




It's important to know your strengths and weaknesses, because this knowledge will help us to progress. We should examine ourselves and know who we are. We should know our strengths and weaknesses.

For example, I am healthy, healthy, so I can work hard. I am also optimistic, modest and polite. But these are my strengths and I have weaknesses.

On the one hand, I am stubborn and a little impatient. Sometimes I'm lazy. I just watch TV and eat junk food all day.

I'm not ashamed to admit these bad pints. Knowing what they are makes me focus on improving myself.






The benefits of being famous: you can have fame, honor, wealth. You can have a lot of supporters / fans / followers. You will be respected by the public.

You will be an ideal example for everyone. The disadvantages of fame: you will lose your , you will be followed by the paparazzi. It's just a small negative act.

You will be in the headlines the next day. You need to be a perfectionist. You will lose you A true friend, if you lose the sincerity between you and your friends, you will have to face great pressure.

You need to face obstacles and difficulties to become famous.




With the development of science and technology, our life has become very convenient and interesting. The most important thing is that it has many advantages. We can communicate with friends through the Internet without the limitation of time and space.

In addition, online shopping can save time and time. We can travel from one place to another in a day. It was hard to imagine that the development of science and technology has brought us great benefits.






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