
关于”打扫房间“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Clean the room。以下是关于打扫房间的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”打扫房间“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Clean the room。以下是关于打扫房间的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Clean the room


I always feel happy when my room is clean and tidy. Therefore, I often spend some time cleaning and organizing my room. First, I pick up all the trash and throw it into the garbage can. Then, I fold my clothes and put them away in my closet. After that, I clean my desk and organize my books and stationery. Finally, I vacuum the floor and make my bed.


中英翻译:打扫房间可以用clean and tidy来表示“整洁干净”,pick up表示“捡起”,garbage can表示“垃圾桶”,fold表示“折叠”,closet表示“衣橱”,clean表示“清理”,organize表示“整理”,desk表示“书桌”,stationery表示“文具”,vacuum表示“吸尘”,make bed表示“整理床铺”。


Cleaning the Room 打扫房间

Keeping our living spaces clean and organized is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment. One important task in this regard is cleaning our rooms regularly. A clean room not only looks pleasant but also promotes a sense of peace and tranquility. Let's explore the steps involved in cleaning our rooms effectively.


The first step is picking up any items that are out of place and putting them back where they belong. This includes clothes, books, toys, and other personal belongings. It is important to have designated places for everything, so we know exactly where to put them away. This not only helps maintain cleanliness but also saves time in the long run.


Next, we need to dust all suces using a duster or a clean cloth. Dust tends to accumulate on furniture, shelves, and other suces over time. Regularly dusting these areas ensures that the room remains free of allergens and dust mites, which can cause respiratory problems. Additionally, wiping the suces with a damp cloth helps remove any stubborn stains or spills.


Another important aspect of cleaning the room is vacuuming or sweeping the floor. This helps remove any dirt, crumbs, or pet hair that may have accumulated. It is essential to pay attention to corners, under furniture, and behind doors, as these areas tend to gather more dust and dirt.


Finally, don't forget to make the bed. A neatly made bed instantly makes the room look tidy and organized. Straighten the sheets, fluff the pillows, and arrange the blankets for a clean and inviting appearance. This simple step can drastically change the overall feel of the room.


In conclusion, cleaning our rooms is a necessary task to maintain a clean and comfortable living environment. By following these steps - picking up items, dusting suces, vacuuming/sweeping the floor, and the bed, we can ensure that our rooms remain clean and inviting. So, let's take the time to clean our rooms regularly and enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained space.


Vocabulary 词汇:

1. Organized (adj.) 有组织的

2. Tranquility (n.) 宁静

3. Belongings (n.) 物品

4. Designated (adj.) 指定的

5. Accumulate (v.) 积聚

6. Allergens (n.) 过敏原

7. Dust mites (n.) 尘螨

8. Stains (n.) 渍

9. Spills (n.) 溅泼物

10. Crumbs (n.) 面包屑





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