
关于”二历年小“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Two Lian Ni Xiao。以下是关于二历年小的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”二历年小“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Two Lian Ni Xiao。以下是关于二历年小的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Two Lian Ni Xiao

Two men and a party were taken to a lunatic asylum. They met a man in the yard. He had wild eyes and untidy hair.

He was desperately catching flies. He put them in his pocket. The waiter said, "while he was fighting, his wife abandoned his home and eloped with another man." "It's terrible," said one visitor.

Soon they came to a padded cell where they could hear a wild animal roar. "That's another man," said the waiter.





1. Write a letter to your friend who is studying overseas, telling him/her about your recent activities.

Dear Jack,

How is everything going with your studies? I hope you are doing well overseas.

Recently, I have been keeping myself very busy. I started a new job at a local hospital and have been working there for a few weeks now. The work is challenging, but also very rewarding. I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about the medical field and the patients I have been working with are very kind.

Apart from work, I have been spending my free time exploring the city. There are so many new places to discover and I have been trying out many local restaurants and cafes. The food here is amazing!

I hope to hear about your adventures soon, and please let me know if you have any exciting travel plans coming up.

Best regards,









2. Write a short essay expressing your opinion on the effects of social media on the way we communicate.

Social media has greatly impacted communication in our society. While it has made it easier to connect with people from all over the world, it has also had negative effects on the way we communicate.

One of the positive effects of social media is that it has allowed us to communicate with people we may not have been able to before. It has given us the ability to connect with old friends, meet new people with similar interests, and build relationships with people from different parts of the world. This has broadened our perspectives and allowed us to learn from people with different backgrounds.

However, social media has also led to a decline in face-to-face communication. People are spending more time on their phones and computers, and less time interacting with others in person. This has made it difficult for people to develop strong interpersonal skills and has led to increased feelings of loneliness and isolation.

In addition, social media has also led to a rise in cyberbullying and online harassment. People feel more empowered to say things online that they would never say in person, and this has resulted in a lot of hurtful and damaging behavior.

Overall, while social media has its benefits, we need to be mindful of the negative effects it can have on the way we communicate. We should strive to balance our online and offline interactions, and make an effort to connect with others in a meaningful way both online and offline.








1. Write a letter to your future self.(写一封给未来自己的信。)

2. Describe your favorite place in your hometown.(描述你家乡中你最喜欢的地方。)

3. Write a postcard to your friend describing a recent trip.(给朋友写明信片,描述最近的一次旅行。)

4. Write a letter to your favorite author expressing your admiration.(给你最喜欢的作家写一封信表达你的敬佩之情。)

5. Describe a memorable event in your life and explain why it was important to you.(描述你生活中令人难忘的事件,并解释为什么它对你来说很重要。)

6. Write a letter to your teacher expressing your gratitude and appreciation.(给你的老师写一封信表达你的感激和欣赏之情。)

7. Describe a cultural tradition in your country and explain its significance.(描述你国家的一种文化传统并解释其重要性。)

8. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your opinion on a current issue.(给报纸的编辑写一封信,表达你对当前问题的观点。)

9. Describe a book or movie that has had a significant impact on you and explain why.(描述一本对你有重大影响的书籍或电影,并解释原因。)

10. Write a letter to a company expressing your dissatisfaction with a product or service.(给一家公司写一封信,表达你对其产品或服务的不满。)






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