
关于”晚婚“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Late marriage。以下是关于晚婚的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”晚婚“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Late marriage。以下是关于晚婚的三年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Late marriage

Late Marriage

Late marriage is becoming more and more common in modern society. People now tend to focus more on their career and personal development before getting married, and the age of first marriage has been consistently rising in many countries.

There are several reasons why people choose to get married later in life. Firstly, career development can be a major consideration. Many people want to establish themselves in their careers and achieve financial stability before starting a family. Secondly, personal growth and self-discovery are important factors. People may want to travel, pursue hobbies or interests, or simply take time to figure out what they want in life before settling down. Lastly, societal norms are changing, and there is less pressure to get married at a young age.

However, late marriage also has its drawbacks. The biological clock is a major concern for women, as fertility decreases with age, and it can be difficult to conceive or carry a child to term. Moreover, older parents may have less energy and patience to raise young children.

In conclusion, late marriage is a personal choice, and there are pros and cons to getting married later in life. It is important for individuals to carefully consider their priorities and make a decision that is right for them.







Delaying Marriage

晚婚对于当今社会来说已经成为一种趋势。过去,早婚曾是人们普遍追求的生活方式,但现在越来越多的人选择推迟结婚的时间。那么,为什么越来越多的人选择晚婚呢Firstly, the pursuit of higher education and career development is one of the main reasons behind delayed marriage. People are now more focused on obtaining higher degrees and achieving professional success before getting married. They understand the importance of education and career stability, and they believe that by waiting to marry, they can ensure a better future for themselves and their families.


Secondly, financial considerations also play a significant role in delaying marriage. Young people nowadays face more economic challenges than ever before. They want to achieve financial stability and be able to afford a decent lifestyle before starting a family. By waiting to marry, they can save money, establish their careers, and be better prepared to support a family in the future.


Moreover, changing social norms and attitudes towards marriage have also contributed to the trend of delayed marriage. In the past, marriage was often seen as a social obligation and a necessary step towards adult life. However, with the advancement of gender equality and the emphasis on personal and independence, more people are choosing to focus on personal growth and self-realization before settling down.


In conclusion, delaying marriage has become a prevalent trend in modern society. The pursuit of education and career development, financial considerations, as well as evolving social norms, all contribute to this phenomenon. Whether one chooses to marry early or late, the most important thing is to make a decision that is right for oneself and to find happiness in whatever path one chooses.



Word count: 423




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