
关于”丑小鸭80词“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ugly Duckling (85 words)。以下是关于丑小鸭80词的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”丑小鸭80词“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ugly Duckling (85 words)。以下是关于丑小鸭80词的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ugly Duckling (85 words)

The Ugly Duckling is a story of a duckling who looked different from his siblings and was ridiculed by everyone. He felt lonely and sad until he met other birds who accepted him for who he was. Eventually, he transformed into a beautiful swan and found happiness.


The story of the Ugly Duckling teaches us an important lesson about acceptance and not judging others based on their appearance. We should accept and appreciate everyone for who they are on the inside, rather than what they look like on the outside.



"The Ugly Duckling"

Once upon a time, there was a mother duck who hatched a clutch of eggs. To her surprise, one of the eggs was quite different from the rest. When it finally hatched, she was shocked to see a duckling that was much bigger and clumsier than her other offspring. The mother duck loved all her ducklings equally, but she couldn't help but notice how the other animals on the farm made fun of the odd-looking duckling.

Feeling sad and rejected, the little duckling would often wander off to be alone. The other animals would laugh and call it names like "ugly" and "awkward." The ugly duckling would dream of finding a place where it would be accepted and loved for who it was.

One day, the little duckling decided that it couldn't take the criticism any longer and so it left the farm in search of a better life. The ugly duckling traveled far and wide, encountering various animals and birds along the way. However, it seemed that no matter where it went, it was met with rejection and mockery.

Winter came, and the ugly duckling found itself in a freezing cold marsh. It was on the verge of giving up when a flock of beautiful swans landed nearby. The ugly duckling admired their elegance and grace from a distance. To its surprise, the swans noticed the little duckling and approached it.

To its utmost astonishment, the ugly duckling saw its own reflection in the water. The reflection now displayed a beautiful swan, not an awkward duckling. It had grown into a majestic bird, just like the ones it had admired.

The swans welcomed the formerly ugly duckling into their flock with open wings. The little duckling had finally found where it belonged, surrounded by creatures who appreciated its inner beauty.

From that day forward, the ugly duckling lived a life of happiness and contentment, grateful for the journey that had transformed it into a magnificent swan.













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