unique way of dividing the year into 24 solar terms. These solar terms reflect the changes of nature and guide the agricultural activities of farmers. Let's explore some of the most significant solar terms.

1. Spring Begins (立春)

Spring begins marks the start of the spring season. Though it might still be cold, this solar term signifies the arrival of warmer days.

2. Rain Water (雨水)

During this term, the weather becomes milder and rainfall increases. It symbolizes the awakening of nature and the start of planting.

3. Awakening of Insects (惊蛰)

Insects come out of hibernation during this term. It is a sign that spring is in full swing, and farmers begin sowing their seeds.

4. Grain Rain (谷雨)

This solar term signifies the arrival of the rainy season, beneficial for the growth of crops. Farmers take this opportunity to plant rice and other grains.

5. Summer Begins (立夏)

Summer begins marks the start of the summer season. The temperature rises, and people enjoy outdoor activities.

6. Grain Buds (小满)

During this term, grains begin to grow and fill the ears. This is an important time to take care of crops and protect them from pests.

7. Grain in Ear (芒种)

The grains are fully developed and ripen during this solar term. Farmers prepare for the harvest season.

8. Summer Solstice (夏至)

This important day marks the longest day of the year and the beginning of the hottest period. People celebrate by eating special food and praying for good luck.

9. Minor Heat (小暑)

Minor Heat marks the beginning of the hottest days in summer. People try to find ways to cool down and avoid the scorching heat.

10. Major Heat (大暑)

Major Heat is the hottest time of the year. People take extra precautions to protect themselves from heatstroke and dehydration.

11. Autumn Begins (立秋)

Autumn begins marks the start of the autumn season. The temperature starts to cool down, and leaves slowly change their colors.

12. Limit of Heat (处暑)

During this term, the heat slowly retreats, and the weather becomes more pleasant. It is a great time for outdoor activities.

13. White Dew (白露)

White Dew represents the gradual increase in humidity, leading to the formation of dew. It indicates that autumn is progressing.

14. Autumnal Equinox (秋分)

On this day, the lengths of day and night become equal. It also indicates that it's time for harvest and people start preparing for the upcoming winter.

15. Cold Dew (寒露)

Cold Dew signifies the approaching of colder weather. The dew becomes colder, and leaves begin to fall.

16. Winter Begins (立冬)

Winter begins marks the start of the winter season. The temperature drops significantly, and people start bundling up to keep warm.

17. Minor Snow (小雪)

Minor Snow is the beginning of snowfall. It brings a light dusting of snow and marks the arrival of winter.

18. Major Snow (大雪)

Major Snow represents the period of heavy snowfall. It is a beautiful yet challenging season for transportation and daily life.

19. Winter Solstice (冬至)

On this day, the shortest day and longest night of the year occur. People celebrate by eating dumplings and staying up late.

20. Minor Cold (小寒)

Minor Cold signifies the coldest days of winter. It is a time to stay indoors, keep warm, and enjoy hot beverages.

21. Major Cold (大寒)

Major Cold marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The weather might still be freezing, but it gives hope for warmer days ahead.

These 24 solar terms not only provide guidance for farmers but also reflect the rich cultural heritage of China. They are a beautiful representation of the connection between humans and nature.


1. 立春 (Spring Begins)


2. 雨水 (Rain Water)


3. 惊蛰 (Awakening of Insects)


4. 谷雨 (Grain Rain)


5. 立夏 (Summer Begins)


6. 小满 (Grain Buds)


7. 芒种 (Grain in Ear)


8. 夏至 (Summer Solstice)


9. 小暑 (Minor Heat)


10. 大暑 (Major Heat)


11. 立秋 (Autumn Begins)


12. 处暑 (Limit of Heat)


13. 白露 (White Dew)


14. 秋分 (Autumnal Equinox)


15. 寒露 (Cold Dew)


16. 立冬 (Winter Begins)


17. 小雪 (Minor Snow)


18. 大雪 (Major Snow)


19. 冬至 (Winter Solstice)


20. 小寒 (Minor Cold)


21. 大寒 (Major Cold)




(solar term) rain in February or 5, solar term) February or worming the third solar term) March or 7 spring equinox solar term) March or 7 spring equinox solar term) March or pure brightness solar term) April or 6 rain solar term (4 solar term) April or early summer fourth solar term) may or 7 summer solstice solar term) June or 7 summer solstice solar term) June or less heat first solar term) July or 8 larger heat term (the first solar term in July or autumn) the first solar term in August or autumn) the first solar term in August or September (the first solar term in September or September) the autumn equinox in September or September) the frost in September or the ninth (the first solar term in October or the beginning of the first solar term in winter) November or 8 (the first solar term with light snow) the first solar term in November or greater) the winter solstice (the first solar term) December or the lesser cold The first solar term) January or 7th, the great cold solar term) January 2nd.




The 24 Solar Terms, also known as the Chinese lunar calendar, is a traditional way of dividing the year in China. It is based on the changing patterns of weather, climate, and agricultural activities. Each solar term marks the beginning or midpoint of a particular season and is used to guide farming activities, such as sowing, planting, and harvesting crops.

There are 24 solar terms in total, with each term being approximately 15 days apart. The terms are divided into four groups, with each group consisting of six terms. The four groups are: Spring (立春, 雨水, 惊蛰, 春分, 清明, 谷雨), Summer (立夏, 小满, 芒种, 夏至, 小暑, 大暑), Autumn (立秋, 处暑, 白露, 秋分, 寒露, 霜降), and Winter (立冬, 小雪, 大雪, 冬至, 小寒, 大寒).

The solar terms have significant cultural and historical importance in Chinese society. They not only reflect the relationship between humans and nature but also serve as a guide for daily life. For example, during the solar term "立春" (Beginning of Spring), people would start to prepare seeds and farm tools for the upcoming planting season. During "清明" (Clear and Bright), people would visit their ancestors' graves and pay respects.

In addition to their agricultural significance, the 24 solar terms also have cultural and culinary importance. Each term is associated with specific foods and activities. For instance, during "小满" (Grain Buds), people would eat young wheat noodles to celebrate the arrival of summer. "大寒" (Major Cold) marks the coldest period of the year, and people would eat hot-pot dishes to keep warm.

Overall, the 24 Solar Terms play a vital role in Chinese culture and society. They connect people with nature, providing guidance for agricultural activities and reflecting the profound wisdom of ancient Chinese civilization.









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