
关于”如何做蛋炒饭“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to make fried rice。以下是关于如何做蛋炒饭的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”如何做蛋炒饭“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to make fried rice。以下是关于如何做蛋炒饭的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to make fried rice

Today is a good day to get up in the morning. I made breakfast for myself. First of all, I put the oil in the pan.

After a few minutes, I began to fry the eggs. I laid the eggs and fried them carefully. So I became familiar with them.

I poured the rice and prepared the fried rice with eggs. It was delicious to make breakfast by myself.




How to Make Fried Rice with Eggs

Fried rice with eggs is a popular and easy-to-make dish that can be enjoyed for any meal of the day. Here’s how to make it:


- 2 cups of cooked rice

- 2 eggs

- 1/4 cup of diced onion

- 1/4 cup of diced carrot

- 1/4 cup of frozen peas

- 2 tabless of oil

- Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat and add the oil.

2. Add the diced onion and carrot and cook for 2-3 minutes, or until the vegetables are softened.

3. Crack the eggs into the skillet and stir until they are scrambled and cooked through.

4. Add the cooked rice and frozen peas to the skillet and stir to combine with the vegetables and eggs.

5. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the rice is heated through and the peas are cooked.

6. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


- Use leftover rice that has been refrigerated overnight. The cold rice will fry up better than freshly cooked rice.

- You can add other vegetables or proteins to the dish, such as diced bell peppers, diced ham, or cooked shrimp.




- 2 杯煮熟的米饭

- 2 个鸡蛋

- 1/4 杯切成小块的洋葱

- 1/4 杯切成小块的胡萝卜

- 1/4 杯冷冻豌豆

- 2 汤匙油

- 盐和胡椒适量


1. 在中高火加热大平底锅或炒锅,加入油。

2. 加入切成小块的洋葱和胡萝卜,煮 2-3 分钟,或至蔬菜变软。

3. 将鸡蛋打入平底锅中,搅拌直到炒熟。

4. 将煮熟的米饭和冷冻豌豆加入平底锅中,与蔬菜和鸡蛋混合搅拌。

5. 煮 2-3 分钟,不时搅拌,直到米饭加热,豌豆煮熟。

6. 根据口味加入盐和胡椒。


- 使用隔夜冷藏的剩饭更好,冷米饭比新鲜煮好的米饭更易炒。

- 可以添加其他蔬菜或蛋白质,如切成小块的甜椒、切成小块的火腿或煮熟的虾。


//Materials: rice, eggs, carrots / potatoes / small mushrooms, tofu s meat, s soup practice: carrots, potatoes, tofu are cut into small dices, small mushrooms are sliced, eggs are beaten and absorbed, salt and glutamic acid salt are appropriate, a small amount of oil is put into the pan, put into the meat, add cooking wine, a little soy sauce, stir fry in a pot, add a small amount of oil, add eggs, stir fry with a trowel, Sing the right amount of oil in the pot, add carrots, diced potatoes, bean curd, small mushroom diced, stir for a moment, seasoned with salt and monosodium glutamate, stew for a stew, then add rice, meat, egg soup, and then stew salad in a few minutes material: color and taste, rice and vegetables rotten soft, easy to digest.







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