
关于”单亲家庭“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:single-parent family。以下是关于单亲家庭的八年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”单亲家庭“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:single-parent family。以下是关于单亲家庭的八年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:single-parent family

Some people say that children who grow up in a single parent family are not happy, and fortunately others believe that growing up in a single parent family is not always a negative experience. Which view do you agree with? Give your reasons for choosing. With the rapid development of society, the definition of family has changed.

That is to say, there are more types of family than ever before. Before: nuclear weapon family, DINK family and so on. Single parent family plays a very important role.

Some people say that in such a family, children are not happy and can not get the positive influence of their parents, so they think that single parent is the only family Growing up in a family is not always a negative experience. First of all, I agree with the latter. Separation or divorce from a contradictory and stressful environment is a kind of relief for parents or children.

Through separation or divorce, women who once relied on may gain self-esteem from their newly discovered abilities to deal with work, housework and parenthood. For example, divorced women may have to do this and learn to deal with all the things that must be done at home, Let the children have more . For the children of single parent families, they no longer need to endure the pain and depression they used to have because their parents quarrel about family problems.

In this way, the tension and pressure in the family will be reduced, and children can get more and . The love of single parent family is more conducive to the development of their personality than before. Moreover, in a single parent family, by realizing how difficult it is to maintain the whole family, especially the female headed family, children may become more helpful at home and have more love for the family.

There is no doubt that single parent families can bring a positive atmosphere for the growth of children and the relationship between parents and children. In view of the above, I agree that growing up in a single parent family is not always a negative experience for children.






Some people say that children who grow up in a single parent family are not happy, while others think that growing up in a single parent family is not always a negative experience. Which one do you agree with? With the rapid development of society, the definition of family has changed a lot, that is to say, there are more types of family than ever before: nuclear family, DINK family and so on. Among them, single parent family plays a very important role.

Some people say that in such a family, children are not happy and can not get the positive influence of their parents. Others think that in such a family, children are not happy and can not get the positive influence of their parents Growing up in a single parent family is not always a negative experience. I agree with the latter.

First of all, separation or divorce from situations of conflict and pressure is a relief for parents or children or for them. Through separation or divorce, two women who once relied on them can gain self-esteem from their newly discovered ability to handle work, housework and raise children. For example, divorced women may have to learn to cope with all the things that have to be done at home, and have greater to educate and take care of their children.

Children living with single parent families do not need to endure the pain and depression they once suffered. When parents quarrel about family problems, family tensions and pressures are reduced, and children can get more from single parent families Freedom and love. In a single parent family, we realize how difficult it is to maintain the whole family, especially the female headed family.

Children may become more helpful at home and have more feelings for their parents. Therefore, there is no doubt that single parent families can bring a positive atmosphere for the growth of children and the relationship between parents and children. I agree with this view Point: growing up in a single parent family is not always a negative experience for children.




Title: A Remarkable Student in a Single-Parent Family


In today's society, single-parent families have become increasingly common. Although growing up in a single-parent family may present certain challenges, it does not hinder one's ability to excel academically. I am fortunate to be one such student who has triumphed over adversity and achieved success in academics despite the absence of a second parent.


Living in a single-parent household has taught me resilience and independence. My parent, who has juggled the roles of both Mother and Father, has shown me the value of hard work and determination. With their unwavering support and encouragement, I have embraced my studies with unwavering dedication. I understand that my academic success is not only a product of my own efforts but also a reflection of my parent's sacrifices to provide me with the best possible opportunities.


Despite the many responsibilities my parent must carry, they have always made it a priority to foster an environment conducive to learning. They have worked tirelessly to ensure that I have access to educational resources, whether it be enrolling me in extracurricular activities, arranging tutoring sessions, or providing a quiet space for studying. Their dedication has ignited a passion for learning within me, pushing me to strive for excellence in all aspects of my education.


Furthermore, being raised in a single-parent family has taught me the importance of self-discipline. With no one to constantly monitor my actions and choices, I have learned to be responsible for my own decisions and to manage my time effectively. I have developed a sense of accountability and have cultivated good study habits that have contributed to my academic achievements.


In conclusion, being a remarkable student in a single-parent family has taught me valuable life lessons. It has instilled in me resilience, independence, and self-discipline, which are essential qualities for success not only in academics but also in various aspects of life. I am thankful for the love and support of my parent, who has played an instrumental role in shaping me into the person I am today. I am confident that I will continue to strive for greatness and make the most of the opportunities that come my way.


(Word count: 398 words)





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