
关于”下册“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Lower Volume。以下是关于下册的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”下册“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Lower Volume。以下是关于下册的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lower Volume

A study in the British medical journal shows that eating more fruits, especially blueberries, apples and gs, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. This study shows that blueberries can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes compared with three whole fruits, but the effect of juice is not the same. Researchers in the UK, the United States and Singapore used data in ust for nurses and health In three large studies conducted by professionals, the link between fruit consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes was studied.

In these studies, partints were followed up every four years using a food frequency questionnaire. Partints were asked how often on average they ate a standard portion of each fruit. The fruits used in the study were gs or raisins, peaches, plums or apricots, plums, bananas, cantaloupes, apples or ears, oranges, gfruit, strawberries and blueberries Analysis of the data showed that eating three servings of blueberries, gs and raisins a week, apples and pears significantly reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes, while all fruits reduced the risk, which seemed to be particularly effective.




In recent years, the news that the proportion of English in China's traditional college entrance examination has declined has aroused heated public discussion, especially among students. They have two different views on this news: on the one hand, students who think that learning English is a boring and difficult task, while those who are not good at learning English are full of praise, because the lower the percentage of English, the smaller the gap between them and the higher English Achievers. In other words, the lower the percentage of English, the more likely they are to enter a better university.

In my opinion, people with good English scores will be disappointed because their advantages will be reduced. In the long run, the decline of English level in college entrance examination is not conducive to the overall development of students and the improvement of the English level of the whole nation. In short, the examination is a great motivation for second language learners, and the low proportion of English in the traditional college entrance examination will undoubtedly bring about further negative effects on students.





Hypertension is a polygenic hereditary disease, and family history of hypertension is a higher risk of hypertension. However, a new study found that if the United States develops good habits, it can reduce the risk of hypertension, so as to understand the relationship between lifestyle and polygenic hypertension. Researchers from the University of North Carolina provided a project called "healthy heart family survey" The study found that different lifestyles may reduce or increase the risk of hypertension genes, especially alcohol consumption.

Similarly, the researchers reported in the June issue of the online edition of the journal cardiovascular genetics cycle Members explained that the three non-smoking habits of smoking and exercise will have a greater impact on the lives of most people. People with family history of hypertension rarely exercise more than regular exercise and suffer from hypertension. So researchers believe that hypertension is not only caused by genes, but also closely related to lifestyle.







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