
关于”shopping“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:shopping is already in English.。以下是关于shopping的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”shopping“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:shopping is already in English.。以下是关于shopping的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:shopping is already in English.

People admit that shopping is the nature of every girl. I was one of them. When I got my first salary, I had almost no money to support me to buy things.

I wanted to buy clothes so that I could have a new look. But when I went to many stores and there were so many beautiful clothes, I didn't know which one to buy. I hope I can buy them all, so I told myself I can buy clothes when I get my salary next time.

So when the boss gives me money, I use money to buy clothes. I always want to tell myself not to buy clothes anymore because I have enough money. But when I see fashionable styles, I will not hesitate to buy them.

Shopping makes me spend a lot of money without restriction. I have to stop. I hope I can do it.




With the development of information industry, more and more people shop online. Online shopping means shopping online without going out. Therefore, on the one hand, online shopping has its advantages, on the other hand, online shopping also has its disadvantages.

Online shopping is very convenient. People only need to have a computer to go online, and they don't have to go out in rainy or hot sun. At the same time, people can save time to finish their work or other things, because people only need to decide what to buy according to the photos put by the shopkeeper, and they receive them There is no quality in front of the products.

Sometimes people buy things of low quality, or some fake and shoddy products. In my opinion, online shopping has its advantages and disadvantages. I prefer online shopping to shopping on the street.





(shopping) my mother and I went shopping yesterday because she wanted to buy some daily necessities. We walked to the nearest supermarket. There are many kinds of goods in the supermarket, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, magazines, electrical appliances.

We bought toothbrush, towel, washbasin, soap and some food. Because the May Day was coming, my mother also bought a beautiful dress. After buying something for two hours, we got what we wanted and spent a happy afternoon.







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