
关于”生“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:In English, 生 can be translated as birth or life.。以下是关于生的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”生“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:In English, 生 can be translated as birth or life.。以下是关于生的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, 生 can be translated as birth or life.

Computers are becoming more and more popular in people's daily life. There are more computers in every family than TV sets. Some people think it's so great that they all take it as a gift from heaven.

Some people think that it brings more harm than good. In my opinion, both views are right, but if we can use computers properly, on the one hand, computers make human life easier. People can do many things that they can't do, and then they can read newspapers without buying newspapers.

Just sit in front of the computer, click the mouse to open the website, shop online, watch movies, listen to music and play video games Brain games are things people often do with computers, but without computers, they can't do all of this. In addition, computers are also very helpful to study and work. People can have cl and work on computers.

On the other hand, the computer has many attractive things. Some people may be addicted to it. They are busy looking for fun on the computer, but ignore their real responsibilities, such as study and work.

This will have a great negative impact on their future. In a word, computers have advantages and disadvantages, but if people can control themselves to use computers correctly, it will be beneficial for their whole life.






As we all know, we live in an ever-changing world. It is hard to imagine what the world will be like when human beings face the unchangeable world. There is no doubt that there are good changes and bad changes.

On the one hand, when change is good for us, we will feel relieved; on the other hand, in the face of bad change, we often complain that everything has been said to be, or not to exist: This is the same problem, I would like to point out whether to change or not: this is not a problem after reading "who moved my cheese", I am deeply aware of the significance of change, although the story Very simply, its symbolic meaning is very profound and thoughtful. First of all, the author tries to tell us that if we move in a new direction, we will find new cheese. The faster you release the old cheese, the faster you find new cheese.

I firmly believe that we should always be ready to change, and we should pay attention to the small changes that happen around us. For example, apple is an enviable company. When Steve Jobs observed the small changes in the mobile market, he gave the old ideas and welcomed the new positive changes, so he succeeded.

From my point of view, we should try our best to find the changes around us. Changing or not changing is not a problem, we need to do just that Let our minds challenge ourselves, find change, and change in a positive way. Only in this way can we succeed.








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