
关于”18年“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Eighteen years。以下是关于18年的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”18年“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Eigh years。以下是关于18年的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Eigh years

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “The more money people have, the more they should give away”. You can cite examples to ilrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.




As the society develops, people are paying more and more attention to charitable causes and investing more money in donations. Different people have different opinions on the statement “The more money people have, the more they should give away”.

Some hold the view that the more wealth a rich person has, the larger sum of money he/she should donate. For example, billionaires establish charitable organizations to donate funds for building wells, schools, and solving global problems. Additionally, they can also help those in need through housing, food, medical care, and other aspects. Conversely, others think this is too one-sided. There are many low-income families in society whose money is limited, but the social value they produce is equally important. Therefore, they should also actively donate and help others with their own strength.

My view is that donations should be determined based on individuals’ actual conditions. If everyone can do their best to help those in need within the scope of their abilities, society will be more harmonious and stable. Not only the rich should donate but also we should all actively partite in public welfare undertakings, do our part, and contribute to society.



题目:How to Improve English Writing Ability?

要求:1.以"Good Writing Habits"(良好的写作习惯)为题写一篇短文。



Good Writing Habits

Writing is a crucial skill for effective communication in English. In order to improve our English writing ability, developing good writing habits is vital. There are various reasons why good writing habits are formed and how they contribute to our writing skills.

Firstly, forming good writing habits can help us establish a regular writing routine. Writing regularly enables us to practice and refine our writing skills, it easier to express thoughts and ideas clearly. Additionally, setting a specific time for writing each day can also enhance our productivity and concentration.

Secondly, good writing habits require us to read extensively. Reading not only provides us with inspiration and ideas but also exposes us to different writing styles and vocabulary. By reading widely, we can learn how to structure sentences and paragraphs effectively, improving the coherence and fluency of our writing.

Furthermore, good writing habits encourage us to seek feedback from others. Sharing our writing with others and receiving constructive criticism can help us identify our weaknesses and areas for improvement. By learning from feedback, we can refine our writing skills and avoid the same mistakes in the future.

To develop and consolidate good writing habits, there are several suggestions to consider. Firstly, we should establish a writing schedule and stick to it. By setting aside dedicated time for writing, we can develop discipline and make consistent progress in our writing abilities.

Secondly, we should read widely and diversely. Exploring various genres and styles of writing can expand our vocabulary and expose us to different writing techniques. By learning from professional writers, we can enhance our own writing skills.

Lastly, seeking feedback from others is essential. We should actively partite in writing workshops or find writing communities where we can share our work and receive constructive criticism. By embracing feedback and continuously improving, we can become better writers.

In conclusion, good writing habits are crucial for enhancing our English writing ability. By establishing a regular writing routine, reading extensively, and seeking feedback, we can develop and consolidate our writing skills effectively. With consistent practice and an open mindset, we can become proficient English writers.



One important event that took place in 2018 was the Winter Olympics held in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Athletes from all over the world gathered to compete in various winter sports. This event gave us an opportunity to learn about different cultures and traditions, as well as improving our English language skills through watching interviews and reports.


Another significant event that occurred in 2018 was the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. This event captivated people around the world, and many English learners were eager to follow the news and stories surrounding the wedding. It provided a chance to learn about British traditions and customs, as well as enhancing our knowledge of the English language.


In addition, 2018 was marked by significant advancements in technology. The rise of artificial intelligence and the increasing presence of smart devices in our daily lives have greatly impacted our learning experience. English learners have access to various language learning apps and online resources that allow us to practice our listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills conveniently. This technological progress has made learning English more accessible and enjoyable.


In conclusion, the events of 2018 have had a significant impact on English language learning. The Winter Olympics, the royal wedding, and technological advancements have provided us with opportunities to expand our language skills, broaden our cultural knowledge, and make learning English more accessible. As we move forward into 2019, let us continue to embrace these opportunities and strive for even greater progress in our English language journey.





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